WOD: Friday 240510
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
23h ago
Here’s a pic of Nick. Nick is cool. • Coaching Notes We are getting into a Murph Prep Style day with the workout “Candy Lane”. One round of “Candy” is 20 Pull-Ups + 40 Push-Ups + 60 Air Squats. So, with this workout we broke one round of that into 2 sets on either side of a 400m run and created a 3 sets style workout to get in about 60% of the volume of “Murph” in this workout with the goal of building volume and intensity as we move closer to completing the full workout in a couple weeks. The goal for each set is to maintain around 5k pace on the run as we move into a quick set of 10-20-30 o ..read more
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WOD: Thursday 240509
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
2d ago
Try and make sure you’re as happy as Erin is rowing today! • Coaching Notes We have a fun 20:00 minute EMOM today with a triplet of Handstand Walks, Calories on the Rower, and Alternating Dumbbell Snatches. The focus today will be to work on Handstand Walk progressions and skills to help athletes get better at the Handstand Walk prior to starting the workout, then picking a progression that allows for consistent movement and pushing that heart rate up a bit in the workout. This could be a progression to Wall Walks, Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps, or attempting 5ft (1.5m) out on the floor ..read more
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WOD: Wednesday 240508
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
3d ago
• Coaching Notes We are starting off the day with a 5x5 Hang Power Clean with the loads staying in the range of 70-80% of 1RM. This will allow us to focus on speed, form, and the turnover from hip extension into the front rack position. Focus on loads that allow for mechanics and power to stay consistent across all sets. The warm-up today will focus on a little general prep prior to hitting some specific plyometric priming work before hitting the Hang Power Cleans. After our weightlifting work we should be well primed to be at working loads for the Front Rack Reverse Lunges. We will just need ..read more
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WOD: Tuesday 240507
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
4d ago
Sisters who lift together probably fight over who is stronger. • Coaching Notes Today, we are tackling an 8:00 minute EMOM with the focus of hitting each set of 5 reps as fast as possible. We are looking to hit these as speed reps to teach the arms to fire fast and punch strong overhead. The goal is to hit each set fast and have the rest of the minute to rest and get ready to tackle the next set fast and with conviction. Keep the sets light enough to allow for speed and body position. This matters more than the load on the bar. We will then move into a challenging couplet of Toe to Bar and Bu ..read more
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WOD: Monday 240506
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
5d ago
Jumping into the new cycle like • Coaching Notes We are starting off the new cycle with our Back Squat and Box Jump superset. The goal here is to target a contrast style training method with an absolute strength movement followed by a plyometric movement to target more muscle fibers and recruit more motor neuron units. There has been plenty of research here that doing this from time to time can really help facilitate breaking through plateaus, not to mention increase athleticism which is something we all can do with a little more of. The goal here today is to work up to a relatively heavy 5 f ..read more
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WOD: Saturday 240504
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
1w ago
May the 4th be with you all. Have a great weekend! • Coaching Notes Teamwork makes the Dreamwork! We are getting after a fun team oriented warm-up and workout together. The KB Tap Race game is a new favorite of ours and one that a lot of affiliates have fun with. So plan to tackle this one as two big teams going against each other in a best 2 out of 3. After the warm-up we will want to set things up and make sure that the stick jump overs are talked through as that is the movement that requires the most amount of instruction for athletes to tackle today, even though it is quite a simple movem ..read more
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WOD: Friday 240503
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
1w ago
#MurphPrep • Coaching Notes We have a benchmark workout today with the workout “Angie”. This is one of our key benchmark workouts in the lead-up to “Murph” as we focus on challenging athletes in a chipper style bodyweight stamina workout. This workout can be done as prescribed and unpartitioned, partitioned, or even reduced in volume to 75% or 50% of the total reps and athletes will still gain a huge amount of fitness tackling it in any form. When looking to scale athletes today, lean into doing less volume, but keeping the movements the same over more volume and changing the movement pattern ..read more
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WOD: Thursday 240502
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
1w ago
• Coaching Notes We are tackling a little posterior chain day and high capacity couplet today. The goal here will be to progressively load the bar from the 7s down to the 3s on the Sumo Deadlift with a little more focus talking through key points on the Sumo Deadlift in order for athletes to get a good grasp and feel what they are suppose to feel on the Sumo Deadlift. Many find that they notice their adductors turning on because of the increased stretch here, however we also want to feel the glutes creating extra tension and engagement with the wider stance and pressing out the knees. We will ..read more
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WOD: Wednesday 240501
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
1w ago
“It’s gonna be May” -JT • Coaching Notes We have a grippy one on the docket today with “Mount Doom”. The workout is an up and down style pyramid workout, hence the name “Mount Doom”, but the goal here will be to pick up the pace and be aggressive in the workout on the way down rather than starting out fast and just hoping to hold on. We have 90 Toe to Bar and 45 Snatches today before embarking on the final row to finish things off. This will fatigue the grip and the core before you have to row at a near sprint effort to finish this workout off. We have written up a more extensive warm-up toda ..read more
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WOD: Tuesday 240430
CrossFit Sanctify Blog
by alex burgy
1w ago
Haven’t had a chance yet to congratulate all of the people who have competed in the CrossFit Quarterfinals, the weightlifting meet, and the Festivus Games. Way to represent Sanctify! • Coaching Notes We are starting off the day with some Freestanding Handstand Practice today. The goal is to get 10:00 minutes on the clock and have athletes practice and accumulate time with a progression today to start moving the needle forward and progressing their skills. This will lead us into and warm us up for the main component of the day which will be our Team PRVN Tuesday workout which is meant to be a ..read more
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