Parenting Our Future
Each one of my episodes is designed to help you navigate the difficult journey of parenting but in a way that is more peaceful and intentional. I'll show you how to get your kids to listen and cooperate without yelling, punishments, and rewards. I'll show you how to understand your own feelings and those of your kids.
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
When I first recorded this episode it was in response to the mass shooting at Robb Elementary that was preceded by the supermarket shooting days earlier. With gun violence on the rise, more mass shootings, war in many countries, there is no time better than now to help our kids understand and make sense of what seems like senseless violence. Please listen to my brilliant guest, Barbara Rubel and how she shares her own story and provides us with a path forward for us and our kids.
Please listen and please share.
Gun violence has been heavy on everyone’s mind with the horrific massacre at a supe ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
In this episode, I’m talking about eating disorders, what they are, the different kinds, why they develop, what are at their core and how you can support your child.
My guest is Dr. Elizabeth Easton who is an expert in this area. She wants you to know that there is hope for those who are suffering, those that love them, and treatment is possible. Dr. Easton talks about how our kids are navigating a stressful world and temporarily, eating disorders can allow a person to feel soothed, in control, avoid something bad from happening and feel less overwhelmed.
The fact ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
Bedwetting is no joke when it impacts your child. In fact, my guest on this episode, considers it a “life spoiling issue.” It’s not just your child wetting the bed, it’s our reaction to it that is usually based in fear and leads us to shame or punish the child.
Before you read any further, you must know that this is NOT.YOUR.CHILD’S.FAULT nor is it your fault! Let’s end the shame and punishments around bedwetting here.
My guest is Dr. Danielle Sweeney, of Austin, Texas who is a Pediatric Urologist and is a faculty member at Texas Children’s Hospital. She wants every parent an ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
What’s for dinner? The question that is asked around the world in every single
family! For me personally, it’s enough to make my head spin. I know many of my listeners struggle with dinner planning, options and variety. Thankfully we have people like Jessica Formicola to help us navigate meal decision paralysis!
My guest is founder of Savory Experiments, former Psychotherapist, food critic, TV
personality and mom to two, Jessica Formicola. She is helping us to reframe how we can be in the kitchen and ditch the “I need to make dinner,” to “we are making dinner together” a ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
Apart from our 5 senses, we have THREE MORE that we were most likely never taught about! I always say that parenting is the hardest, most important job we do and we do it with no training or basic understanding about the way the brain, nervous system or sensory system works (not to mention developmental stages) so it’s no wonder we are so often perplexed at our kids’ behaviors!
Thankfully, guests like I have on this episode are rockstars at helping us help our kids who have sensory challenges! Meet Rachel and Jessica of Harkla and the podcast, All Things Sensory Podcast.
Why ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
My guest for this episode is Kyle Carnohan who has gone from being a stressed out, sleep deprived and angry dad of five and husband, to being a fitness powerhouse, connected dad, loving husband and purpose driven man.
Kyle is here to talk about changing the lives of dads who have found themselves complacent in their lives and living without drive and purpose. He’s redefining what masculinity is and explains how men can take their power back in their lives through discipline and dedication which allows them to reach their ultimate goal of freedom!
We have a fascinating c ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
In this episode of "Parenting Our Future," I am talking to one of my most favorite people in the world! I’m so excited to share my conversation with the wonderful Katie Keen, a homeschooling expert and advocate. Join me as we explore the world of homeschooling and discover some amazing hacks that can make this educational journey a success for your family.
In this episode, we delve into the world of homeschooling with Katie, who shares her valuable insights and practical hacks. We discuss how homeschooling is not about copying traditional schools but creating a unique and flexible educat ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare…to find out someone has physically or sexually abused your child. It’s gut wrenching, heartbreaking; enraging. Unfortunately it’s a topic we have to talk to our children about so they know what to do, and who to tell. But of course, it’s not as easy as that.
My guest, Dr. Tiffanie Tate is an abuse survivor who wants to help parents and kids to know what to do if they are faced with the unthinkable. In this episode we talk about what to do if someone tries to touch you (from the child’s perspective), who is a safe adult to talk to that ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
We all know that divorce can cause trauma in your children’s lives but there is a way through that doesn’t have to leave a path of destruction in its wake.
My guest, Janet Price, is helping divorced and divorcing couples do exactly that. She helps parents to consciously co-parent so they can rise above pettiness, and build skills to communicate and build strong and lasting relationships.
Parenting is hard enough without adding in the stress of a broken marriage, so taking the time to be conscious and not turn your back on the “normal parenting” needed, will help you in ways t ..read more
Parenting Our Future
1y ago
Get ready to meet ADHD Royalty, Peter Shankman! He is known globally for his entrepreneurial prowess, and work on educating himself and the world about ADHD. I’ve known of Peter’s work for years and it’s truly an honour to speak with him!
He wants both kids and parents to know that a diagnosis of ADHD doesn’t mean you’re broken, but brilliant! That if you have an ADHD brain, you have been given a gift of a brain that’s equal to a Ferrari, but society and the school system wants these kids to fit into a “Honda Accord” brain! I love that metaphor, and if you have a kiddo ..read more