Josiah Reckons
Latter-Day Saint thoughts to be reckoned with. Seriously engaging with my faith involves an intellectual element, a pursuit of wisdom, a wrestle with God. When I read the best books of wisdom and liken them unto us, I find insights, meaning, and purpose, I find answers and questions, and I find ways to bless others. I want to share the sum of my thoughts, what I reckon, with you.
Josiah Reckons
6M ago
This talk was delivered in a sacrament meeting in the Summer Hill Ward, in Palmerston North, New Zealand on the 10th of March 2024. ‘To thine own self be true’, is a line from Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet. It is spoken by a man giving his son advice. The sentiment has become very popular. Be true more
Josiah Reckons
1y ago
In part II, I used ChatGPT to modernise verses from the LDS standard works. ChatGPT is a fine-tuned GPT-3.5, trained using supervised learning and reinforcement learning. I recently read about LDSBot, an OpenAIAPI project that uses the ChatGPT-4 model. LDSBot is part of the Mormonr project by the B. H. Roberts Foundation. I wanted to more
Josiah Reckons
1y ago
I gave a contracted version of this talk, in Polish, in the Warsaw Branch, in Poland on 23/04/2023. When I was a child, we didn’t have a digital camera. To see photos, we had to take film to a developer. This costed more and took longer than it takes to look at digital photos on more
Josiah Reckons
1y ago
How would ChatGPT modernise the standard works? Would there be doctrinal changes or loss of intertexuality between scriptures? Perhaps we'd be surprised more
Josiah Reckons
2y ago
I can imagine D&C 20:70 being followed to the letter, but in a variety of different ways to how we currently bless babies more
Josiah Reckons
2y ago
When I was a deacon, I sometimes passed the sacrament to older people whose hands trembled so much that they regularly spilled their water. Then as a teacher, I would only fill the tiny sacrament cups halfway, to try and make it easier for them, but it only helped a little. Deterioration of hand function more
Josiah Reckons
2y ago
We were late for church on Sunday. We use public transport, and there is no direct route to church. Our bus was running late and we missed the tram we planned to catch. The next tram was half an hour later, and we arrived at church during the sacrament. We heard the prayer blessing the more
Josiah Reckons
2y ago
"Paying a full and honest tithe leads us to the temple." - Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi more
Josiah Reckons
2y ago
Could we use the KJV and another version of the bible as training data, and create a machine learning translation model that translates from KJV-style English directly to a more modern style of English more
Josiah Reckons
2y ago
"I am persuaded that violent fathers produce violent sons." - Gordon B. Hinkley more