Love On the People You Love
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
6d ago
Who is in your life today that makes your heart flow with thanksgiving to the Lord? If you have a friend or group of friends who faithfully follow the Lord and remain steadfast year after year, take the time to tell them what treasured friends they are more
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Hannah – Blessed to be a blessing
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
1w ago
Hannah's story shows us how our blessings are actually meant to be a blessing for others. She also shows us the importance of being faithful to the Lord and generously giving Him our treasures more
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Why We Don’t Follow Through?
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
2w ago
Six reasons why we don't follow through on our goals and plans more
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Three Changes to Make Before Change
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
1M ago
So, you are contemplating making changes? Here are three changes to make before you step into change more
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The Lord is my Shepherd
Heart Treasure Blog
by admin
1M ago
Today is a special day, we celebrate the birth of the Good Shepherd.  What does that mean?  We are not familiar with shepherds in this day and age.  To understand their role, it is important to understand more about the animals they looked after—sheep. Sheep are small, woolly creatures that are weak, defenceless and foolish more
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Why Was Jesus Born in Bethlehem?
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
2M ago
Why Did Jesus need to be born in Bethlehem? Why did Joseph and Mary need to travel to Bethlehem more
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Why Did John the Baptist Need to Prepare the Way?
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
2M ago
Why did John the Baptist need to Prepare a Way more
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Are You Bent Out of Shape
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
2M ago
Sometimes life throws us circumstances that bend us out of shape, morph us into what is not normal for us. What to do more
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Bloom Where You are Planted
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
2M ago
Practically, how does it look to "bloom where you are planted more
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Living a Yielded Life
Heart Treasure Blog
by Michelle
3M ago
In staying yielded to God and not in control, it is important to remember how the Master Potter Works more
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