Announcing RBS support for AWS SDK for Ruby V3
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Matt Muller
8M ago
RBS is a language to describe the structure of Ruby programs. We are happy to announce that AWS SDK for Ruby V3 now supports RBS type signatures! RBS support is released in aws-sdk-core version 3.191.0 and in every service gem (such as aws-sdk-s3) that depends on this version of core. RBS signatures are currently code generated from the API models for the API client, errors, resource models, types/structures, and waiters. Example Usage: Using RBS with RubyMine RubyMine supports RBS natively when the rbs gem is installed and the version is >= 3.4. This allows you to get type hints for incomp more
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Developer Preview: Ruby SDK code generation using Smithy
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Matt Muller
2y ago
What is this? The AWS SDK For Ruby team is happy to announce the developer preview of smithy-ruby, a toolchain that can be used to code generate a “white label” Ruby SDK for your service API using Smithy modeling. An upcoming future version of the AWS SDK For Ruby will use Smithy code generation. What is Smithy? Smithy is an interface definition language and set of tools that allows developers to build clients and servers in multiple languages. Smithy models define a service as a collection of resources, operations, and shapes. A Smithy model enables API providers to generate clients and serve more
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Announcing the end of support for Ruby runtimes 1.9, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 for the AWS SDK For Ruby
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Matt Muller
3y ago
Starting September 1, 2021, AWS SDK For Ruby will no longer support these end of life (EOL) Ruby runtime versions: Ruby 1.9.3 – EOL began on 2015-02-23 Ruby 2.0.0 – EOL began on 2016-02-24 Ruby 2.1 – EOL began on 2017-03-31 Ruby 2.2 – EOL began on 2018-03-31 Since these versions have long passed end-of-life, we have seen support drop within the Ruby community, including Rake, Bundler, and some of our SDK dependencies. To make sure we’re providing up-to-date and secure libraries, we’re joining this migration. We encourage you to upgrade to Ruby 2.3 or later to ensure your applications and ser more
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Introducing new features for the aws-sdk-rails gem
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Matt Muller
3y ago
The Ruby SDK team is happy to announce that we’ve added new features and consolidated existing gems into the aws-sdk-rails gem to make developing Rails applications using AWS easier than ever. Features supported Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue adapter for ActiveJob (new) ActiveSupport::Notification instrumentation (new) DynamoDB ActiveDispatch::Session implementation (new) Include Aws::Record with Rails migration tasks and model generators (new) Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) as an ActionMailer Delivery Method (existing) Automatically configures SDK logging to the Rails l more
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AWS SDK For Ruby V2 Maintenance Mode Reminder
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Matt Muller
3y ago
This is a reminder that AWS SDK For Ruby Version 2 will enter planned Maintenance Mode starting November 20, 2020. APIs and features released after that date will only be available in Version 3. Upgrading from Version 2 to Version 3 is easy! If you haven’t migrated already, please see the V3 upgrading guide. The full maintenance mode announcement includes additional details about the maintenance plan and migration steps. For more general information about our product lifecycle, please see the SDKs and Tools maintenance policy more
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Maintenance Mode and End of Support Dates Announced for AWS SDK For Ruby V2
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Matt Muller
3y ago
We are announcing that version 2 of the AWS SDK For Ruby will enter maintenance mode on 11/20/2020. Support for version 2 will end on 11/21/2021. During maintenance mode we will continue to fix bugs and patch security issues until support for version 2 ends, at which point no further updates to version 2 will be released. We encourage customers to upgrade from version 2 to version 3 to continue receiving regular updates. Version 3 of the AWS SDK For Ruby released in August of 2017. Version 3 maintains API compatibility with version 2 making upgrades easy. Benefits of upgrading to V3 Version 3 more
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Introducing the ‘aws-rails-provisioner’ gem developer preview
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Jingyi Chen
3y ago
AWS is happy to announce that the aws-rails-provisioner gem for Ruby is now in developer preview and available for you to try! What is aws-rails-provisioner? The new aws-rails-provisioner gem is a tool that helps you define and deploy your containerized Ruby on Rails applications on AWS. It currently only supports AWS Fargate. aws-rails-provisioner is a command line tool using the configuration file aws-rails-provisioner.yml to generate AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) stacks on your behalf. It automates provisioning AWS resources to run your containerized Ruby on Rails applications on AWS Farg more
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Announcing Amazon Transcribe streaming transcription support in the AWS SDK for Ruby
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Jingyi Chen
3y ago
Amazon Transcribe streaming transcription enables you to send an audio stream, and with a single API call, receive a stream of text in real time. We’re excited to announce support for the #start_stream_transcription API with bidirectional streaming usage in the AWS SDK for Ruby. Before calling #start_stream_transcription To use the Amazon Transcribe #start_stream_transcription API, you need to have http-2 gem and aws-sdk-transcribestreamingservice gem available, as follows. gem 'http-2', '~> 0.10' gem 'aws-sdk-transcribestreamingservice', '~> 1.0' The Amazon Transcribe #start_stream_tr more
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Announcing Amazon Kinesis SubscribeToShard API Support in the AWS SDK for Ruby
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Jingyi Chen
3y ago
Amazon Kinesis launched two significant performance-improving features for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams: enhanced fan-out and an HTTP/2 data retrieval API (“SubscribeToShard”). This API allows data to be delivered from producers to consumers in 70 milliseconds or better. Today, we’re excited to announce the support for Kinesis SubscribeToShard API in the AWS SDK for Ruby. Before calling the #subscribe_to_shard API The #subscribe_to_shard API is available in the aws-sdk-kinesis gem version 1.10.0 and later for Ruby version 2.1 and later. This API is built on the HTTP/2 protocol for streaming bac more
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Introducing Transaction Support in aws-record
AWS Developer Blog » Ruby
by Alex Wood
3y ago
Introducing Transaction Support in aws-record The aws-record Ruby Gem is a data mapper abstraction layer over Amazon DynamoDB, a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. Recently, support for transactions was added to DynamoDB. DynamoDB transactions simplify the developer experience of making coordinated, all-or-nothing changes to multiple items both within and across tables. Transactions provide atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) in DynamoDB, enabling you to maintain data correctness in your applications easily. Tod more
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