Comparing Tummy Tuck and Gastric Bypass
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
1M ago
The continued search for weight loss solutions has seen patients consider different options. In the recent past, patients have seemed to show interest in tummy tuck and gastric bypass surgery, making them quite popular. While patients might achieve a slimmer look and increased self-confidence, there are significant differences between a tummy tuck and gastric bypass […] The post Comparing Tummy Tuck and Gastric Bypass appeared first on Dr. Jalil Illan more
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How to Combat Hair Loss Following Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
1M ago
Hair loss is a major side effect of bariatric surgery and can be a distressing experience, even though it is typically temporary. Many patients who have undergone bariatric surgery are eager to find ways to stop hair loss after weight loss surgery. There are several strategies to prevent hair loss after gastric bypass surgery, despite […] The post How to Combat Hair Loss Following Bariatric Surgery appeared first on Dr. Jalil Illan more
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Is Bariatric Surgery Possible with a Hiatal Hernia?
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
1M ago
Bariatric surgery is a medical procedure used to help patients manage their body weight, especially after all other efforts have failed and their health is at risk because of excess weight. Essentially, bariatric surgery changes the patient’s digestive system. One major problem associated with obesity is hiatal hernia, a health condition that causes pains in […] The post Is Bariatric Surgery Possible with a Hiatal Hernia? appeared first on Dr. Jalil Illan more
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The Top Benefits of Bariatric Surgery on Mental Health
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
1M ago
Bariatric surgery can be a safe and effective weight loss solution when dieting or exercise is unviable. This surgical procedure delivers long-term results that help severely obese people manage their weight and reduce the risk of developing weight-related chronic conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. While there are many physical health benefits you can […] The post The Top Benefits of Bariatric Surgery on Mental Health appeared first on Dr. Jalil Illan more
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Why Diarrhea Happens After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
1M ago
Gastric sleeve surgery is among the most popular weight-loss treatments. The procedure is safe, effective, and has higher success rates. However, while gastric sleeve surgery has lower complication rates, some patients might experience minor side effects after surgery. One of the most prevalent effects is diarrhea. This guide explains the causes of diarrhea after gastric […] The post Why Diarrhea Happens After Gastric Sleeve Surgery appeared first on Dr. Jalil Illan more
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What Is Gastric Bypass Iron Deficiency?
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
1M ago
Gastric bypass surgery alters your digestive system by reducing the stomach and connecting it to the small intestine. The reason for bypassing the duodenum is to reduce nutrient and calorie absorption, resulting in weight loss. However, the duodenum is critical in iron absorption. Without this vital part, you might experience iron deficiency after gastric bypass […] The post What Is Gastric Bypass Iron Deficiency? appeared first on Dr. Jalil Illan more
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How to Choose a Bariatric Surgeon for Your Weight Loss Journey
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
1M ago
When anticipating weight-loss surgery, finding an experienced healthcare provider is critical. A certified bariatric surgeon can help treat severe obesity by altering your digestive system to improve your health and lifestyle. They perform various procedures, such as gastric bypass, duodenal switch, and gastric sleeve surgery. Choosing a credible weight loss surgeon can make a huge […] The post How to Choose a Bariatric Surgeon for Your Weight Loss Journey appeared first on Dr. Jalil Illan more
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The Crucial Role of a Registered Dietitian in Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
2M ago
Bariatric surgery, referred to as weight loss surgery, can transform the way you look and, more importantly, feel. But that only takes you so far in what is ultimately a long journey from obesity. The importance of a dietitian in bariatric surgery cannot be overstated. A registered dietitian plays a vital role in helping patients achieve long-term success after their procedure. Pre-Surgery Preparation Patients have to prepare their bodies before undergoing bariatric surgery. A bariatric surgery dietitian will work closely with you to create a customized nutrition plan. The idea of this plan is more
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The Serious Health Risks of Obesity
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
2M ago
Obesity is another peril of the modern world, with millions of people all over the world struggling with extra weight. While the social aspects of obesity are commonly known, health problems from obesity can surprise some people. Being obese can result in a whole lot of health problems, a number of them fatal. Type 2 Diabetes One of the most common serious problems caused by obesity is type 2 diabetes. This happens when your blood sugar levels are extremely high for a long period of time. Type 2 diabetes causes nerve damage, vision loss, heart disease, sexual problems, and kidney disease, and more
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How Long Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take?
Dr. Jalil Illan Blog
by Jeff Tormey
2M ago
If you are a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery, you may be asking, “How long does a sleeve gastrectomy take?” It varies, but the gastric sleeve operation time usually takes 60–90 minutes. Factors Affecting Surgery Duration How long sleeve surgery takes can vary based on the patient’s individual circumstances. On average, the total amount of time is nearly 1 to 2 hours. Surgical time varies based on factors such as patient weight, anatomy, and even prior abdominal surgeries. The surgical procedure may take a little longer if the patient has adhesions or scar tissue in place from previous sur more
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