Burnt Fit Blog
At Burnt Fit we focus on providing you with all the information that you would require to live a healthier life both mentally & physically and we do so in a sustainable and realistic manner. Whether you are looking for At Home Programs, Running Programs, Yoga, Mental Wellbeing or Nutritional Guidance, we've got you!
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
The gut, also known as the digestive system, gastrointestinal tract, or even referred to as the “second brain” of the body serves many essential roles in sustaining our overall health and well-being.
Poor gut health has been linked to an array of health conditions. It can affect proper digestion and absorption of nutrients, aggravate inflammation, and is linked to our mental well-being. Modern lifestyles resulting in chronic stress, infections, diets high in processed foods, and the excessive use of antibiotics all negatively affect our guts.
Our bodies are home to over a hundred trillion tiny ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
The term mindfulness refers to being present and fully aware of one’s experiences. It allows one to use emotions, thoughts and senses to bring about awareness to what is being practiced. Being mindful does not only mean we’re aware of our thoughts but also encompasses the surrounding environment, bodily sensations and feelings.
Mindful eating (also commonly known as intuitive eating) combines behavioural change with dietary changes and has become increasingly popular over the last few years. So much so that the practice of mindful eating has and is currently being studied to determine various ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
Up until a couple of years ago fats were commonly deemed the culprit for weight-gain, raised cholesterol levels and many other diet related diseases. Nowadays we know that eating fat doesn’t actually make one fat. Fat is a vital macronutrient responsible for an array of physiological processes.
Just like amino acids are the building blocks of protein, fatty acids are the building blocks of fats. During digestion, our bodies break down fat into fatty acids which are classified according to the amount of carbon atoms in their chains. Short chain fatty acids (SCFA) contain up to 5 carbon atoms, m ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
Our immunity is comprised of all mechanisms used to defend our bodies against viruses, bacteria, parasites and other threats we may encounter. The link between proper nutrition and immunity is strong and there is growing awareness of how vital it is to consume appropriate amounts of both macro and micronutrients for optimal immune health.
In the summary below, we look at some of the many vitamins and minerals required to give our immune system what it needs to aid in the fight against harmful pathogens.
Vitamin A
The antimicrobial properties of vitamin A may play a role in the figh ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
Ingredients used while baking are typically high in saturated fats and sugar while being low in certain micronutrients and levels of satiation. Fortunately, there are some simple tweaks we can incorporate into our baked goods making them more nutritionally dense, higher in protein and fibre and lower in refined sugars.
Create balance while baking with these 12 simple hacks: 1. Swop out your oil
Applesauce or pumpkin puree can be used instead of oil – for every 1 cup of oil use ¾ cup applesauce / puree.
Applesauce is typically found in convenience stores overseas but can ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
Over the recent years there has been a booming interest in the consumption of plant-based milk alternatives. Not only has the demand for milk alternatives increased but the varieties found in the supermarket aisles are endless. There are a lot of reasons why people would opt for plant-based options. A lot of people struggle with possible negative effects of lactose found in cow’s milk or are simply looking for lower calorie alternatives. Although plant-based milks are generally lower in calories than cow’s milk, they are also lower in protein. Be sure to check nutritional labels and decide wha ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
Over the years carbohydrates have developed somewhat of a bad reputation. From no carb diets to 21-day carb cuts people have expected miracle results from cutting the macronutrient from their diets.
Our bodies were designed to use carbohydrates as its main source of energy. Not only are carbohydrates an important form of fuel but evidence from a variety of studies has shown that consuming sources of complex or unrefined carbohydrates on a daily basis results in accelerated weight-loss and lower body weights.
The importance lies in what carbohydrates you’re consuming. They’re divide ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
Fasted cardio is exactly what the name suggests – performing a form of aerobic exercise in a fasted state.
Dietary interventions such as fasted cardio are often introduced with the idea of speeding up fat loss and fast tracking our goals. Does purposefully not eating before a workout, despite being hungry have any proven benefits? Let’s take a look at the science behind it.
Some theories suggest that consistent exercising, while in a fasted state results in bodily adaptations which support fat oxidation (the breaking down of fat cells)1.
In a study published by the Journal of ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
Raise your hand if you know you should stretch. Now raise your other hand if you know you should stretch, but still never actually do it.
The biggest mistake runners and other athletes make when it comes to stretching is simply by not doing it. It’s so important to stay flexible/ mobile in order to stay injury-free. Runners who focus solely on running and ignore cross-training and stretching are at a higher risk of getting injured.
If you keep training/ running without dynamic stretching, you will end up becoming overly tight in some areas and weak in other areas and if yo ..read more
Burnt Fit Blog
3y ago
Long gone are the days when the only thing we did with protein powder was add it to smoothies. It can be incorporated into our diets so easily and in many different ways to help us reach our protein goals.
Protein powders are powdered forms of protein derived from either plant (hemp, rice, soy, pea) or animal (eggs, dairy) based sources. Different brands contain varying amounts of calories, macro and micronutrients so it is important to choose one that has a nutritional profile in line with your individual goals.
Types of protein powders:
Whey protein
Whey protein is a fast ..read more