Caregiver Connection
A blog about Caregiving. The Caregiver Connection provides a place you can find information and support, and hear from health care professionals and other caregivers on a wide range of topics that may affect you or your loved one.
Caregiver Connection
2y ago
As a family caregiver, you’re likely familiar with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). But did you know that the Massachusetts’ Paid Family and Medical Leave (MA PFML) law was enacted in 2018? It went into effect just last year, in 2021, and it’s one of the most generous in the country more
Caregiver Connection
2y ago
“Family caregivers provide an unheralded service that is central to the structure of our families and society. Let’s honor them by acknowledging the magnitude of their role and advancing real solutions to lighten the load that they carry for us all.” -Richard Burke, president and CEO of Fallon Health more
Caregiver Connection
2y ago
Over the years, the Caregiver Connection blog has had many posts about self-care for caregivers. In recognition of National Family Caregivers Month, we’ve collected several of them for you here for easy reference more
Caregiver Connection
2y ago
As we begin a new year, we do so while still dealing with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to what you read most on this blog last year, your focus has been on your loved one’s mental health as well as your own, and how to support them more
Caregiver Connection
2y ago
As we begin a new year, we do so while still dealing with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to what you read most on this blog last year, your focus has been on your loved one’s mental health as well as your own, and how to support them more
Caregiver Connection
2y ago
“Family caregivers provide an unheralded service that is central to the structure of our families and society. Let’s honor them by acknowledging the magnitude of their role and advancing real solutions to lighten the load that they carry for us all.” -Richard Burke, president and CEO of Fallon Health more
Caregiver Connection
3y ago
Over the years, the Caregiver Connection blog has had many posts about self-care for caregivers. In recognition of National Family Caregivers Month, we’ve collected several of them for you here for easy reference more
Caregiver Connection
3y ago
Talking about your role as a caregiver can be essential for maintaining clear understanding and communication between you and your loved one. By acknowledging the changes that are happening and the increased need for support, you can build a more effective relationship and a more mutually positive experience more
Caregiver Connection
3y ago
If your loved one's health declines, you may find yourself taking responsibility for complicated, difficult tasks that used to fall to medical professionals. "It's not unusual for caregivers to feel overwhelmed," said Linda Pellegrini, a Gerontological Nurse Practitioner at UMass Memorial Medical Center. In her blog post, she explains which tasks are considered complex, how to find resources to help you and why it's imperative to take care of yourself more
Caregiver Connection
3y ago
Talking openly about dementia can help reduce the myths—as well as the fear, shame, stigma and stereotypes—that surround it more