Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
Here you can learn how to listen to your intuition for everyday guidance and support. Whether you are just getting started or already an intuitive expert, these articles will teach you how to cultivate and hone your skills with clear guidelines and step-by-step approaches.
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
2y ago
It's no secret that exercise has tremendous benefits for our physical, emotional, and mental health. But did you know this is also true for our spiritual health? Exercise helps "loosen" your spiritual body to help you become more open and receptive. Often, intuitive knowledge will become apparent when the physical body moves, especially if one is in a relaxed state.
Since we are both equally human and spiritual beings, we need to be fully present in each part to receive the maximum benefit of being alive. Too much in our spiritual or physical selves causes an imbalance and has drawbacks, such ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
Intuitive guidance is instructive and can show us what is taking off our life path. As such, intuition is an extremely valuable tool for exposing our shadow side by revealing beliefs and habits that keep us from living our full potential.
The higher self and God will guide you towards the most authentic version of yourself. Inner wisdom can convict by encouraging course correction when you have strayed off your life path. This conviction relieves the pain of making unhealthy choices rather than adding punishment by guilt
Guilt is different from conviction in that it's insidious. Guilt comes w ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
Goosebumps are a physiological phenomenon that mainly occurs with cold weather and strong emotions. However, they can also be an indication of receiving intuitive guidance from your higher self or God. In this instance, I have heard goosebumps referred to as truth-bumps.
When you receive helpful, intuitive guidance, a part of you knows the information is accurate on a deep level. Your human body can respond to spiritual truths as your spiritual body, and physical body are intimately connected. As such, spiritual truths can cause physiological responses such as chills and goosebumps.
To discov ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
Being able to hear your intuition is a skill that can be cultivated and honed like anything else. An adept intuitive will have detectable amounts of discipline and self-mastery in their daily lives. The following are five characteristics of a highly intuitive person with a firm connection to their inner wisdom.
1. Intuitive people are great listeners. A highly intuitive person will be able to listen objectively without the need to respond or interrupt. Intuitive people are at ease with silent pauses in conversation and provide a safe space for others to communicate challenging and sensitive i ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
An advanced technique for listening for intuitive guidance is to place your attention in the middle of your head. I will walk you through a quick exercise to experience this intuitive practice to understand this concept more.
The first thing to know is that your attention differs from your awareness. For example, you can be aware of what room you are in right now, but all your attention may be on reading these words. It's important to get the energetic distinction between awareness and attention because you want all of your attention in the center of your head when listening for intuitive gui ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
For many, intuitive guidance from the higher self (soul) or God will come in a dream. There are countless testimonials of those who connect to higher wisdom while sleeping, including many references to prophetic dreams in the Bible.
One reason why so many of us will get higher guidance in our dream state is that our conscious mind is temporarily halted during this time. Without our ego's noisy mental and emotional processes, there is more energetic space for spiritual guidance to come in.
,[Read: How to Avoid This Common Roadblock to Hearing Your Intuition] for more about how the ego can bloc ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
The most powerful and reliable way to hear intuitive guidance is through a direct knowing experience. This knowing is information that is perceived without going through an emotional or reasoning process. Key hallmarks of a direct knowing experience are an internal stillness that appears to stop time and the unequivocal nature of the information received. This brief and informatively clear pause is so subtle it can go unnoticed, but it's unmistakable once recognized.
When an intuitive direct knowing hits you, it doesn't last long. Typically only a few seconds, but that timeframe will feel lon ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
Finding and following your Divine purpose is a worthwhile endeavor because life will feel fulfilling when in sync with your soul's desires. Intuition is an excellent tool to find your life purpose when used as part of a three-step approach: develop a spiritual practice, take action, record and evaluate results.
The first step to intuitively discovering your life purpose is to develop a daily spiritual practice. This practice involves carving out time to check in with the higher self (soul) and God to ask which action steps are for your highest good. If something is for your highest good, it m ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
When I'm intuitively listening for spiritual guidance, I'll often get stuck. I seem to hit a wall, and I feel I'm not receiving any information, or what I'm hearing doesn't seem right. When this happens, it's an indication that I left my intuitive space, and instead, I'm receiving guidance from my ego.
A spiritual teacher taught me a simple and effective technique that halts my ego's input so that I can hear my intuitive guidance more clearly. It's called the "I don't know" trick. To understand why this trick works so well, it's helpful to know what the ego is and why you want to quiet it whil ..read more
Love. Abundance. Freedom. Blog
3y ago
Being present, neutral, and receptive are essential characteristics for hearing intuitive guidance. These traits form what I call an "intuitive temperament," which is an attitude or disposition you create inside yourself that allows intuitive guidance to enter and be witnessed. To hear intuitive guidance from your higher self and God, you need to create an internal environment that energetically matches them. Therefore, you aim to have an inner space that is full of unconditional love.
Being present means that thoughts about the past and future reside so that there is only the present moment ..read more