I turned 60. And then THIS happened.
by Mona Andrei
2w ago
Hey there, awesome readers! They say you should celebrate the milestones, and I 100% agree. Except, apparently, my way of celebrating isn’t quite what they had in mind. Side note: I’m not even sure who “they” are. In my mind, they’re a quirky group of multi-talented individuals who spend their days in home offices, kittens […] The post I turned 60. And then THIS happened. appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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Apparently, I have commitment issues
by Mona Andrei
3w ago
Hey there, awesome readers! I wanted to tell you about this thing I did. But before I get into it, let me tell you how long it took me to actually do it – and why. So, here’s the deal: I’ve always considered myself a pretty committed person. I mean, I’ve been a single mom […] The post Apparently, I have commitment issues appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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3 Life lessons from my parents (and a goat story)
by Mona Andrei
1M ago
Hello, awesome readers! If we’re connected on social, you might remember my December Gratitude Challenge – a daily practice of focusing on life’s little joys. If we’re not connected, let’s fix that! Social is more than just sharing cat videos and what we’re having for lunch. It’s about building a community that encourages laughter, inspires, […] The post 3 Life lessons from my parents (and a goat story) appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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Just when you think you know yourself, something happens that makes you question EVERYTHING
by Mona Andrei
2M ago
Hey there, awesome readers! Life is full of surprises. Like realizing your feet have been lying to you for decades. And here’s how that story goes… Recently, my someone and I celebrated our sixth-year anniversary. To mark this milestone, we decided to do something we both love: hiking. Mount Rigaud was our destination, and this […] The post Just when you think you know yourself, something happens that makes you question EVERYTHING appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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Why we should embrace life’s bloopers
by Mona Andrei
2M ago
Hey there, awesome readers! Life is messy. And if we’re going to get real here, days are just not meant to be Pinterest-perfect. A typical day in the life includes awkward moments, unexpected detours, and plenty of bloopers. And you know what? Those are often the best parts, the moments that make life real. Kind […] The post Why we should embrace life’s bloopers appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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Dear younger me… Never mind. But since I can’t write to younger me, Dear single moms of today.
by Mona Andrei
3M ago
Hey there, awesome readers! At a recent book signing for SUPERWOMAN: A Funny and Reflective Look at Single Motherhood, I remember catching a glimpse of a man hovering near my table, his eyes narrowing as he studied the bold title of SUPERWOMAN on the table banner. In that moment, I was deep in conversation with […] The post Dear younger me… Never mind. But since I can’t write to younger me, Dear single moms of today. appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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I was eaten by zombies. And enjoyed their every mouthful.
by Mona Andrei
3M ago
Welcome back, awesome readers! First, a question: I’m 59 years old. Yes, I know. That’s not a question. Can’t pull one over on you, can I? Oops. Ignore. That wasn’t the question. THE QUESTION: What is a 59-year-old? Middle-aged? Considered a senior? Old enough to know better? I’m asking because recently we went to one […] The post I was eaten by zombies. And enjoyed their every mouthful. appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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10 things nobody tells you about adulting… Until it’s too late.
by Mona Andrei
4M ago
Welcome back, awesome readers! First time here? Well then. Simply, WELCOME! If you’re anything like me, you know what it is to grow up fantasizing about what it will be like when you finally get to be an adult. For me back then, one word summed it all up: Freedom. Basically, doing what you want, […] The post 10 things nobody tells you about adulting… Until it’s too late. appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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Vampires, serial killers, and sleep deprivation. What’s next in my writing journey?
by Mona Andrei
4M ago
Well, hello there, awesome readers! First off, thanks again to everyone who came to my book signing for SUPERWOMAN: A Funny and Reflective Look at Single Motherhood. It was great to see your lovely faces and please know that your support means so much to me. Teaming up with a local non-profit was truly a […] The post Vampires, serial killers, and sleep deprivation. What’s next in my writing journey? appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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My great sourdough experiment. In retrospect, I should have known better.
by Mona Andrei
5M ago
Well, hellloooo there, awesome readers! Have you heard about the sourdough craze? In case you’ve been blissfully unaware, it’s not just about baking bread. It’s a needy (see what I did there?), bubbling pet that takes up permanent residence on your kitchen counter. Yes, you read that right. A pet made of flour that you […] The post My great sourdough experiment. In retrospect, I should have known better. appeared first on Moxie-Dude ..read more
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