The Simple Sophisticate
The simple sophisticate is someone who prefers quality over quantity, sensible living over mindless consumption, personal style instead of trendy fashions has an insatiable curiosity for life's endless questions, and a desire to live a truly fulfilling life rather than being led around by the nose. Shannon Ables shares with listeners tips on how to live a refined life on an everyday income...
The Simple Sophisticate
1w ago
“I guess I don’t even think about being single. I just lived my life and made choices along the way. I didn’t say, ‘This is what it’s going to be in 20 years or 10 years or five years.’ Unexpected things will happen and change the course of your life. That’s when you make a […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
1M ago
“The confidence to dare to be simple.” —Monty Don ~speaking about a grand garden of beauty that chose their own approach and creating something so very special, Monty Don’s British Gardens, 2025~ To be simple is to knowingly let go of what is not necessary and wisely keep, nourish and invest in what is. Gardens […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
1M ago
Maintaining our balance whether we are holding a tree pose in yoga or riding a bicycle requires dynamic engagement. While the tree pose in yoga may look static, nope, it is actually dynamic as various muscles are engaged. Similarly and more visually obvious is riding a bicycle. We must remain in motion, and a motion […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
1M ago
This year marks the 11th season of The Simple Sophisticate podcast, and as we step into the second decade of the show’s production, exploring and sharing on this audio platform continues to be a favorite medium of connecting with listeners, and conversely, connecting listeners to inspiration and ideas to live their lives with more contentment […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
2M ago
“We can attain almost anything we want—but not instantly. If we’re methodical, if we’re persistent, and if we take small, deliberate steps, we can arrive there. The going may be slow at first, but the advantage of those actions, compounded over time, can lead to stunning results.” —Doris Clark, author of The Long Game: How […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
2M ago
“Some of [our] beliefs, habits and behaviours are acquired by chance, and some we have designed for ourselves. But the beauty of the human mind is that no matter how these beliefs were shaped, they can be changed.” —Nicole Vignola, author of Rewire: Break the Cycle, Alter Your Thoughts and Create Lasting Change Maybe it […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
2M ago
“In general, people who have more optimistic expectations about the possibility of forming a connection are more likely to overlook superficial differences, and wait to see if they feel the spark of connection. They tend to have more diverse relationships, while those with fixed assumptions tend to have more limited social circles. Our beliefs about […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
3M ago
That moment when everything appears to immediately shift. Similar to a teeter totter/see saw or a balancing scale designed with two plates or bowls suspended at equal distances from a fulcrum. Gradually adding more weight to one side, it takes a moment for the scale to reveal which side comparatively weighs more and then, that side […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
4M ago
“Healthy skin begins the moment you start to take care of yourself.” —Anonymous Healthy, natural, as well as radiant skin is something we can include as one of the most statement-making accessories in our exterior presentation. The questions begin though when we don’t know what is worth investing in and how much is too much […]
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The Simple Sophisticate
5M ago
A feeling of deep calm, a quiet confidence within yourself knowing that whatever may happen – hoped for or not, you’ve got this. You are savvy, knowledgeable, and prepared. And here’s one of the primary reasons why you feel this way as it pertains to your financial peace of mind, you’ve had hiccups, you’ve had […]
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