March Into Spring
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
1M ago
Spring is upon us, we have made it through the winter months and the weather is starting to warm up and melt winter snow away. This is the best time to get back out on the roads with our walks and runs. Shake off the hibernation cobwebs and get moving again. Research has shown that as little as 20-30 mins a day of walking has the ability to add years to your life and life to your years. I always recommend starting off slowly and building into a regular routine, however, the problem that almost always exists at this time of year though is… foot pain. When we get more active that often means mor more
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Summer Dehydration
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
10M ago
With this spectacularly warm summer that we’ve been having one thing that has been apparent with patients is that they are, for the most part, dehydrated. There are many people that are suffering the effects of dehydration and aren’t aware of it. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of dehydration for you to be aware of: Dry mouth Headaches Muscle cramping Tight muscles Decreased urine output Dark yellow urine Dry skin Fatigue Increased thirst Decreased sweating You won’t necessarily have all of these symptoms when dehydrated. Often times people will ignore one or two of these symptoms an more
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Top 10 Reasons People LOVE Getting Adjusted
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
1y ago
Being a chiropractor has been one of the most rewarding careers I could ever imagine. I’m eternally grateful that I made the difficult decision to pursue an education that was tedious, mentally challenging and extremely expensive. Ask anyone who is a chiropractor and they will tell you that while, extremely difficult, there is no regrets to having their doctorate of chiropractic. The reason why we all love it so much is because of what we hear from our patients on a daily basis. These are the top 10 reasons why people love coming into our office: 1. Their pain levels drop dramatically. Every s more
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Chiropractic For The Ages
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
1y ago
Chiropractic was founded over 100 years ago by a man named D.D. Palmer. This profession grew during a time when the understanding of anatomy and physiology was mostly on what you could see with the naked eye. What the early chiropractors had to do was develop a profession through trial and error. The copious amounts of quality research supporting chiropractic that we have today wasn’t available to the early pioneers who didn’t truly realize the full capabilities of the chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic has risen over the years to become a diverse profession that is backed by clinical resul more
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What Are YOU Doing To Prevent Catching A Cold Or Flu?
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
1y ago
This is generally the time of the year that we see an influx of patients come into our office or cancel their appointments because they’ve caught a cold or flu. What many people don’t realize is that, for the most part, this is a very avoidable illness that does not need to incapacitate you and leaving you wishing for a “quick fix”. Build your body’s immune response to these foreign invaders by following these simple strategies: 1. Reduce sugar intake 1a) Sugar plays an important role in energy in the body, however, when taking in excess it causes insulin spikes which result in a suppression o more
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Christmas Joy
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
1y ago
When you think of Christmas do you feel joy and excitement or do you feel anxiety and stress? This is a day that will bring up a mix of emotions with different people. Whether or not you celebrate Christmas this is a time of the year where we have patients that come in with an assortment of stress induced problems. It’s not a mystery as to how stress can cause the spine and nervous system to be negatively affected. This is something that chiropractors have identified well over 100 years ago. We see it commonly in our offices and there is no doubt that the adjustment gives immense relief to the more
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Toxic Environments
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
1y ago
The body is a marvelous machine. Every interaction you make with your environment has an immediate reaction within your body. Everything that you touch, see, smell, taste, and hear will elicit a chemical reaction within your body that ultimately will impact your overall health. We often only think of germs as being the reason we get sick. We feel that if we limit our exposure to germs we could possibly never get sick. The reality of this is that we can never eliminate our exposure. This became ever apparent over the last 2 years with the pandemic. We were exposed to a virus that spread despite more
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Pandemic Neck Problems
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
1y ago
It’s no secret that chiropractic does a great job at helping those with neck pain. In fact most people that enter our office present with neck pain. So, the greatest question should be why is neck pain such a pandemic? The easiest answer is that humans have created a life that is not conducive to a healthy spine. Especially when we look over the last two years and see that we have created “temporary” at home work spaces that are not ergonomically correct, we stare are our computers with a head forward posture, or have our heads down as we stare at our phones, we are more sedentary and our diet more
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Spring Into Health
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
2y ago
The days are getting longer and the air is getting warmer. For many people that means the hibernation can now end and people will naturally start to filter into the outdoors and enjoy warmer weather. Unfortunately, a sedentary winter will often equate to stiff muscles, stiff joints and weight gain. This is extremely detrimental on overall health and wellness. The human body was designed to move on a continual basis. When we slow down and stop moving it causes the body to deteriorate. It’s extremely common for our office to see a sharp increase in new patients at this time of the year. The reas more
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Re-Opening Into New Health
Kramp Chiropractic
by Staff Member
2y ago
It’s been two years that we’ve been going through this pandemic together. Two years ago what was supposed to be two weeks has now been extended into what felt like an eternity. We’ve socially distanced, locked down, masked up, increased hand sanitizer usage, etc… All of these actions, while deemed important, have created havoc within our health. As a result we’ve been more sedentary, we’ve had less physical affection from loved ones, we’ve decimated the microbiome on our skin and gut in the attempt to kill viruses. Thankfully, it seems we’ve reached a point that we can now look at this virus a more
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