Lincoln University of Business and Management
Lincoln University provides quality & internationally recognized MBA Courses, Bachelors's Degree, & UK diplomas for executive learners... The Middle East is a developing and advancing region for business studies.
Lincoln University of Business and Management
2M ago
The world, over the recent years, has gone through many fast upheavals and market changes. However, one thing remains consistent. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has emerged as the key to ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
2M ago
The role of Human Resources in a company goes beyond just supervising individuals. One of the most important tasks when thinking about HR leadership challenges and solutions is to guide ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
2M ago
On December 2nd, the United Arab Emirates commemorates its 53rd National Day. We celebrate the union of its seven emirates in 1971 by the visionary Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
2M ago
The LUBM Alumni Meet 2024 was nothing short of spectacular! Over 80 graduates reunited at the luxurious Palazzo Versace on the evening of November 22nd. The evening marked a major ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
2M ago
International Men’s Day: The Need for Awareness Every year, International Men’s Day serves as a reminder of the challenges men face, particularly when it comes to mental health. Often overlooked, the numbers remain sobering despite progress in opening up discussions around mental health. A WHO report looking into suicide numbers worldwide revealed that globally, men account for 75% of suicide deaths. Additionally, the suicide rates were particularly high among middle-aged men. We think it highlights the damning reality about the state of men’s mental health on a global level. Fortunately, soci ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
3M ago
Perhaps no sector captures the UAE’s growth as a nation more than the education industry. Today, the country is emerging as a strong contender as the education hotspot within the region. This is evident in the numerous international education centres that have set down roots in the nation. Thus, they work towards capturing the Middle Eastern market. Besides, the UAE’s homegrown schools display excellence in the quality of teaching and facilities. The newly unveiled Education Strategy 2033 seems to recognize this, and more. As the population grows, more residents and locals require educational ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
3M ago
LUBM 2024 Graduation Event Holds a Special Place in our Hearts The LUBM Graduation Ceremony 2024 commemorates more than a once-in-a-lifetime moment for our graduates. This particular ceremony also celebrates the tenth year of LUBM’s presence in the UAE. It honors ten years of helping aspiring, hard-working students fulfill their UAE dreams. It memorialises ten years of offering international, accredited degrees from some of the best business schools in the UK and Europe. Thus, the theme for the LUBM Graduation Ceremony 2024 is ‘Decade of Dreams’. It is the end result of a decade of trust in th ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
3M ago
The UAE is well on its way to earning the position of the regional healthcare hub. And as October becomes popularised as Breast Cancer Awareness month, organizations have kickstarted their annual campaigns. Currently dominating the UAE healthcare industry is the Medcare Hospitals & Medical Centres campaign. They annually offer specialist packages focused on breast cancer screening and consultations with specialists. UAE Healthcare Industry This should come as no surprise to residents, who may be aware of the government’s efforts towards the UAE healthcare industry. It has invested heavily ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
4M ago
Why the October 2024 Graduation Event Holds a Special Place in our Hearts The LUBM Graduation Ceremony 2024 commemorates more than a once-in-a-lifetime moment for our graduates. This particular ceremony also celebrates the tenth year of LUBM’s presence in the UAE. It honors ten years of helping aspiring, hard-working students fulfill their UAE dreams. It memorialises ten years of offering international, accredited degrees from some of the best business schools in the UK and Europe. Thus, the theme for the LUBM Graduation Ceremony 2024 is ‘Decade of Dreams’. It is the end result of a decade of ..read more
Lincoln University of Business and Management
6M ago
Good mental health is an important part of being a business entrepreneur. Given that business heads face a huge deal of stress in their everyday lives, it is vital. Studies carried out by the National Institute of Mental Health support this viewpoint. One such study revealed that as many as 72% of entrepreneurs are affected by mental health issues. This includes both direct and secondary ways. In comparison, only 48% of non-entrepreneurs experience the impact of mental health concerns. As we ponder these surprising numbers, it is important to consider mental health in the workplace, too. The U ..read more