Custom Clone Opportunity with Specific Fields using Quick Action in Lightning Component
Salesforce Codes
by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Apex Class: public class CloneOpportunityWithSpecificFieldsCtrl { @AuraEnabled public static Map<String, String> cloneToOpportunity(String Id,String oppName){ Map<String, String> response = new Map<String, String>(); List<Opportunity> opp = [select Id,Name,AccountId,StageName,CloseDate from Opportunity Where Id =:Id]; if(opp.size() > 0){ try{ Opportunity newopp = new Opportunity(); newopp.Name = oppName; newopp.StageName = 'Prospecting more
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Trigger for New Contact To Automatically Add Account Name Based On Email Domain
Salesforce Codes
by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Apex Trigger: trigger AutomaticallyAssignAccountToContact on Contact (before insert) { Map<String, Id> domains = new Map<String, Id>(); for(Contact con: { domains.put(con.Email.split('@').get(1), null); } for(Account acc: [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name IN :domains.keySet()]) { domains.put(acc.Name.toLowercase(), acc.Id); } for(Contact c: { if(domains.get(c.Email.split('@').get(1)) != null) { c.AccountId = domains.get(c.Email.split('@').get(1 more
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Trigger for Assign Account to Contact based on Email Domain Name in Salesforce
Salesforce Codes
by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Follow below steps for this Scenario: Create Domain__c Text Field on Account and Domain__c Formula Text Field on Contact Formula : (MID(Email,FIND('@', Email, 1)+1, (LEN(Email) - FIND('@', Email, 1)+1))) In this scenario Account Domain__c value like ‘’ other examples:,, Contact Email like ‘’ then automatically assign Account to this New Contact trigger AssignAccountToContactBasedOnEmailDomain on Contact (before insert) { List<String> contactEmaildomains = new List<String>(); for(Contact con : more
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Trigger for Count Number of Contacts Related To Account in Salesforce
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by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Apex Trigger trigger CountOfContactsRelatedToAccount on Contact (after insert, after delete, after Undelete) { Set<Id> accId = new Set<Id>(); if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUndelete){ for(Contact con :{ accId.add(con.AccountId); } } if(Trigger.isDelete){ for(Contact con : Trigger.old){ accId.add(con.AccountId); } } List<Account> accList = [Select Id,Name,Count_of_Contacts__c ,(Select id from contacts) from Account where Id IN : accId]; for(Account acc :accList){ acc.Co more
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Trigger for Update Related Contacts Picklist based on Account Picklist in Salesforce
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by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Apex Trigger trigger UpdateRelatedContactsBasedOnAccount on Account (before update, after update) { Set<id> accid = new Set<id>(); for(Account a :{ if(a.Rating != null){ accid.add(; } if(!accid.isEmpty()){ List<Contact> conList = [select Id, Name, AccountId, Level__c from Contact where AccountId =: accid]; if(!conList.isEmpty()){ for(Contact c : conList){ if(a.Rating == 'Hot'){ c.Level__c='Primary'; }else if(a.Rati more
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JSON End Point URL Data Insert To Object(Contact) in Salesforce
Salesforce Codes
by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
End Point URL: First add above URL in Remote Site Settings. Apex Class public class JsonDataInsert { public static HttpResponse jsonData() { Http http = new Http(); HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); request.setEndpoint(''); request.setMethod('GET'); HttpResponse response = http.send(request); if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) { EmployeeRecordsList employeeRecords = (EmployeeRecordsList) JSON.deserialize(response.getBody(),EmployeeRecordsList.c more
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Trigger for Lead Email and Contact Email is Same Convert Lead to Existing Contact in Salesforce
Salesforce Codes
by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Apex Trigger trigger LeadEmailContactEmailSameUpdateCon on Lead (after insert) { LeadEmailAndContactEmailSameConvertLead.ConvertleadWithSameEmail(Trigger.New); Apex Class public class LeadEmailAndContactEmailSameConvertLead { public Static void ConvertleadWithSameEmail(List<Lead> lea){ Map<String,lead> mapemailleads = new Map<String,lead>(); for(Lead l:lea) { if(l.Email != Null){ mapemailleads.put(,l); } } List<Contact> ContactEmail=[select id,LastName,Email,AccountId more
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Account Related Contacts in Custom Lookup Lightning Component
Salesforce Codes
by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Apex Class public class customLookUpController { @AuraEnabled public static List < sObject > fetchLookUpValues(String searchKeyWord, String ObjectName,String accountId) { String searchKey = searchKeyWord + '%'; String sQuery=''; List < sObject > returnList = new List < sObject > (); if(ObjectName == 'contact' || ObjectName == 'opportunity'){ sQuery = 'select id, Name from ' +ObjectName + ' where Name LIKE: searchKey and accountId =: accountId order by createdDate ASC limit 5'; } else { // Create a Dynamic more
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Input text Restrict(Number, Alphabets, Special Characters) Keyboard typing in Lightning Component
Salesforce Codes
by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Lightning Component <aura:application extends="force:slds"> <aura:attribute name="myText" type="string" /> <aura:attribute name="myNumber" type="string" /> <aura:attribute name="myDate" type="string" /> <aura:attribute name="myNumSpl" type="string" /> <div > <p >Restrict Numbers, Alphabets and Special Characters</p> <span onkeypress="{!c.TextCheck}"> <lightning:input label="Account Name" name="Body" placeholder="Enter Text more
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Add Account Related Contacts in Account Detail Page in Lightning Component
Salesforce Codes
by SalesforceCodes
1y ago
Apex Class public class ContactsaddToAccountController { @AuraEnabled public static List<contact> getContacts() { List<contact> totalList = new List<contact>(); for(Contact cc : [SELECT Id,Name,Email from contact limit 20]){ totalList.add(cc); } return totalList; } @AuraEnabled public static void addParentAccount(String ParentId , List<String> lstOfContactIds){ list<Contact> lstContacts = new list<Contact>(); for(string sContactId : lstOfContactIds){ Con more
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