Melontek Lighting
by F C
1y ago
今年是比较特殊的一年,三月初从新西兰旅游回来之后,因为美国疫情爆发,一整年安排的旅游计划挨个被取消,出去再浪一年的计划就这么搁浅了。再加上三月中旬的时候被通知无期限在家办公以后,就想说要不要打算把生小孩的日子提前一下,而且好像周围的朋友一个个都在生小孩或是生小孩的路上,就开始备孕,买了叶酸,DHA 和多种维生素,外加周末不加班的时候偶尔锻炼一下(多数时间是被老公跩着跟着练keep)。  但是三月份因为熔断把我搞的忙到崩溃,吃饭吃不好,睡觉也睡不够,回过神来才意识到生娃的日程好像因为忙到昏头昏脑的被无限期延迟了。差不多到5-6月份回过神的时候,感觉备孕时间差不多了可以试试,本着大概试个半年看什么时候能怀上吧,也没指望能多快怀上,毕竟前几个月忙到生活规律紊乱。  7月底的时候因为我生日老公安排和两三个朋友约好去亚特兰大吃点好吃的,月底(7/31-8/2)就驱车去开心吃了一个周末,但是因为我不停的想上厕所小便,到了差不多一小时就要去厕所,我还开玩笑说会不会怀孕了,老公还说怎么可能这么快,毕竟我7月12号例假才结束,就算怀孕也不会这么快有反应,是不是奶茶喝太多了。所以一整个周末我很放心的吃烤肉寿司喝奶茶,除了酒精啥都没忌口,还在Hmart买了一大盒生腌螃蟹带回家吃。  回来之后的周末(8/8 ..read more
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Melontek Lighting
by sitemanager
1y ago
写完之后我发现没有考虑资本利得税等问题。但鉴于无论怎样也是3年后才买,就暂时不想继续研究了。 现在的房子 现在住的是我们结婚后买的第一个房子,学区非常好从小学到高中都是10/10。面积是3千多sqft。主卧在一楼,二楼3个房间。一个是我的办公室加游戏房(赛车模拟机),一个是和办公室公用厕所的卧室(目前作为婴儿房),一个是有独立卫浴的卧室。现在想换房是因为放了小孩子的玩具之后感觉卧室好小啊。楼上还有一个公共区域是作为老婆的办公区域。所以感觉没什么合适的宽敞的空间让小孩玩。 加之Covid-19之下,利率来到了史低的30年2.275%。所以很心动。 现在的难题 目前的房子是借妈妈的钱买的,还有21万,预计3年还清。如果想换房就要卖掉现在的房子。而更有挑战的就是心仪的房子都是在700k以上的。也就是必然面对Jumbo Loan这个问题。目前conventional loan的上限从510k升到了540k。按照80%贷款计算,上限是买675k的房子。加上要准备50k改造房子,50k换家具和家电。实际上需要额外260k的现金在手。所以结论是还是等6年,总共攒够470k还清现在的房子,准备好将来的资金再买。 六年以后呢 6年后又会涉及到另外一个问题,是否要卖现在的房子。决策点就是在于卖现在房子到手价格和Conventional Loan ..read more
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Melontek Lighting
by sitemanager
1y ago
我是一个住在美国的中国出生中国长大中国读书,没有留学经历,工作几年后搬到美国继续工作的一个普通人。在我的第一个孩子还有20周即将来到这个世界之前,我开始这个博客。希望记录下点点滴滴,写下许诺过得话,在日后的时间里不仅鉴证孩子们的成长也希望验证自己的教育理念。 首先要说明,因为我是一个普通人,所以我对我孩子的定位也是一个普通人。希望她快乐成长,找到自己喜欢自己的做的事情,然后坚持不懈努力去做;希望她会爱别人,也能得到别人的爱。仅此而已。 那么先说我自己吧。我出生在在中国西北地区的一个老工业城市。爸爸是工人 ,妈妈是靠自己努力考学然后也从农民转身为一个工人。虽然他们都不是大学毕业,但是他们的教育理念却是我看来最好的。从下我就被允许做所有的关于自己的决定。父母只提供资讯和各种我需要的资源。所以我从小就学会了各种分析,利用各种资源渠道进行分析,也愿意冒险尝试不同的后果。小学5年级时,我第一次跟着同学们去香港玩,而不是和爸妈一起从才开始了放单飞,初中已经可以自己出门游历大中国大好山川。但印象最深的还是那次香港之行。当时国内收入1万元以上被成为万元户,是成功人士的代名词。但香港中环的一个商店(比如各个奢侈品店面)的月租金就是一百多万人民币。人生观一下子颠覆了,加上在爸妈月收入三四千的情况下,还是在我去香港玩的那天,花了1万元给我买了个电脑。从此我通过modem连通了互联网,使用ICQ ..read more
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Is LED grow lights better than HPS?
