Direction Over Speed: Striving for Deferred Success in an Instant Gratification Society
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
1y ago
We all want to be successful right? Success is so subjective though; your version of success will look different from mine, and that's the beauty of it. We all have the freedom to dream up our own version of what that means to us, but the one thing that all versions of success happiness. The goal is to be happy and what one person needs to be happy is vastly different from what their neighbor may need to be happy, and how they get there will certainly be a journey all it's own! What is Success? For some people it's a small house, that's easy to maintain with a beautiful view, or l more
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My Silent Struggle with Sjögren's Syndrome: Getting Diagnosed and Managing the Symptoms
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
1y ago
I want to start off by saying that this blog will contain images that may make people uncomfortable, or be triggering to some. This is a very vulnerable subject for me, and I intentionally haven't shared my struggle with it until now because I've dealt with a lot of embarrassment and shame associated with these images for years. So please remember to be kind and try to be understanding as I share this fragile piece of myself. What is it? Sjögren's syndrome (pronounced SHOW-grins) is a lifelong autoimmune disorder that impacts the amount of moisture produced by the secretory glands in the body more
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The Struggle with Prioritizing Health as a Mom
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
2y ago
So, your a mom...I bet you take your kids for regular checkups and have established doctors for any and every area of their wellbeing , but do you stay up on your own health? I mean sometimes its hard to get a shower in, let alone the stars aligning for you to schedule an appointment... and actually make it to that appointment, without someone else's needs taking precedence in between. Last night, I attended a women's conference held by Sarah Jakes Roberts in Indianapolis. One of the conferences sponsors was the Black Women's Health Imperative. They spent time talking about the big issues sur more
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A Mom and a Graduate
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
2y ago's been a while since I've checked in with y'all! The truth is, I had too much on my plate and I just had to take a beat to make sure that I was in the right headspace to buckle down and finish what, I started without having to check in somewhere. I'm now happy to report that I'm in a really good place... and I'm DEGREED. I've been really intentional about taking the last two months to just take it all in, and I feel like I have a lot to say to any mom that is out there thinking about making the "selfish" decision to take on furthering her education in the midst of her motherhood jou more
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How to Approach Your Next Relationship for it to End in a Healthy Marriage
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
2y ago
It starts from the time we're waddling around in diapers for us girls, society pushes the princess love stories and so begins the narrative that our lives could never be full and happy until we snag the prince. I don't know when it started for you, or me for that matter, but one thing is for sure...they sold us a line of bullshit, and I'm here to give it to you straight. What you should expect, and what you shouldn't, in a healthy marriage. First, I just want to start this off with a couple marriage isn't perfect. I don't have all the answers, and I sure as hell don't want to more
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Top 5 Reasons Why Indy Moms NEED to Attend the Boss Babe Network Holiday Party
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
2y ago
You're a mom, not a Boss....WRONG! What's more bossy than ruling an entire home of your own people? Women are so multifaceted and just because you're a mom now doesn't mean that you can't be a boss. Keep reading for the top 5 of many reasons that attending the Boss Babe Network Holiday party is a MUST for any mama! 1. Reconnect with YOU We all know how easy it is as moms to lose yourself in service to your family. Purposeful breaks are so needed, and I say purposeful because you shouldn't just settle for any time away. Do something during that break time that'll contribute to your growth as a more
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Mom, Please Entertain Your Kid's "Crazy" Ideas
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
2y ago
If you have kids, there's no doubt in my mind that you've heard some pretty outlandish ideas from your little ones. They seem to have no sense of possible vs. impossible. I know it can be exhausting to entertain, and because of that, I've seen so many mamas intentionally or unintentionally kill that spirit in their kid(s). I've made a conscious effort in trying to not be dismissive of my babies' ideas. I'm not perfect at it, but when I catch myself, I do try to help them make their ideas a reality. Why It Matters There are going to be so many times, in your child's life as they grow, that they more
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Why You Should STOP Trying to Raise Godly Kids
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
2y ago
If you're a Christian mom, the title of this blog likely made your heart stop, but I promise there's a method to my madness, so hear me out! I wish I could remember who this came from, but the source of this great advice has escaped me over the last week as this specific post has been brewing in my mind. It was likely one of my aunts or a sermon that I read/heard, but whoever it was, I hope you read this and realize the impact that you've had on my process of raising my children in a Godly home. I try, as I'm sure everyone feels they do, to raise my kiddos with morals and a strong faith in th more
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5 MUST DO Things to Limit Screen Time This Summer
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
2y ago
Now that school's out and the kids have so much more free time, the first thing they're going to do is reach for the screens. They'll be home asking us for a lot more, and let's face it...screens are THE BEST babysitter. They're free (once you own them), they're always there when you need them, and your kids will never get bored of them! Screens can be a WONDERFUL tool for education or supervised fun, but the reality is that too much time on devices can be very damaging for developing minds. So this summer, let's get the kids off the screens, and get them doing some other activities! Here are more
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Getting Lost in "Mommy"
Yes Its A Mom Blog
by Whitney G
2y ago
The questions, "What do you like to do?" and "Can you tell me a little about yourself?" are some of THE HARDEST questions to answer as a mother. The call to parenthood, is such a big one, and for some of us, it can truly start to take over our entire identity. If you know me personally, you can just skip this blog, because this conversation will be an all too familiar one. I talk about this topic so much, but it's because it really is my passion to remind other mothers that they're so much more than “mommy,” and it's 100% okay to delight in things outside of their children. Not only is it okay more
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