Outwitting Life
Loretta shares her experiences about overcoming adversity (breast cancer), staying positive, embracing change, and being grateful while keeping a sense of humor. Her goal is to inspire you to stay positive in the face of change and learn ways to start Outwitting Life.
Outwitting Life
7M ago
Valentine’s Day is not just for youngsters! I’ve put together ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day as an adult. Everyone can get in on the holiday – singles, couples, and married folk too!
My husband and I have been married for 33 years. As you might have guessed, we give each other cards for Valentine’s Day. There are no more romantic candlelight dinners or bouquets of lilies for us. About twenty years into our marriage, we became more practical and stopped spending money on Valentine’s Day. I wish we didn’t. More on that later.
I tried looking up the origins of Valentine’s Day, but it wasn ..read more
Outwitting Life
8M ago
It is January 18th, and I am so sick of the “It’s a New Year, New You, blah, blah, blah! My social media accounts have been inundated with sales promos, including saving money tips, diets, fitness “must-dos,” goal setting and healthy recipes. Can you relate?
Are Any of These One Of Your Resolutions?
Are you aware that almost 80% of people who set New Year’s resolutions abandon them? In fact, yesterday was National Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day. If you do not believe me, check out this link: https://nationaltoday.com/ditch-new-years-resolution-day/#:~:text=Grab%20some%20ice%20cream%2C%20 ..read more
Outwitting Life
10M ago
Have you ever been on a highway and noticed a billboard but were too far away to read it? That is my life right now. I receive the universe’s blurry messages but can’t seem to read them. What is the point? Why does the universe send us blurry messages? It’s frustrating!
I know, I know, eventually, I will connect the dots, and all will be revealed…blah, blah, blah. But what if I don’t want to wait? I am a New Yorker and used to getting everything immediately. Last week, and completely unrelated to each other, I participated in two group discussions on FEAR. On the same day! That has to mean som ..read more
Outwitting Life
11M ago
October is complicated for me. Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) always brings mixed feelings. Six years, and I still can’t stomach pink!
As I have mentioned here before, breast cancer ruined the color pink. I am thrilled with BCAM’s awareness of the disease but appalled at all the “Pinkwashing” that major brands embrace.
If you are unfamiliar with the phrase pinkwashing, see the definition below that I found in the Urban Dictionary:
Pinkwashing: The act of using breast cancer to guilt consumers into buying a product which, if it had not been for the advent of aidin ..read more
Outwitting Life
1y ago
Unexpected triggers hit me when I feel great, so I never know how to handle them. Does this ever happen to you?
I am ok if I go to a cancer fundraiser because I know something there will trigger me. But the trigger that hits when I’m out enjoying myself is a real challenge. My heart races, I become lightheaded, and I often cry—no easy explanation for this in real time.
It happened to me two weekends ago and upset me for days. Why now? I am six and a half years cancer-free; I don’t understand why this still occurs. It frustrates me when I get caught off guard.
Can You Prepare for Unexpected Tr ..read more
Outwitting Life
1y ago
Aside from January, the anticipation of September might be my favorite time of year. Are you excited about the change of seasons?
September marks the start of a new school year. Yes, it forces us to say goodbye to Summer. However, it lets us say hello to Fall, sweater weather, apple picking, and pumpkin-flavored everything. Who doesn’t love that? For me, September is more exciting than the beginning of a new year. I think it is because everything changes. And I like change.
Photo by Nothing Ahead
Don’t Miss Out On the Change of Seasons
There is so much to see as we transition to Fall. It is ea ..read more
Outwitting Life
1y ago
It is the beginning of August, and man, it is hot. Are you feeling sad about the dog days of summer? I have heard this phrase used many times. Do you know the history behind the dog days of summer?
Believe it or not, this phrase has nothing to do with dogs. How disappointing! All these years, I have imagined a big hairy dog panting like crazy due to the dog days of summer. According to Reader’s Digest, the phrase “dog days of summer” actually has nothing to do with man’s best friend. The term dates back to the Greeks and Romans. And, they weren’t referring to real dogs, but to the great astron ..read more
Outwitting Life
1y ago
The tragedy is over, so you should feel euphoric, right? Being a survivor is not as easy as you think. You are alive and undoubtedly grateful; however, survivorship is highly complicated.
Currently, I am in my sixth year of breast cancer survival. Cancer treatment was a harrowing experience, but that’s not what I want to write about today. I want to explore what it’s like to be a survivor.
Family members and friends are relieved when you “beat” cancer and become a survivor. They expect your life to return to normal, and the experience will be filed away under accomplishments. That is so not tr ..read more
Outwitting Life
1y ago
Do you handle change graciously, or does it put you in a spiral? Why does change have to be so difficult?
I have had many changes in my life these past few years. Some changes were intentional, while others were completely beyond my control. The ones you can’t control are the most challenging. Most people do not enjoy forced changes, yet others seem adept at graciously handling them. Do you tend to spiral or accept graciously?
Having had multiple uncontrollable life-changing events (breast cancer, job loss), I am grateful that one of my best qualities is my resilience. My resilience and natura ..read more
Outwitting Life
1y ago
As most of you know, I am addicted to Diet Coke. Ergo, I spend a lot of time in McDonald’s drive-thrus. Frankly, it appalls me how people behave there. So, here is a review of public etiquette in a drive-thru. Kindly enjoy my sarcasm.
Drive-thrus have become a staple in our society. They are great for short lunch breaks. You don’t have to get out of your car; you can use an app so the food is ready when you arrive. Plus, you can eat in your vehicle while rocking out to your favorite tunes. What’s not to like? I am so glad you asked!
Public Etiquette Has Vanished
Drive-thrus tend to reveal our ..read more