Learn everything you need to know about Hidradenitis Suppurativa from the below blogs.
9M ago
Although Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) affects at least 1% of the general population it is still mistaken for a rare disease. Here are 12 things that you may not have known about HS.
1. The extent of the side effects of the medication
Some medications that HS patients may be on can have side effects including mood changes, restlessness and inability to sleep.
2. HS can limit your mobility
Having HS in places like the axilla or groin can make basic everyday movements such as walking or picking something up extremely difficult. Not only can these movements cause pain as skin rubbing against the ..read more
1y ago
Galway-based company HidraMed Solutions has won the Irish Times Innovation of the Year award for 2020 for developing a novel dressing system aimed at those suffering from the incurable skin disease, Hidradenitis Suppurativa. In today’s episode, HidraMed founder Suzanne Maloney joins Ciaran Hancock to speak about the company’s origins, products and plans for expansion.
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2y ago
Early Signs
It all started with a few bumps on my inner thighs, vagina and the occasional butt sore when I was around 17 years old. At first, I really thought nothing about it. Weird things happen to our body as we get older, right?
Pregnancy and a terrible misdiagnosis
Now, here comes my first pregnancy with my son, he’s 11 now. However, when I found out I was pregnant, of course the sores concerned me a little bit more than usual. So I went ahead and had my doctor test me. He diagnosed me with herpes and I was devastated. I made a very hard choice of having a C-section with my son. It ..read more
2y ago
My name is Lindsay. I was 15 when I first started getting signs of HS. Of course at that time we had no idea. My doctor just thought that it was a recurring cyst. So, I was given multiple doses of antibiotics whenever a flare up would happen.
Emergency Surgery At 17 Years Old
When I was 17, I woke up unable to move my arms higher than my shoulders. The pain was so bad from the bumps. I went to the hospital that day and got emergency surgery on both of my arms. They told me that the bumps shouldn’t come back but if they did, get a referral to a general surgeon.
HS Diagnosis
The bu ..read more
2y ago
Hello, my name is Danasha and I am a Hidradenitis Suppurative Warrior. I inherited this condition from both sides of my parents’ families. My mom actually has the condition. I will be 23 in September . I have been battling HS for almost twelve years. I was diagnosed at the young age of eleven.
First Flare
I can still remember the day I had my first flare and the my mom’s reaction like it was yesterday. I had what was considered stage one for the majority of my developing years. This was until my high school years. I was experiencing puberty at this time and occasionally ..read more
2y ago
My name is Candice and I’m 49 years old. As a teen, I started to get lumps on my breasts, armpits, bottom and occasionally my face which coincided with my monthly cycle.
The Daily Reality Of HS
Over the years, I dealt with the pain and side effects of HS as best I could, though no one seemed to know what it was. I find that Ice packs and painkillers help to soothe the pain of flare ups. That said, I have ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome) and Fibromyalgia too so at times it is hard to tell which condition is causing my pain. My family is great, but they ..read more
2y ago
Let me Introduce Myself!
Firstly, Hello! My name is Ashley and I’m a 22-year-old college student and filmmaker from Helena, Alabama. My HS story began when I was around 12 or 13 years old and began experiencing symptoms. I had large cysts develop in my groin area and between my thighs. It made it hard and very painful to walk. Eventually I found my way to a dermatologist, who thankfully was able to properly diagnose me (many others aren’t as lucky).
We began a round of antibiotics and topical rubs, but nothing seemed to calm it down. Over the next seven years I tried every possible ..read more
2y ago
The Early Years
I don’t remember the exact age when HS started but I know I was already getting lumps by middle school, so I want to say around 11-12 years old. When I think about it, it was probably when I hit puberty. My first symptom was actually the lumps itself. I remember that I thought it was a regular pimple and, well at that age, I was like ‘whatever’, you know? I didn’t care if it left a scar or how it would look down there because I was just a little girl and that was not in my worries. I remember that sometimes they would be painful as well.
As I got older I did notice they got wor ..read more
2y ago
Many people share their stories to educate and inspire. As well as for catharsis. For me, it was all those things, but I also wanted to create a record of my experiences.
Telling your story is difficult. It can bring up a lot of feelings. Not all of them good. From personal experience, writing about my condition has been freeing. So, not telling your story can be difficult too. Maya Angelou said,
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
It is a big decision. And one you should consider carefully especially if you decide to publish it. If you decide to take the leap ..read more
2y ago
It can take years to receive a diagnosis of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). One reason for this is that it’s not a well- known disease. It is a secret a lot of people keep, and even medical professionals misunderstand it. HS awareness and understanding its impact is essential. But often people with HS feel embarrassed to talk about it.
Embarrassment is caused by perceived stigma, that is stigma associated with what you believe others think of you. Enacted stigma is when you have been discriminated against or treated badly because of your symptoms. Awareness is the best way to reduce stigma ..read more