Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
Engine Yard Kontainers (EYK) is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for deploying and managing applications in containers. The blog covers topics related to Ruby on Rails, Platform as a Service, AWS, and more.
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
Your blog The concept of encrypted secrets evolved and acquired a better shape with each update of the Rails version. Recently, Rails 6.2 has brought in many such updates to the credentials feature. Let us analyze and discuss encrypted credentials further, how to read them, the advantages, and finally, how to manage a secret key base ..read more
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
Code concurrency is a default in any Rails code. A threaded web serverwill simultaneously serve many HTTP requests, and each will hold its controller instance. Threaded active job adapters and action cable channels also handle multiple requests simultaneously. Even when the global process space is shared, work for each instance is managed separately. For scenarios where the shared space is not altered, this process will run smoothly ..read more
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
User engagement is of the highest importance in today's world, no matter what you sell or offer to your clients. And mobile phone notifications play the masterstroke in this aspect. By regular interactions with your clients through push notifications, it is possible to release timely updates and stay connected with them. So, let us discuss setting up an Apple push notification service (APN) with a Node.js application today ..read more
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
From Airbnb to Zendesk, a ton of really great apps were built using the Ruby programming language and the Rails web framework. Albeit a less popular option than other front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vuejs, Rails still holds substantial merit in modern software development ..read more
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
If setting up a virtual development environment is your goal, here is a guide on how to utilize the vagrant box and virtual machine for this purpose. Let’s discuss the process in detail with this blog ..read more
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
Any rails program would have secrets to be stored, for at least the secret key base with tokens for third-party APIs. Post version updates, handling secrets has become easier ..read more
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
We continue our series on designing and launching new features on Rails by looking at the feature release process. If you missed the first article in this series, check it out now for essential tips on designing your new feature on Rails ..read more
Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails
2y ago
I hope you enjoyed creating some games with Gosu last week. For now, it's back to business. This installment of Ruby Unbundled kicks off a new thread that looks at two interconnected topics: system design and the launch of new features in Rails applications ..read more