Senft Injury Advocates Blog
Scott Senft and his team of law experts provide you with diverse possible solutions to your legal issues and explain them to you.
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
2y ago
Have you been injured in an accident that was not your fault? Are you struggling to cope with the aftermath of the accident? If so, you may be thinking about making a personal injury claim. Accidents can happen anywhere; when they do, the victim is often left with ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
We are pretty confident that you've arrived here today searching for some clear answers and a sound solution after suffering a motorcycle personal injury accident. Indeed, these vehicle collisions are perhaps one of the most dangerous versions of road traffic ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
Nobody expects to suddenly suffer from being severely injured, particularly when the circumstances surrounding your accident were a result of someone else's negligence. However, when it happens, your priority should be recuperating well. Dealing with the aftermath of ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
We often downplay personal injury accidents and believe that will never happen to us. However, the truth of the matter is these serious incidents can happen in the blink of an eye and leave the accident victim an ordeal of pain, confusion, and financial difficulties ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
Oregon is known for its lengthy highways, national parks, and sport venues. However, within these places, personal injury accidents do still arise. These incidents can cause several types of issues to accident victims. For example, picture yourself trying to comply ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
We would like to take the time to talk to you about personal injury accidents. As you may know, these incidents turn out to be devastating events in our lives. These events can result in injuries that leave life-long emotional and physical damages to you and your ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
Due to the size of the vehicle involved, truck accidents tend to result in severe traumatic injuries. These damages vary from: total paralysis, spinal cord injuries, brain damage, and even death. In such a horrendous situation, you will need to rely on an experienced ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
Nobody wants to suffer a personal injury accident but the fact is that they do occur at any given moment and in the most unexpected of times. Unfortunately, the consequences of these accidents do inflict emotional and physical trauma on those who fall victims to such ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
Have you recently been involved in a personal injury accident in Oregon? If so, you have arrived at the right place! These events are perhaps one of the most traumatic and painful situations to be in. In a large state like Oregon that has over 4 million people in ..read more
Senft Injury Advocates Blog
3y ago
Have you recently been involved in a personal injury accident in the state of Oregon? These events are perhaps the most tragic and traumatic situations that can occur to us. These incidents can arise at any moment of our lives. Due to the sense of surprise that comes ..read more