Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
The latest news and information from the Canadian Craft Brewers Association. We represent the interests of a growing industry of over 1,000 small and independent craft breweries, brewpubs and their supplier partners in every province and territory in Canada.
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
2d ago
As the year draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on a year of achievements, challenges, and forward momentum for the craft brewing industry. Advocating for nearly 1,200 small and independent breweries across Canada, we’ve worked tirelessly to promote and protect our sector. Here’s a look back at some of our key milestones in 2024.
The post Bilan de l’année: 2024 – Une année de transformation pour l’industrie brassicole artisanale canadienne first appeared on Canadian Craft Brewers Association - Association des microbrasseries canadiennes more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
1w ago
As the year draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on a year of achievements, challenges, and forward momentum for the craft brewing industry. Advocating for nearly 1,200 small and independent breweries across Canada, we’ve worked tirelessly to promote and protect our sector. Here’s a look back at some of our key milestones in 2024.
The post Year in Review: 2024 – A Transformative Year for Canadian Craft Brewing first appeared on Canadian Craft Brewers Association - Association des microbrasseries canadiennes more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
3w ago
Did you know that the Canada Beer Cup is Canada’s only national not-for-profit beer
competition? More importantly, 100% of the proceeds go toward supporting our federal
advocacy efforts. That means every entry, every award, and every cheer at the Canada
Beer Cup is also an investment in the future of Canada’s craft brewing industry.
The post Lever un verre aux brasseurs artisanaux canadiens: La défense des intérêts, la résilience et la Coupe des bières du Canada 2024 first appeared on Canadian Craft Brewers Association - Association des microbrasseries canadiennes more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
1M ago
Did you know that the Canada Beer Cup is Canada’s only national not-for-profit beer
competition? More importantly, 100% of the proceeds go toward supporting our federal
advocacy efforts. That means every entry, every award, and every cheer at the Canada
Beer Cup is also an investment in the future of Canada’s craft brewing industry.
The post Raising a Glass to Canadian Craft Brewers: Advocacy, Resilience, and the 2024 Canada Beer Cup first appeared on Canadian Craft Brewers Association - Association des microbrasseries canadiennes more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
2M ago
Saviez-vous que la Coupe des bières du Canada est la seule compétition nationale de bière sans but lucratif au Canada? Plus important encore, 100% des recettes servent à soutenir nos efforts de représentation au niveau fédéral. Cela signifie que chaque inscription, chaque prix et chaque coup à la Coupe des bières du Canada est également un investissement dans l'avenir de l'industrie brassicole artisanale du Canada.
The post La Coupe des bières du Canada et le lobbying fédéral: Un duo gagnant first appeared on Canadian Craft Brewers Association - Association des microbrasseries canadiennes more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
4M ago
This year started as an uphill climb for many breweries. As your national voice in Ottawa, the Canadian Craft Brewers Association knows that you’re facing sky rocking ingredient and material costs, high interest rates and changing consumer tastes. Repaying CEBA during the slowest month of the year wasn’t a fun way to kick off the year either.
The post Santé au progrès et à la croissance de l’industrie brassicole artisanale canadienne first appeared on Canadian Craft Brewers Association - Association des microbrasseries canadiennes more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
4M ago
This year started as an uphill climb for many breweries. As your national voice in Ottawa, the Canadian Craft Brewers Association knows that you’re facing sky rocking ingredient and material costs, high interest rates and changing consumer tastes. Repaying CEBA during the slowest month of the year wasn’t a fun way to kick off the year either.
The post Cheers to Progress and Growth in the Canadian Craft Brewing Industry first appeared on Canadian Craft Brewers Association - Association des microbrasseries canadiennes more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
6M ago
Cette année a commencé comme une montée difficile pour de nombreuses brasseries. En tant que votre voix nationale à Ottawa, l’Association des microbrtasseries canadiennes sait que vous faites face à des coûts en forte augmentation, à des taux d’intérêt élevés et à des goûts des consommateurs en évolution. Rembourser CUEC pendant le mois le plus calme de l’année n’était pas non plus une façon amusante de commencer l’année.
Sachant que ces pressions sont existentielles pour de nombreuses brasseries, l’AMBC se bat plus fort que jamais et est fière d’avoir obtenu une victoire majeure le 1er avril more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
6M ago
Go for Gold: Why Entering the Canada Beer Cup is an Investment in Your Brewery and Canada’s Craft Brewing Industry
This year started as an uphill climb for many breweries. As your national voice in Ottawa, the Canadian Craft Brewers Association knows that you’re facing sky rocking ingredient and material costs, high interest rates and changing consumer tastes. Repaying CEBA during the slowest month of the year wasn’t a fun way to kick off the year either.
Knowing that these pressures are existential for many breweries, the CCBA has been fighting harder than ever, and was proud to have a more
Canadian Craft Brewers Association Blog
7M ago
Bonjour communauté du brassage artisanal,
Merci à tous ceux qui nous ont rejoints lors de notre récente assemblée générale annuelle 2024. Pour ceux qui n’ont pas pu être présents, voici un bref résumé de ce que nous avons abordé.
Rapport sur la gouvernance et les priorités stratégiques
Il y a un an depuis que j’ai assumé le rôle de Directrice Exécutive, et je suis heureuse de rapporter que nous avons fait des progrès solides. Nous avons relevé de grands défis, comme le remboursement de notre prêt CUEC et la résistance contre certai more