Oink Blog
In 1986 I bought my first comic, OiNK! It introduced me to the world of comics and a few years back I decided to relive it issue-by-issue in real time, reading and reviewing each one on its original release date on my blog.
Oink Blog
3d ago
Right from the off OiNK was different in every way, even with its fan club. Older readers of this blog will have had (or will have known someone who had) the famous Gnasher furry badge as a child from Beano’s fan club. But OiNK went one better. Not only could we proudly display a piggy ..read more
Oink Blog
1w ago
This evocative cover by John Bolton (Jurassic Park, Aliens, Black Dragon) shows us Count Dracula descending on poor Lucy Westerna (played by Sadie Frost in her first film role) and it has me wondering exactly what the comic will show from certain scenes in the film. We’ll find out as we creak open the coffin ..read more
Oink Blog
1w ago
Throughout OiNK’s run Uncle Pigg liked to show off how well received his comic was with the public (and even on one occasion how badly received it was, but more on that later in the year). As well as the kids telling him how awesome he was, he’d print newspaper and magazine articles that highlighted ..read more
Oink Blog
2w ago
Well here’s something new for the blog to mark the 400th post! Collecting complete runs of classic comics isn’t easy (or cheap) and when it comes to those last, elusive issues it’s inevitable those I need to buy will be bundled in with doubles of issues already purchased. Unlike those Panini sticker albums we had ..read more
Oink Blog
2w ago
Originally created for the 2024 London Comic Con, Lew Stringer’s Comic Sampler does exactly as you’d expect with a title like that. Inside its card sleeve is an abundance of Lew’s characters in a seemingly random selection of reprints that shows off the wide variety of funny strips he’s produced over his career. Beginning with ..read more
Oink Blog
3w ago
My heart sank a little with this Derek Yaniger cover. Don’t get me wrong, it’s another superb piece by him, we’ve come to expect nothing less these past few months (unfortunately his only contribution to this issue). The problem for me is that Bludgeon is my favourite leader of the Decepticons! He may only have ..read more
Oink Blog
3w ago
(This post was due yesterday but Storm Éowyn had otherideas and knocked out my electricity and internet!) In May 2024 I told you all about a fantastic new Kickstarter project from Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics. With the rights to produce G.I. Joe (and Transformers) comics now in their more than capable hands they were ..read more
Oink Blog
3w ago
Any Aliens fan will recognise this scene depicted by superb Irish artist Kilian Plunkett (The Unknown Soldier, The Mask, Star Wars – The Clone Wars TV series) so we know the final part to the movie adaptation is inside #8 of Dark Horse International‘s monthly from 1993. Two of the strips come to an end ..read more
Oink Blog
3w ago
The first new real time read through for 2025 adds a third title to the Dark Horse International menu on the blog with Bram Stoker’s Dracula from 1993. This was released in the same year as their Jurassic Park comic and follows a similar formula, the movie adaptation taking up all of the comic strip ..read more
Oink Blog
1M ago
I remember renting the VHS of Bram Stoker’s Dracula as a teenager, liking the idea of a modern film making the Count scary again after the numerous films I’d found silly growing up. However, I decided to watch it very late at night curled up in my bed. Through no fault of the film (but ..read more