Heading Into Covid Winter Flying Unfunded And Blind!
Kentucky Health Policy Institute Blog
by P Hasselbacher
2y ago
Monday’s October 10th Covid update from the Kentucky Department of Public Health (KYDPH) reports a continuing fall in new cases and in overall state incidence rate.  New cases last week (as defined) fell a little further to 3392, the lowest since early last May.  The current overall incidence rate of 10.3 per 100K population also decreased … The post Heading Into Covid Winter Flying Unfunded And Blind! first appeared on Kentucky Health Policy Institute ..read more
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Covid-19 In Kentucky Expanding at Increasingly Exponential Rate. What, me worry?
Kentucky Health Policy Institute
by P Hasselbacher
2y ago
Despite only partial data collection, 108 of Kentucky’s 120 counties are “in the red zone” for community spread. None are at less than “substantial” incidence rates. The explosion of cases is most marked in counties with smaller populations. Recommended public and personal health responses are widely ignored despite increasingly exponential epidemic growth of new cases, … The post Covid-19 In Kentucky Expanding at Increasingly Exponential Rate. What, me worry? first appeared on Kentucky Health Policy Institute ..read more
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Covid-19 Infection Spreading Essentially Unimpeded in Kentucky.
Kentucky Health Policy Institute Blog
by P Hasselbacher
2y ago
Both Test Positivity Rates and Overall Incidence Rate of new infections are still expanding exponentially statewide. As quantitated by Current Incidence Rates per10K population 91 Kentucky counties are “in the red” with 118 of our 120 counties either in the “High” or “Substantial” categories. There are no green counties anymore! The most recent Test Positivity … The post Covid-19 Infection Spreading Essentially Unimpeded in Kentucky. first appeared on Kentucky Health Policy Institute ..read more
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Covid-19 Epidemic Still Expanding in KY With Hospital Utilization Increasing.
Kentucky Health Policy Institute
by P Hasselbacher
2y ago
New reported weekly cases of Covid-19 continue to increase sharply. Yesterday’s new case count of 13,947 is the highest yet since the new less-aggressive case reporting system was put into place in early March and is nearly double the number of two weeks before.  This much lower than the January Omicron peak of some 80,000 weekly … The post Covid-19 Epidemic Still Expanding in KY With Hospital Utilization Increasing. first appeared on Kentucky Health Policy Institute ..read more
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Spring Surge of Covid-19 in Kentucky Expanding Exponentially
Kentucky Health Policy Institute
by P Hasselbacher
2y ago
Fourteen weeks ago Kentucky’s Department of Public Health switched from daily Covid-19 updates to weekly reports, including to the CDC. Additional changes were made as to what categories of cases and tests would be reportable. These changes were made in early March, 2022 when the Commonwealth was largely recovered from the Omicron wave that peaked ..read more
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Covid-19 Still Spreading In KY, But The Worst Outcomes Not So Much.
Kentucky Health Policy Institute Blog
by P Hasselbacher
2y ago
Presence of holiday weekend with big-time concerts and decreasing reporting protocols make forecasting iffy. On May 31, the staff of the Kentucky Department of Public Health gave an online update to practitioners. Since there are no longer any weekly, let alone daily updates from the Governor’s Office, this well-done authoritative session, combined with the published ..read more
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SARS-CoV-2 May Also Have Been a Winner at the Derby!
Kentucky Health Policy Institute
by P Hasselbacher
2y ago
New cases Covid-19 up sharply in May. Hospital utilization and deaths not so much –at this time. Following the first Saturday in May, reported weekly new cases of Covid-19 are taking giant steps upwards. Jefferson County leads the state by far in new cases. Jefferson County’s current incidence rate reported on 5/24/22 was 52.1 per ..read more
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In The New World Of Covid Tracking, Where Are We Headed?
Kentucky Health Policy Institute
by P Hasselbacher
3y ago
COVID variants on the rise globally in an environment where public health interventions are being withdrawn, rejected, or otherwise unavailable – what could go wrong? Recent data indeterminant as to direction of epidemic spread in KY.Yesterday evening, Kentucky Department of Public Health published its Covid data for the week ending Sunday, April 24. The CDC ..read more
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New COVID Tracking Procedures Have Changed. They will be less timely.
Kentucky Health Policy Institute
by P Hasselbacher
3y ago
We were winning for a while, but we have been in this place before. The last time I posted a Kentucky Covid update in the series was on February 26. Shortly afterwards, both the Kentucky Department of Public Health (KDPH) and the CDC dramatically changed their practices on data collection and reporting. Instead of focusing ..read more
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Omicron Sr. Fading Into Kentucky’s Sunset. Future of Epidemic Remains Unpredictable.
Kentucky Health Policy Institute
by P Hasselbacher
3y ago
There were glitches in the states ability to report last week, such that Thursday’s numbers were not released until Friday evening along with that day’s counts. Nonetheless, there was much to be pleased about. You can play with the numbers yourselves on KHPI’s Tableau Public website. Cases and rates still falling nicely.Seven-day averages of New ..read more
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