Food Allergy Allies Blog
A nonprofit organization that is dedicated to providing resources for people who face both food insecurity & dietary restrictions. Our blog explores a wide variety of topics related to food allergies & food insecurity. Articles feature testimonials, photos, and results of our efforts.
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
With so much attention placed on kids with food allergies, it is easy to forget that adults and senior citizens can (and do) have food allergies too. Oftentimes, adults with food allergies struggle to find age appropriate resources among the plethora of “back to school tips” and “playdate advice” articles found on most food allergy advocacy sites. The reasoning for the abundance of child-oriented information is sound: food allergies are more prevalent in children under the age of 5 than in adults. Nevertheless, food allergies impact up to 26 million adults in the US.
Approximately 11% of adu ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
Food Allergy Allies works exclusively within Texas (specifically the city of Houston) to provide free allergy friendly foods to people in need with food allergies. Today, we are going to take a look at what food insecurity in Texas looks like, and how this compares to the rest of the nation.
1 in 7 Texans experiences food insecurity
Food insecurity refers to the inability to consistently access affordable, readily available, and healthy food. For example, take a look at the following examples of food insecurity:
Members of a family skip meals to ensure there is enough food ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
Special food allergy friendly food items can be double or even triple the cost of their regular counterparts. For low income families, college students, single parents, or anyone trying to save money, this can make grocery shopping with food allergies quite a struggle. While the task may seem daunting, purchasing food allergy friendly food on a budget is possible with tips, tricks, and a bit of research.
Plan ahead of time – Plan out your meals for the week to avoid buying unnecessary items at the grocery store. Try to group meals with similar ingredients together during the week in order to ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
August is here which means the new school year is right around the corner! Browse through the tips and resources below to ensure that your food allergic child and their school are equipped to safely manage food allergies.
Talk to your child – Ensure that your child understands their food allergies. Discuss what a food allergy is, what food they are allergic too, and the importance of avoiding their allergens. For school specific scenarios, be sure to instruct your child to avoid sharing food at lunch and to only eat food that has been approved by a parent/trusted adult.
Talk to the school – M ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
The top 8 allergens are dairy, eggs, nuts, peanuts, soy, shellfish, fish, and wheat, right? Not quite. These 8 foods are the most common food allergens in America, accounting for 90% of food allergies in the US. However, these statistics are slightly different when taking a global perspective. Different countries around the globe have different rates of food allergies to certain foods depending on the local cuisine, gene pool of the region, and environmental factors. As a result, different trends can be observed in different parts of the world:
Countries with the highest rates of food allerg ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
People of color (Blacks, Latin Americans, Asians, Middle Eastern, Indigenous peoples, etc) who have food allergies often have a different experience than Caucasians with food allergies. From different rates of food allergies to different standards of accessible healthcare, race and ethnicity have proven to be crucial pieces of the food allergy puzzle. Yet, race is often overlooked in regards to food allergies.
“Black and other minority patients often lack voice and visibility in the health care system”
Emily Brown, founder of the Food Equality Initiative
Research about the correlation between ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
The top 8 allergens are dairy, eggs, nuts, peanuts, soy, shellfish, fish, and wheat, right? Not quite. These 8 foods are the most common food allergens in America, accounting for 90% of food allergies in the US. However, these statistics are slightly different when taking a global perspective. Different countries around the globe have different rates of food allergies to certain foods depending on the local cuisine, gene pool of the region, and environmental factors. As a result, different trends can be observed in different parts of the world:
Countries with the highest rates of food allerg ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
Picture this: your doctor tells you that you have been diagnosed with a dairy allergy. When you heard the word “dairy” you probably pictured foods like butter, cheese, ice cream, and yoghurt. However, dairy can also found in other household items including hand soap, lotion, and pet food! Being aware of non-food sources of allergens is important in order to avoid mysterious allergic reactions that seemingly come out of nowhere.
1. Cosmetics and Shower Products
Item / Product
Potential Allergens
soy, milk, nut oils
wheat, nut oils, soy
Lotions and creams
nut oils, sesame ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
2y ago
Food allergies are a medical condition where a person experiences a reaction upon consuming certain foods. These reactions are specific to certain foods that can vary for each individual, and symptoms often include an itchy mouth, hives and rashes, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, trouble breathing, and even death. But how can a perfectly ordinary food cause so many problems for certain people? How does an allergic reaction work and why do only certain people have these reactions to foods that everyone else can consume normally? The answers to these questions lie with a deep ..read more
Food Allergy Allies Blog
3y ago
Food Allergy Awareness month takes place every May, with a special week within May where extra dedication is given to the food allergy cause. This May, get involved, show your support, and become more teal!
What’s the Deal with Teal?
Teal is the national color for food allergy awareness. Just like pink ribbons are used for breast cancer awareness, the teal ribbon represents the food allergy cause. From teal pumpkins on Halloween to teal t-shirts and more, the color teal has become the beacon of the food allergy awareness cause. Other colors you may see this month include green for celiac disea ..read more