Book Review: My Son Carlo – Carlo Acutis Through the Eyes of His Mother
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
1y ago
As many of you know, The Catholic Man has a great devotion to Bl. Carlo Acutis, or in more secular terms, a fan of his. It is no wonder why many English materials about Carlo Acutis has been featured on our blog. You have heard from a priest serving in Assisi, from a french priest, from a fiction writer, from the postulator, but now, Our Sunday Visitor is giving you the opportunity to hear from his mother. Almost a year after Carlo’s beatification, the Italian publisher, Piemme, released a book titled, Il segreto di mio figlio: Perché Carlo Acutis è considerato un santo (The Secret of My Son more
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The Catholic Man’s Carlo Acutis ‘Swag’ List
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
2y ago
The Catholic Man Reviews will be back with new reviews in a couple weeks, but for now, as we celebrate the memorial of Blessed Carlo Acutis for the third time since his beatification. As many readers and my friends know, I have a devotion to the young Blessed. Over the past years, several have asked me about materials on Blessed Carlo Acutis. On this occasion of his memorial this year, I compile a list of some materials on Blessed Carlo Acutis for those interested. A number of items I have reviewed, of which the review I will link in this , a number of things, including books I have purchase more
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Review: For Love of the Church – A Festschrift on the Interests and Accomplishments of His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
2y ago
While a majority of our blog readers are American, I believe my ordinary, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archdiocese of Toronto deserves a spotlight on this blog. Probably, one of the perks during my time as a part-time sacristan at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica (2019-2021) was being able to frequently hear homilies from my Archbishop. It was a captivating 15-minutes every time Cardinal Collins went to the ambo to give the homily at the Masses which he celebrated. When churches were closed in March 2020 until June 2020 due to COVID-19, Cardinal Collins was preaching at his Daily Masses everyday more
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Book Review: The Catholic Faith – An Introduction to the Creeds
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
2y ago
At the Easter Vigil Mass Catholics renew their Baptismal Promises and make the Profession of Faith in a question-and-answer form. Moreover, Catholics profess their faith at the Mass every week on Sundays through the recitation of the Nicene or Apostles’ Creed. Yet what is it, really, that we say and profess in the Creed? Do we take the Profession of Faith seriously? Or do we go through the motions each time we recite the Creed or Renew our Profession of Faith? I think it is easy for us to fall into the trap of routine, not only with our prayer, but also with our own profession of faith more
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Book Review: Simon Godsell’s “Everything”
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Ivy Pham
3y ago
This review sent me down memory lane to childhood. I read a lot of picture books back then so it felt like I was reconnecting with a part of myself I had forgotten about. Today’s review is of Simon Godsell’s “Everything” which you may have correctly guessed is a children’s picture book. I don’t think we’ve ever reviewed anything quite like this. This book is a very simple read despite there being quite a few pages for a children’s book (just under 50 pages). That being said, some of the words used are longer, so I would recommend this book for children that have been reading for a while. I th more
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Book Review: Elwood, The Story of a Catholic World War II Hero
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
3y ago
I have never had, and still have no interest in militaria. Honestly, when Elwood: The Story of a Catholic World War II Hero came at my doorstep some months ago, I was a little hesitant to read it. However, probably one of the best things about running The Catholic Man Reviews are the books you are blessed to have the opportunity to come across by surprise. Interesting enough, as I was reading Elwood it was also during this time that I began to finally unwind and watch some movies, particularly the Marvel Spiderman movies starring Tom Holland. I have heard much about the movies, and the trilog more
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Book Review: Dare to be More, The Witness of Blessed Carlo Acutis
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
3y ago
Who better to close of the year with, than with Blessed Carlo Acutis? This past year, we have reviewed a fair number of books about the young Carlo Acutis. Liguori Publications published an original English title on Carlo Acutis this past Fall, titled: Dare to be More, The Witness of Blessed Carlo Acutis, written by Colleen and Matt Swaim. Out of the Carlo Acutis titles reviewed on this blog thus far, this book comes out to be the thinnest, with only 48 pages. However, the content contained within this short booklet is not lesser quality than any of the other titles featured here. One of the more
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Day 9: 365 of Catholic Wisdom by Deal W. Hudson (TAN Books)
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
3y ago
365 Days of Catholic Wisdom: A Treasury of Truth, Beauty and Goodness published by TAN Books is the second year-long devotional featured in this series this year. What is with The Catholic Man and daily devotionals? I am not a Catholic guy who have used devotionals a whole lot, mainly because I have a reading routine, especially with review copies received (every read has been exciting and insightful… the reviews on here hopefully speaks to that) and so I get a good chunk of my spiritual reading from the books I get, as well as those in my personal library, mainly from book sales or as gifts more
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Day 7: Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
3y ago
Catholic Bible Commentaries are very helpful in helping readers of Scriptures understand what they are reading. When reading the Scriptures, Catholics should not only approach the text merely by its ‘face-value’. Catholics read the Scripture “within “the living Tradition of the whole Church,”” (CCC 113) with foundations built upon Jesus Christ, and also then on the apostles and the continued interpretation and analysis by the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Catholic readers of Scriptures must not dismiss tradition, but see it as a means to correctly interpret Scripture without inser more
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Day 5: Mystery of the Altar, daily Catholic devotional
The Catholic Man Reviews » Books
by Vincent Pham
3y ago
One of the things that people all around the world have been deprived of at various stages of the COVID-19 is the gift of celebrating the Eucharist around the altar of the Lord. Such memories of “attending” livestream Mass is all too fresh in the minds of many. I think for many, including myself, there have been a renewed sense of appreciation and devotion to the Eucharist. Yet, if the Eucharist is such a great, beautiful gift given to us by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and continued to be made available to humanity in every generation, what have the saints, Church Fathers, Popes and lay people sa more
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