Planters Place
PlantersPlace is a gardening website intended for those who wish to learn how to garden or who want to learn how to garden better.
Planters Place
1w ago
A new gardening book claims to give you the tactics to nurture your vegetable garden in just 10 minutes increments. Not only that, the author also says you’ll have a veggie garden and a life, all while growing more food more efficiently. Is that even possible? YouTube garden content creator CaliKim says yes. And she’s ...
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Planters Place
2w ago
Well, I'm happy to leave the heat behind, but I'm not so happy about cold weather when it makes my old joints hurt. But, for better or worse, winter is around the corner, so my spouse and I are busily preparing our yard for what may come. In addition to putting away the Thanksgiving decorations ...
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Planters Place
2w ago
Mild winter herbs have never really been in the realm of possibility for a New England gardener like myself. The most I have ever hoped for is the parsley to have a few remaining stalks in March and that’s only if I mulched it sufficiently. But now that winters aren’t as cold and as long ...
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Planters Place
1M ago
The year's best shopping days are approaching. For gardeners the only thing better than picking up new garden goodies and plants is picking them up for a steal. If you're looking for Black Friday deals for gardeners, here are my top 5 picks! First, from Epic Gardening, use this link for a coupon up to ...
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Planters Place
1M ago
Many of us are ready to clean up the garden, but what do we do with all of this spent vegetation and debris? Here are a few guidelines on what you should do with your garden waste to reduce pest and disease issues next season. 3 Bin Composting System Plants Suffering from an Infection of ...
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Planters Place
1M ago
Don’t laugh, but it’s taken me a while to realize I live in a woods. I don’t know why I just realized this pretty obvious fact…I’m not normally this dense. Having come to this earth-shattering epiphany, I now understand why I can’t grow sun loving plants – in the woods, there’s just far too much ...
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Planters Place
1M ago
I’ve decided to grow sprouts in my newly cleaned growing closet. The closet, which had once been home to my wintertime seed sprouting activities, became the catch-all space for plungers, power tools and spare cans of paint (like we’ll ever use those). A rainy weekend provided me ample time to revitalize the space and take ...
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Planters Place
1M ago
Hello again, Green Friends! It’s been a while, and I apologize for that. Lately, it seems there’s been little to write about. First, we experienced ridiculous, nearly unbearable heat and humidity through the latter part of summer. I remember wondering how humans manage to live without air conditioning! And then I remembered: I DID live ...
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Planters Place
1M ago
Thai chili peppers are not my usual jam. And by jam, I don’t mean pepper jam or jelly. Give me a jalapeño at 2,500-8,000 units on the Scoville heat scale or maybe even a serrano (10,000-23,000) if I’m feeling daring and that’s about it. Thai chilis are 60,000-100,000 Scovilles, and for me that can be ...
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Planters Place
1M ago
Timing the stunning blossoms of Amaryllis for the Winter holiday season requires a bit of planning. Shoot for the first of November when planting Amaryllis bulbs for holiday blooms. Here's the how-to for show-stopping blossoms for the home or gifting: Planting Tips: First, prepare the pot: Use a clean container with a layer of well-draining ...
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