Iron Doggy
Covers the latest Woofs and learn more about running or hiking with your pup. Iron Doggy provides runners and outdoor enthusiasts with uniquely designed and high-quality dog running gear.
Iron Doggy
9M ago
Dogs and their humans can pick up some poor behaviors while learning to work as a team. Here are seven bad habits you'll want to avoid when leash-training a new dog.
1. Forgetting the Rewards
Would you go to work every day if you weren't getting some kind of reward? Well, neither should your dog! Your pet's rewards come in the form of treats (toys often work better for less food-motivated pups), pats, and praise. So don't forget the treat pouch or favorite toy when you start leash-training a new dog.
Also, remember to verbally praise and pet your pooch when she's doing something right. Y ..read more
Iron Doggy
10M ago
Are you and your dog looking forward to going hiking this summer? Maybe you've had a particular hiking trail on your bucket list for a while now, but you've hesitated to tackle it because of its challenging terrain. We've gathered some tips and training techniques to help prepare you and your dog to confidently tackle that trail!
Preparing Your Dog for Hiking
A couch potato pooch isn't going to be ready to hike even a gentle trail, let alone the steep trail of your dreams! It's a good idea to get the okay from his vet and your doctor before you begin a training regimen designed for the trail ..read more
Iron Doggy
11M ago
We all know that our dogs love to spend time with us. And when that time involves jogging with his favorite human? Well, that's doggy heaven! Jogging with your dog is a great way for your pet to get the exercise essential to his physical and mental well-being.
According to Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, the average dog needs at least an hour of exercise daily. Of course, your pet may need more or less than this guideline depending upon his age, breed, and health. Other factors to consider when jogging with your dog are his weight and current activity level. It's no use expecting an o ..read more
Iron Doggy
1y ago
Some dogs pull as if they're part of a sled dog team. Is your pet one of them — to the point that you're scared of walking your boisterous or overly exuberant dog? Proper training will help tame a distractible or high-energy dog's unexpected lunges, but this can take time. So how will you protect yourself from wrenched muscles, sore joints, or other injuries? How can you reduce injuries from a leashed dog?
We've listed some tips, techniques, and equipment (including dog leashes and harnesses) that may help below. First, though, let's look at why you'll want to avoid being j ..read more
Iron Doggy
1y ago
Whether it's a popular dog-friendly trail or a busy dog park, it's crucial to keep your pet safe and comfortable around other dogs. That can be hard to do if your dog hasn't spent a lot of time around strange, sometimes unruly, dogs. So now is the time to get both of you up to speed on dog park trail safety and the doggy manners necessary on crowded trails.
Having a great leash that leaves your hands free is also important when it comes to dog park trail safety. It's hard to fend off another dog (or even unwanted pats from a stranger!) when you've got your hands full managi ..read more
Iron Doggy
1y ago
Many people choose a collar for their new dog. After all, it's what most of the dogs they see around town are probably wearing. And collars are available in a wide range of cool colors and styles. Want your pet to wear a glittery pink bow or a stylish polka-dotted bow tie? There's almost certainly a collar like that! In fact, there's a collar to fit just about any pooch (and owner's!) taste. However, you may want to add a harness to your dog's wardrobe for a variety of important health and safety reasons. Deciding to choose a harness can depend on the type of dog you have, his age, how bi ..read more
Iron Doggy
1y ago
What gifts does your pet want to find under the tree or in her stocking this year? From a great hands-free leash that makes taking your dog along on your runs easy to interactive food puzzles to the world's best chew toys, treat your dogs to the best holiday gifts they'll love this season!
Don't wait for a special occasion (like her birthday or adoption day anniversary) to give a gift to your four-legged pal. Like our Ultimate Doggy Gift Guide, this holiday version is full of the gifts dogs would put on their wish lists for Santa — if they could write, that is!
Give the Gift o ..read more
Iron Doggy
1y ago
Does your always-hungry hound scarf up every crumb as soon as it hits the floor? Then you may want to ban these popular foods from your holiday celebrations. As delicious as they are to eat, most holiday foods can cause tummy distress or even serious health issues for your dog.
Not to mention the pounds you and your pet can gain from overindulging this holiday season. Better keep your running shoes and that great hands-free leash handy in order to stave off any post-holiday plumpness and enjoy the health benefits of running with your dog!
Holiday Foods That Are Toxic for Dogs
Ac ..read more
Iron Doggy
1y ago
Is a little rain going to stop you and your best bud from going out for your daily run? Of course not! Although frequent drizzly days might require a little extra planning and some special gear before you hit your favorite dog-friendly running trail. Even infrequent rainy runs will benefit from a little more focus on safety and comfort beforehand so that you're prepared for the wetness when it does strike. Let's start this quick guide to running with your dog in the rain by asking an important question:
Does Your Dog Enjoy Being Outside in the Rain?
Not all dogs like getting wet (think bathtim ..read more
Iron Doggy
1y ago
Do you come back with sore hands after every run with your dog? Leash burn can happen even after a simple walk if you aren't using the correct leash or your pampered pooch is a bit too anxious to meet and greet. Your pup doesn't even have to tug a lot to cause a painful burn. Just taking him for the frequent walks he deserves can end with leash-burned hands.
In fact, it's rare to find a dog owner who hasn't experienced at least a mild burn from holding their dog's leash!
Soothing Your Hands After a Leash Burn
A leash burn is a type of friction burn that results from a rough object ..read more