The fundamental misconception at the heart of the Family First Act
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
1w ago
On May 22, 2024, the Senate Finance Committee (SFC) held a hearing entitled “The Family First Prevention Services Act [FFPSA]: Successes, Roadblocks, and Opportunities for Improvement.” The hearing focused on Part I of FFPSA, which is titled “Prevention Activities Under Title IV-E.” In his opening statement, Senator Ron Wyden, the prime author of the Act more
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A disappointing report from the Senate Finance Committee
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
2M ago
A new report by the Senate Finance Committee concludes that children in residential treatment facilities routinely suffer harms like sexual and physical abuse, unsafe and unsanitary conditions, and lack of needed therapy. Further, it concludes that these harms are endemic to residential care itself. While the fact that some residential care facilities are substandard and cause harm to children is undisputed, the SFC’s study is poorly designed and should not be used as the basis of policy. It is based on facilities run by only four companies and cannot be used to make generalizations about res more
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As foster care removals plummet, where’s the promised help for families?
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
2M ago
Year after year, states and the federal government continue to release annual data showing a decline in the number of children in foster care, congratulating themselves on keeping families together. They seem to have forgotten that reductions in foster care were supposed to be accompanied by increased services so that children could be safely maintained at home. Unfortunately, there seems to be little to no interest on the part of the federal Children’s Bureau, Members of Congress, advocates, or the media in whether such services are actually being provided. The newest report from the Adoption more
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A jumble of standards: How state and federal authorities have underestimated child maltreatment fatalities
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
4M ago
This blog was originally prepared as a report for the project, Lives Cut Short: Children Who Have Died of Abuse and Neglect in the United States Since 2022, which is sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. A PDF version appears on the project website. The annual Child Maltreatment reports, produced by the Children’s Bureau of the U.S. Administration for Children and Families, are based on data that states submit to the National Child Abuse and Neglect (NCANDS) data system. These reports are eagerly anticipated in the child welf more
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Lives cut short: a new project to document child maltreatment fatalities
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
4M ago
ABC News: Joanna, Terri and Sierra Denton-Carrillo On May 2, 2024, an extraordinary gathering was held in Washington, DC. It brought together scholars, advocates, and family members of children who lost their lives to abuse and neglect to mark the inauguration of a new project, Lives Cut Short. This project, under the auspices of the American Enterprise Institute and University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, will shed a light on the lives and deaths of abused and neglected children, many of which would never otherwise be known to the public. I am proud to be a part of this project, along with more
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Controlling the narrative: How the state of Washington is trying to censor the foster parent voice in court
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
5M ago
by Christina Faucett I am honored to publish this essay from Christina Faucett. Christina has been a licensed foster parent in the state of Washington for six years and has adopted one child from the foster care system. Prior to becoming a foster parent, she was a CASA for three years. She is currently a member of the DCYF Parental Advisory Group and is passionate about fixing what is broken in our child welfare system to keep Washington kids safe. She lives in the Seattle area with her husband and daughter. You can follow her on X at @DCYFWAtch. In 2023, the Washington State Department of Ch more
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Flying blind: the strange story of a strategy, an ideology, and an evaluation
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
6M ago
By Marie K. Cohen As readers digest the report that follows, the content may cause significant discomfort stemming from painful, lived personal experiences and perspectives shaped by social constructs made implicit through centuries of white supremacy and structural oppression. Readers are invited to practice self-care while navigating this content and to consider reading the findings with a group to engage in collective reflection. Tyrone Howard et al, Beyond Blind Removal: Color Consciousness and Anti-Racism in Los Angeles County Child Welfare. UCLA Pritzker Center for Strengthening Childre more
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Child Welfare Update: February 2024
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
7M ago
Greetings to my faithful readers! I’m trying out a different format for Child Welfare Monitor–a monthly newsletter format that highlights events and information that catch my eye. I’m not ruling out a single-issue piece now and then, particularly when there is a major new report or data source to discuss and analyze. Please let me know what you think of the new format. If you can think of a more exciting title than “Child Welfare Update,” let me know. And if you do find this to be a useful resource, please share it with your colleagues. Adam Montgomery convicted of Harmony Montgomery’s death more
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Child Maltreatment 2022: reports increase but response lags
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
8M ago
“Child Maltreatment Victims Have Decreased for the Past Five Years to a New Low,” proclaimed the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) as it released Child Maltreatment 2022, its long-awaited annual compendium of child maltreatment data shared by the states. Contrary to the headline, the report says nothing about the actual incidence of child abuse and neglect. It does show that in Federal Fiscal Year 2022, calls to child protective services hotlines almost rebounded to pre-pandemic levels. But the number of investigations and assessments that CPS undertook in response to these calls more
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Reform, not abolish, child welfare: A science-informed path
Child Welfare Monitor
by childwelfaremonitor
8M ago
By Antonio R. Garcia, Jill Duerr Berrick, Melissa Jonson-Reid, Richard P. Barth, John R. Gyourko, Patricia Kohl, Johanna K.P. Greeson, Brett Drake, and Victoria Cook A note from Child Welfare Monitor (CWM): CWM welcomes submissions from authors who represent points of view that are more evidence-based and child-centered than what is typically presented by leading media outlets and other child welfare publications. We are privileged to share this commentary from an illustrious group of child welfare scholars from schools of social work and social policy around the country. While this essay doe more
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