What can you do with an AI scripture research assistant?
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
1w ago
This week we added a general “AI” button in the nav bar of the web app. There are different prompts here that can help you start off a study session. We are almost ready to release this for mobile users as well. I decided to ask Daniel the AI a couple questions about what it ..read more
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In the Language of Adam with Dave Butler
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
1M ago
Last week I had the chance to chat with Dave Butler about his new book, “In the Language of Adam.” You can get a copy of the book here: https://www.inthelanguageofadam.com/, and one unique thing about this book is once you have a copy, you can access 10 hours of bonus video content on their website ..read more
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Your Neck, That it May Bear Up Your Head Properly
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
2M ago
I love symbolism, though admittedly, I’m not very good at recognizing the subtle things. I’m really quite good with obvious things like Aslan representing Christ in the Narnia books by C.S. Lewis?, but things that take time and thought and searching are a challenge, as they are meant to be. Thomas Paine wrote, “Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods” and with symbolism, that is certainly true. While doing initiatories at the temple recently, I was pondering how each of the “physical” blessings pronounced upon our bodies are actually spiritual in nature. One of those phrases that ..read more
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Unlocking the Apocrypha with Jonah Barnes
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
3M ago
Join us Sunday, June 23rd at 4 pm Mountain time (Utah), for a webinar with Jonah Barnes talking about how to study and unlock the truths contained in apocryphal texts. The ancient records that have come forth the last couple centuries have been a treasure trove of content that both supports ancient scripture texts, as well as brings new ideas forward that support the doctrines of the restoration. Sign up now and don’t miss this webinar. Bio: Jonah Barnes climbed out of a meteorite in the countryside in Kansas, USA. Historians estimate it was about 40 years ago. He can run faster than a speedi ..read more
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Scripture Notes Study Session Utilizing AI
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
3M ago
Here’s a quick video from earlier this week where I was using AI to help me locate other references in the scriptures. This is such a powerful tool to enhance scripture study. Please check it out ..read more
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Ancient American Archaeology with Wayne May
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
4M ago
Wayne May is one of the foremost experts on North American archaeology related to the Book of Mormon peoples. He has worked on a number of projects and loves sharing his research. In this interview, I got to ask Wayne some questions I hope you’ll find fascinating. Bio: Wayne N. May was born and raised in Wisconsin. He is a 54 year convert to the LDS Church and has served in numerous church callings for leadership and teaching. His wife Kristine is active with Wayne in the archaeological discoveries of the Midwest. Together they publish the quarterly magazine Ancient American which has been in ..read more
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Using A.I. to Study the Scriptures
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
4M ago
Here’s a quick example of using A.I. in Scripture Notes to study the scriptures. You can also watch a video on this at the bottom of the post if you want to see the work flow in the app instead of just in pictures. This morning I was led to read from Ezekiel 44. In this chapter, we read about an apostasy of the Levites when they went astray, and their eventual restoration to where they would again offer an offering to the Lord in righteousness. Further down in verse 17 we read about a requirement to not wear wool while serving in the temple. I decided to click the link icon and then open up ..read more
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Listeth – Who Do We Lean To?
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
5M ago
Word use is fascinating to me. Stumbling upon certain words in certain locations used by certain people but not others is part-geeky, and part-intriguing. Check out this short video to see what I mean with the word ‘listeth.’     ..read more
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Introducing Daniel, your Scripture Notes AI Research Assistant
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
5M ago
I am so excited to introduce you to the latest Scripture Notes feature. Meet Daniel, the Scripture Notes AI research assistant. Daniel is available by every verse and paragraph in the Scripture Notes library to help you find context and meaning for what you are studying. This is only the very beginning stages of what this new research assistant will be able to do, so please try it out and put it to work for you. Watch this brief demo video to see how to use it ..read more
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Snatched from Hell
Scripture Notes
by Oak Norton
6M ago
On this Easter morning, I’m very grateful to have discovered a word in the Book of Mormon that perfectly describes this day. The word is “snatched” and it’s use in the Book of Mormon is perfectly suited for God’s mercy in sending his Son to save us. Alma the younger is an interesting story. His father was part of wicked king Noah’s court, but believing on the words of Abinadi the prophet, Alma Sr. had to flee for his life from Noah and his officers. Hiding himself but secretly preaching the word to the people, Alma convinced many of the truth of God’s redeeming message and baptized them at th ..read more
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