How to choose your first ultramarathon
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
7M ago
In the last few years, the world of ultra-running has exploded, and the sheer number of options for races can be overwhelming. Before you even start your training, it can feel like the real difficulty is finding the perfect race! Choosing a good starting race is important, not only to ensure the terrain and elevation profile suits your preferences, but also because your first ultramarathon will likely be a memorable one. There are a few ultramarathons I’ve done that would have put me off the sport entirely, if they’d been my first! But equally plenty that I’d recommend to anyone. Things to co more
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Long-running fatigue: my EBV journey (so far)
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
8M ago
It’s a typical Sunday in 2021 and I’m out on my long run on the weekend. Today it’s ‘only’ 15km, and my Strava entry betrays the guilt I feel at this. ‘Long run, split into 3 parts. 10km yesterday, 15km today, 16km tomorrow’. The subtext reads that I am trying, but know I am falling short. I make up for it by running faster than I should. My week finishes and I have run over 50km. This is normal.  Exactly two years later my boyfriend drives us to Clevedon, a pretty town on the seafront, just 30 minutes from our house. We head out for a walk, me setting the pace, the distance and dictating more
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In limbo
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
9M ago
Chronic illnesses have stages. They start, worsen, hit rock bottom, remit, recur, remit again and at a certain point, you have been spun around so many times, you have no idea where you are. While improvements are always welcome, there is a disorientation in being halfway back to ‘normal’. There’s no script of how to act, no roadmap for recovery, nor list of allowance you should make for yourself, and others should make for you. When I was at my illest, EBV was self-limiting. It was simple: if I tried to do anything, I would have to spend the rest of the day (or week) on the sofa. Thus, I coul more
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The wheels on the bus have been sold for parts
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
1y ago
As a writer, I love to write about topics that feel important to me. From nutrition, to training, to gender equality, pretty much anything that crosses my mind makes it onto paper. Only a handful ever make it out into the real world, but the simple act of regurgitating my thoughts into the ether makes me feel better. As an ultramarathon runner, the majority of my articles are something to do with running. The people I write for are interested in running, my social media followers are interested in running, and I get paid to talk about running. So when I found myself considering the issues faci more
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I went to my first running camp. Here’s how it went.
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
1y ago
A few years ago, the idea of a trail running camp would have been one of the (very few) things to actually send me running. The idea of going on holiday to voluntarily wake with the sun and spend hours exercising was one that filled me with dread, not excitement. But as I write, I’m currently sat on a sofa in Chamonix, France. I’m tucking into a well-earned cinnamon bun, on my afternoon ‘chill time’. This morning I ran 11km with 700m climbing, which was our ‘easy day’ to ease us into five days of mountain running. Yes, I’m on a trail running training camp.  The idea to sign up came about more
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More women should run ultramarathons. Here’s why.
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
1y ago
As an ultra runner, I take joy at watching people’s responses when I tell them I run further than 50km, as a hobby. The inevitable responses follow ‘I don’t even like to drive that far!’ ‘I can barely run 5k’ ‘isn’t that bad for your knees?’. Meanwhile, secretly I know full well that the reason I love to run ultramarathons is because I like to walk, and ultra running is essentially competitive hiking. When I tell them that running a flat out 5k or road marathon is significantly harder, they usually think I’m being modest, but it’s true. And so begins my spiel about why they, too, could and&nbs more
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Leo’s Box and affordable ethics
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
1y ago
Reports into consumer trends repeatedly show an interest and desire to shop more sustainably. Looking into how consumers shop once set loose, however, suggests the good intentions don’t always last. A 2018 Accenture surveyshowed that while 65% of consumers say they prefer to buy from brands that are ethical, only 26% of consumers will actually opt to buy from them. Similarly, a 2020 Mckinsey report into consumer views of sustainability in fashion found that the increase in people looking to purchase more sustainably did not necessarily match up to reality – sales for fast fashio more
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Best of Bristol Trail Running
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
1y ago
After attending university in Bristol, I spent a few years pottering around London, forever trying to escape to find more green spaces. In December 2020, my partner and I made the very exciting move back to Bristol as a half-way space between Dorset (where Fiann fossil hunts) and London (where much of my work is). One of the major benefits of Bristol is that you’re never far from the countryside. Not only was it voted European Green Capital 2015, it also has the delight of being surrounded by nature. Even in the depths of the city, you’re only a short walk or run from open green spaces.&n more
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Sustainable gardening and creating a wildlife haven
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
1y ago
Lockdown 2020 saw a rise in gardening around the world – the tighter the restrictions, the greater the increase in gardening. The benefits are multifold: not only is gardening an activity that can take place within the confines of your home borders, it also provides exercise, time outside (perfect during the extremely long 2020 summer), mental health benefits and, for those planting vegetables, the promise of delicious food – meaning fewer stressful trips to the supermarket! Sales of compost rose by 41% by the end of June 2020 and a report by the UK’s Office for Nation more
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Conversation with an NHS podiatrist
Food Fitness Flora
by Food fitness flora
1y ago
I had this conversation with NHS podiatrist Robyna King, answering your most asked foot questions! This blog post is in support of the We are the NHS campaign. If you enjoy it, please do share on Instagram! If you have any further questions, please visit NHS Live Well. Robyna King graduated from the University of Plymouth in 2012 with a first class honours degree in Podiatry and currently works in the Solent NHS Trust. Since qualifying as a Podiatrist, Robyna has experience of working in a variety of NHS Podiatry roles, with both clinical and management responsibilities. She particularly more
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