Melontek Lighting
by Melontek
2y ago
At present, in the field of plant lighting, many plant supplementary lighting products are LED grow lights and HPS lamps. Relevant data show that led plant fill lamp has a high market share, so why is led plant fill lamp more popular than sodium lamp? Low thermal radiation to avoid “high temperature damage” to plants “High-temperature injury”, also known as “heat injury”, is a plant physiological injury caused by too high temperature. This will lead to deterioration of plant protein, damage of biofilm structure, a disorder of metabolism in the body, and abnormal phenomena such as leaf burnin ..read more
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What is the reason for choosing LED grow lights?
Melontek Lighting
by Melontek
3y ago
HID, CFL, and LED grow lights can well maintain and promote the growth of indoor plants. What is the reason for choosing LED grow lights instead of CFL or HID? The fact is that compared with the other two options, LED grow lights have many advantages. Full spectrum LED grow lights is the best Although CFL and HID grow lights provide light in the range of PAR, a light bulb can only emit a specific wavelength of light. Unfortunately, different colors are more effective for different stages of plant growth. This means that when using CFL or HID, the indoor gardener will probably have to buy two o ..read more
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The role of the full spectrum plant growth lamp
Melontek Lighting
by Melontek
3y ago
Full spectrum plant growth lamp is based on the principle of plant growth and simulate the ratio of solar spectrum. The artificial light source with full spectrum is developed and has wide radiation range, which truly meets the requirements of green lighting. For agricultural greenhouses, as a supplementary light, the light can be enhanced at any time of the day, so as to always help the plants carry out photosynthesis. Especially in the winter months, can extend the effective lighting time. It is not affected by any environmental changes, and can effectively extend and scientifically control ..read more
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What are the types of indoor plant growth lamps?
Melontek Lighting
by Melontek
3y ago
The types of indoor plant growth lamps: fluorescent lamp, LED grow light, HPS grow light, and CMH grow light. Plant growth lamps-LED grow lights Market By 2020, the global LED grow light market will reach the US $1 billion 900 million, and the annual compound growth rate will exceed 25%. LED growth lamp market is relatively new, technology has been developing, and constantly introduce more efficient products. The life of LED is 10 times longer than that of the ordinary energy-saving lamp and far more than that of the ordinary incandescent lamp. Although these lamps are more expensive, they a ..read more
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How does led grow lights greenhouse affect plant growth?
Melontek Lighting
by Melontek
3y ago
As with outdoor plants, plant growth is not only affected by light, but also combined with many other factors that affect plant growth, such as air concentration, environmental temperature, quality, life, and other nutrients. From the perspective of indoor lighting, we use led grow lights greenhouse for plants, so how does LED grow lights affect plant growth? LED controls the photoperiod to affect the LED grow lights greenhouse Creatures on the earth have their own working hours. To work, humans also need to rest; animals also need; the same. Plants also have time for work and time for rest, a ..read more
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Why is red light more than blue light in LED plant lights?
Melontek Lighting
by Melontek
3y ago
Red light is more than blue light in LED plant lights LED plant lights are designed according to the proportion of bulbs to collocation, and red and blue light is the most needed light during plant growth. What is the reason why LED plants grow more red light than blue light? In short, plants need more red light than blue light in the process of growing. There is no reason for saying that plants need more red light than blue light. There must be a reason for everything. Let’s analyze it together: Chlorophyll content increased In the process of stem growth and development, by comparing the effe ..read more
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The most popular common 3 types of grow lights
Melontek Lighting
by Melontek
3y ago
2020 Contemporary indoor cannabis growth cultivation usually involves at least one of three artificial light sources: HID, CFL, and LED. HID or high-intensity discharge lamps have been the grow lights of choice, for every kind of indoor grower and indoor cannabis growth from beginners to pro cultivators, since the early 1990’s at least. Over the years, lamps have become more efficient, ballasts have gone digital, and reflectors have gotten bigger and better. Growers that favor HID are big believers that lumens are the only output statistic that matters when it comes to lights. Sure, CMH or cer ..read more
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