DIY Fermentation
Starting out with country style wine and mead fermentation at home for as little cost, and as natural as possible without sulfites, or other additives. Most if not all ingredients can be picked up at the local grocery store.
DIY Fermentation
1w ago
Describes the process of making 1 gallon of concord grape jam wine. Ingredients (2) 30oz jars of Concord Grape Jam (2) cups of sugar (1) teaspoon bread yeast (1) black tea bag ( 1) gallon water During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 4-6 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total. Next steps in the wine making process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbtJa2CkkSCQ9KtwQyEfAhqchJAZlP_Yk Consid ..read more
DIY Fermentation
3w ago
Describes the initial steps in making 1 gallon of honey dew melon wine. Ingredients: (3) Honey Dew Melons 4 3/4 cups sugar 1.5 oz rasins 1 black teabag 1/2 teaspoon bread yeast 1/2 teaspoon wine yeast 1/4 lemon During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 8 - 12 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total frpm start to finish. Next steps in the wine making process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list ..read more
DIY Fermentation
1M ago
Describes the making of 1 gallon of kiwi wine Ingredients 5 pounds of kiwi 4 cups sugar 1 gallon water 1 teaspoon bread yeast 1/4 lemon During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 8 - 12 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total frpm start to finish. Next steps in the wine making process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbtJa2CkkSCQ9KtwQyEfAhqchJAZlP_Yk Consider becoming a supporting member of ..read more
DIY Fermentation
2M ago
Describes the initial steps in making 1 gallon of fresh pomegranate wine. Ingredients : (10) pounds of fresh pomegranates (4) cups sugar (1) gallon water (1) teaspoon bread yeast During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 8 - 12 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total frpm start to finish. Next steps in the wine making process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbtJa2CkkSCQ9KtwQyEfAhqchJAZlP_ ..read more
DIY Fermentation
3M ago
Describes the initial steps in making a lime wine. Additional steps can be found the my Winemaking playlist on my channel page. Ingredients: (4) Pounds of limes (4) Cups of sugar (1) Black Teabag ( 1) Gallon Water (1/2) Teaspoon Wine Yeast (or bread yeast) (1/2) Teaspoon Bread Yeast During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 8 - 12 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total from start to finish. Next ..read more
DIY Fermentation
3M ago
Describes the initial steps in making a raspberry mead with a 12-month tasting. During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 8 - 12 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total from start to finish. Next steps in the wine making process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbtJa2CkkSCQ9KtwQyEfAhqchJAZlP_Yk Consider becoming a supporting member of DIY Fermentation by joining: Patreon: https://www.patre ..read more
DIY Fermentation
3M ago
Making 1 gallon of Concord Grape juice wine using natural yeast from store bought grapes & juice with a 13 month tasting.. Ingredients: 1 gallon Concord Grape Juice 1 pound (Organic) Table Grapes 1 black teabag 1/4 lemon During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 6-8 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total. Next steps in the wine making process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbtJa2Ckk ..read more
DIY Fermentation
6M ago
Walks you thru the initial steps of making 1 gallon (4 liters) of Wild Blueberry wine with a 12-Month tasting Ingredients: 4 Pounds (1.81 kilograms) of blueberries 4 1/2 cups of sugar 1 gallon (4 liters) water 1/2 teaspoon Wine yeast (or bread yeast) 1/2 teaspoon bread yeast (yeast nutrient) 1 black tea bag 1/4 lemon Straining bags (optional) During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 4-6 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let a ..read more
DIY Fermentation
6M ago
Describes the initial steps in making 1 gallon of blackberry mead. 4 pounds of blackberries 4 pounds 100% raw honey 3/4 gallon of water | 1.89271 Liters 1/4 lemon 1/2 teaspoon wine yeast | 1.23 grams 1/2 teaspoon bread yeast | 1.23 grams Straining bag (optional) During the first 3 days give your musk a good stir, and to break up the fruit cap that will form if you are not using straining bags. Rack into secondary after 5 - 7 days, and continue to rack every 8 - 12 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total frpm start to finish. Next steps in the wine ma ..read more
DIY Fermentation
6M ago
Describes the initial steps in making 1 gallon of ginger mead with a tasting 1 year later. Follow up steps can be found: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbtJa2CkkSCQ9KtwQyEfAhqchJAZlP_Yk Ingredients: 16 oz Ginger 3 pounds raw honey 1 gallon water 1 orange 1/2 lemon 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 teaspoon wine yeast 1/2 teaspoon bread yeast Rack into secondary after 14 - 21 days, and continue to rack every 8 - 12 weeks until clear. Degas, back sweeten, bottle let age for at least 12 months total frpm start to finish. Next steps in the wine making process: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbtJ ..read more