All of Algonquin Blog
A blog dedicated to my travels through Algonquin Park. My goal is to paddle every canoe route accessible lake in the Park and I'm about halfway there. The site has trip reports, campsite reviews and other Algonquin related material.
All of Algonquin Blog
6d ago
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsite Reviews & More
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsites & More
Year in Review (2024)
The Moosie Awards (Part One)
Welcome to the 2024 Moosie Awards! It’s hard to believe we’re nine years into The Moosies, but it’s also hard to believe that they cancelled Firefly after only 14 perfect episodes. But they did (cancel Firely), and we are (nine years into the Moosies). If you’re new to these parts, The Moosies are my annual look back at the past tripping year where I hand out awards in categories like Worst Portage, Best Campsite and, new t ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
1M ago
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsite Reviews & More
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsites & More
Year in Review (2024)
Lessons Learned
Most years I manage around six or seven canoe trips. I get a long one in the spring, a few short ones with the family throughout the summer, maybe a solo some time in August, then a couple of fall trips with buddies to close out the season (and maybe, if I’m feeling adventurous, a late season day trip). This is ideal from both a general life enjoyment viewpoint (more trips > less trips) and from a “Hey, don’t I usually write a Lesson ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
2M ago
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsite Reviews & More
The Shall Access Exploratory
An Oral History
Home Page
Canoe Trip Reports
Campsite Reviews
Gear Reviews
Blog & More
Hi there! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy and feel free to subscribe if you do! A quick note for anyone receiving this through an email subscription. First of all, thank you for subscribing. Secondly, this post looks better when viewed through the website. This link will take you there: The Shall Access Exploratory: An Oral History (And, if you don’t already subscribe, there’s a subscription sign up at the ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
3M ago
Booth Lake is not small. Looking at the map, this seems pretty obvious. It’s a blue blob that is significantly bigger than any other nearby blue blobs. You look at Booth, with its two large, connected basins, and you know that it would probably take a bit of time to paddle around its edges. The problem is, knowing something as a theoretical concept and actually experiencing that theoretical concept come to life are two very different things. It’s the difference between Miles Dyson workshopping names for the helpful new AI he’s developing (“Skyweb? Cloudnet? Bruce?”) and Miles Dyson wa ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
7M ago
Every once in a while there will be a moment on trip where I’ll stop for an instant, take a deep breath, look around and realize that Canoe Trip Planning Drew must really hate Canoe Trip Doing Drew. Then I’ll spit out the cloud of mosquitoes I just inhaled, ram the canoe through the tangle of downed branches that made me stop in the first place, and continue on towards whatever lies ahead. Oblivion, maybe.
Huh. That’s a bit grim. Maybe I should try this again.
My spring trip is always a highlight. For the past few years it’s been a great way to usher in the canoe tripping season, and it ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
10M ago
Algonquin’s ice headed north for the summer early this year. Ice out was officially declared as of April 10th. For those keeping track (which I assume is everyone because if you’re not keeping track of Algonquin’s historic ice out dates than what are you keeping track of?), that ties the third earliest ice out date since the Park started monitoring this back in 1964. That’s good news for people who have been staring longingly at their paddles since they hung them up back in November, probably less good news for anyone who is at all concerned that all three of the record ice out dates for Al ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
10M ago
The RSS feed URL you're currently using https://follow.it/all-of-algonquin-there-s-a-lot-of-park-out-there-let-s-see-what-we-can-find will stop working shortly. Please add /rss at the and of the URL, so that the URL will be https://follow.it/all-of-algonquin-there-s-a-lot-of-park-out-there-let-s-see-what-we-can-find/rss ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
11M ago
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsite Reviews & More
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsites & More
Year in Review (2023)
The Moosie Awards (Part two)
Welcome to Part Two of the 2023 Moosie Awards. Part One started things off with awards in categories like Best Waterfall, Thunderiest Thunderbox and Worst Portage. Those categories are fine and all, but they’re not the reason you come to the Moosies. They’re the Moosie equivalent of the Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar. You’re happy to see someone win, but you also wish they’d play off that acceptance speech just a bit faster ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
11M ago
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsite Reviews & More
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsites & More
Year in Review (2023)
The Moosie Awards (Part One)
Welcome to the 8th annual Golden Moose Awards. Of course, Golden Moose Awards is just what’s on the application to join the Ancient Society of Made Up Awards Shows. You and I and Ryan Gosling (probably) know these awards as The Moosies. Or maybe you don’t! Maybe you’re new to All of Algonquin, and this is your first time reading our year end (*cough* “year end” yet somehow not coming out until March *cough*) awards post. If ..read more
All of Algonquin Blog
1y ago
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsite Reviews & More
All of Algonquin
Trip Reports, Campsites & More
Year in Review (2023)
Lessons Learned
As of the end of the 2023 tripping season I’ve made it to 337 of the 530(ish) lakes in Algonquin that are on my list. I’ve finished 60 canoe trips and paddled over 2,000 KM since I started this thing back in 2016. I’ve had incredible moments and incredibly terrifying moments. I’ve jumped off cliffs, swam in waterfalls, cursed across portages and paddled a perfectly flat Cedar Lake not once but twice. That’s pretty awesome, right? I imag ..read more