Charlotte passes 900K residents 
Carolina Demography Blog
by Melody Kramer
5M ago
The U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program released their 2023 population estimates for Cities and Towns last week. As of July 1, 2023 there were an estimated 911,311 residents in Charlotte, up 1.7% from an estimated 895,704 on July 1, 2022. Burlington also passed a major milestone, passing 60,000 residents as of 2023. Durham, with an estimated 296,186 residents in 2023… Source more
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Rural hospital closures in North Carolina
Carolina Demography Blog
by Emma Marshall
5M ago
Since 2010, there have been 149 closures of rural hospitals across the US. These closures have taken place in 34 of the 50 states. Eight of these closures took place in North Carolina. The NC Rural Health Research Program at the Shep Center for Health Services Research at UNC Chapel Hill defines a rural hospital as a hospital that meets the following criteria: The NC Rural Health… Source more
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75 NC counties have grown in population since 2022
Carolina Demography Blog
by Lisa Carlson
7M ago
Last week, the U.S (United States). Census Bureau released 2023 county population estimates. These annual estimates tell us how county populations in North Carolina have changed over the course of a year: in this case, between July 1, 2022 and July 1, 2023. The county population estimates are more granular than the statewide estimates released every December. In the most recent state population… Source more
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Which NC community college degree program graduates have the highest average wages after five years?
Carolina Demography Blog
by Nicholas Long
7M ago
Deciding which educational pathway to pursue is often a daunting decision for a high schooler transitioning to postsecondary education. There are many questions a student must ask. Do I want to pursue a credential or a degree awarding program? What are the employment and earnings outcomes for each? What programs are most likely to see me employed five years after graduation? What are their median… Source more
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NC’s foreign-born population increased eightfold since 1990
Carolina Demography Blog
by Michael Cline
7M ago
Dr. Michael Cline is the state demographer for North Carolina at the Office of State Budget and Management and has given us permission to re-post his content here. The original version of this piece is here. The foreign-born population in North Carolina has increased eightfold since 1990 from an estimated 115,000 (2% of the state’s 1990 population) to 868,000 people today (an estimated 8% Source more
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North Carolina’s Strong Population Growth Continues
Carolina Demography Blog
by Michael Cline
7M ago
Dr. Michael Cline is the state demographer for North Carolina at the Office of State Budget and Management and has given us permission to re-post his content here. The original version of this piece is here. Once again, North Carolina added more people in the last year than any other state except Texas and Florida. According to the US Census Bureau’s latest population estimates… Source more
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Where do NC Newcomers Hail From?
Carolina Demography Blog
by Michael Cline
7M ago
Dr. Michael Cline is the state demographer for North Carolina at the Office of State Budget and Management and has given us permission to re-post his content here. The original version of this piece is here. Author: Joanna LeFebvre & Michael Cline Migration is now a primary contributor to North Carolina’s population growth, with about two-thirds of population growth derived from net… Source more
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Older Adult Population is Projected to Expand in Most NC Counties
Carolina Demography Blog
by Michael Cline
7M ago
Dr. Michael Cline is the state demographer for North Carolina at the Office of State Budget and Management and has given us permission to re-post his content here. The original version of this piece is here. Author: Divya Venkataganesan, Rebecca Freeman, Swarna Reddy, NCDHHS The older adult population (age 65+) is projected to grow in 78 of North Carolina’s 100 counties. Most of this growth… Source more
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Who are North Carolina’s public school students?
Carolina Demography Blog
by Melody Kramer
8M ago
Carolina Demography’s director, Nathan Dollar, recently participated in the NC Business Summit on Public Education hosted by the Public School Forum of North Carolina. His slides were adapted for this piece, which was originally published by EdNC. by Mebane Rash, Nathan Dollar, Mary Ann Wolf and Lanie Sorrow, EducationNC February 19, 2024 We all have an image in our heads of a public… Source more
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Who is asked to repeat a grade in North Carolina?
Carolina Demography Blog
by Emma Marshall
9M ago
Most students are promoted to the next grade level at the end of a school year. But some students are asked to repeat a grade level. The academic term for this is “grade retention”, or “non-promotion.” These terms are used interchangeably in this article. My initial motivation for writing this piece came from investigating school performance indicators pre- and post-pandemic, which I did in a... Source more
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