Fox: To Trump or Not To Trump?
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
1w ago
Whether they discuss it in public or not, Kansas Republicans are deeply divided over whether or not to support a second Trump term. This division is likely to shape the state’s dominant Republican party for years to come, wrote Russell more
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Smith: What is Really Going on with Inflation?
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
2w ago
Inflation has emerged as the top issue in this year’s Presidential contest. But, what is really happening? Michael Smith reviewed the evidence in last week’s column more
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Fiander: Will Climate Migration be the New Dust Bowl?
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
2w ago
Worsened by government policy, overtilling, and the lack of windbreaks, the Dust Bowl was caused as much by human activity as it was by drought. Will climate migration cause similar changes to Kansas farming, politics, and demographics? Bill Fiander asked more
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Joslyn: USPS Concerns are Opportunity for Bipartisanship
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
3w ago
Led by Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab, the growing chorus of voices expressing concern over problems at the Post Office offer an opportunity for bipartisan problem-solving, wrote Mark Joslyn in his latest column more
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Fox: Don’t Overlook County Governments
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
1M ago
When it comes to day-to-day delivery of services, Americans often depend on county governments. Political analysts need to stop overlooking this particular type of local government, wrote Russell Fox in last week’s column more
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Middlewood: Don’t Count Out Kansas’ Younger Voters
Insight Kansas
by insightkansas
1M ago
Young people are not yet voting in high numbers, but they have strong opinions, favor nontraditional approaches to political change, and can potentially change elections, wrote Alex Middlewood in last week’s column more
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Heidbreder: Kansas Needs Same Day Voter Registration, But Until Then…
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
1M ago
In many other states, same day voter registration has boosted turnout and eased the hassle of registration. Kansas should adopt it, but until then, voters need to be aware of upcoming deadlines for this year’s election, wrote Brianne Heidbreder in more
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Smith: Don’t Ban “Ban the Box”
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
2M ago
A recent scandal has Kansas policymakers wondering how they hired someone with a history of financial fraud. Smart policy reforms can prevent this in the future–but foolish ones can ruin the futures of hundreds of thousands of Kansans seeking to more
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Fox: Local Pride is Great– Except When It’s Not
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
2M ago
Kansas is a special place with a unique culture. There is much to celebrate in this, but it should not be used an an excuse to refuse positive policy changes that have worked elsewhere, wrote Russell Fox in last week’s more
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Joslyn: Will Johnson County Stay Blue?
Insight Kansas
by esupolisci
2M ago
In 2020, something remarkable happened in Johnson County. Now the state’s most-populous county, JoCo voted for a Democrat seeking the Presidency, for the first time since Woodrow Wilson. Can Democrats hang onto their lead there? Mark Joslyn reviewed the evidence more
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