Fluke Calibration Blog
Fluke Calibration produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe.
Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
We hope you are well and weathering recent events in health and safety. COVID-19 has caused factories, calibration labs, and operations to shut down around the globe, impacting a great many of you. We offer our sincerest hope that you and your families remain safe during this time. For others, your work of keeping the world maintained and operational has become even more important.
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Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
Continuing our series on curated collections of our free online learning resources, this collection covers information related to how to calibrate a digital multimeter (DMM).
Blog post: Understanding the Basics of Digital Multimeter Calibration
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Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
We hope you are well and weathering recent events in health and safety. COVID-19 has caused factories, calibration labs, and operations to shut down around the globe, impacting a great many of you. We offer our sincerest hope that you and your families remain safe during this time. For others, your work of keeping the world maintained and operational has become even more important.
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Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
There are three common methods for calibrating temperature sensors:
Calibrating just the electronics with a simulator
Calibrating both the electronics and the sensor in a dry-well
Calibrating both the electronics and the sensor in a dry-well with a reference thermometer
Here is a quick look at these methods and the pros and cons of each.
Calibrating just the electronics with a simulator
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Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
Using ice and boiling water to calibrate temperature is easy and fast. However, the water method can be inaccurate because of variations in altitude, atmospheric pressure and water purity -- and the inaccuracies are unknown. When you're calibrating you want to avoid as many unknowns and inaccuracies as possible.
Using a dry-block calibrator is a far better way to calibrate temperature. A dry-block provides a better measurement because it has a known accuracy.
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Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
The theme for World Metrology Day 2018 is "Constant evolution of the International System of Units." In this brief, 2 1/2-minute video, Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust, explains why this year is so special to the science of measurements as it is anticipated that the definition of the kilogram will change from a metal artifact to Planck's Constant.
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Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
Thermocouples are common in industry because they are inexpensive and cover a wide temperature range. They should be tested during commissioning and again when removed from a process to verify that the tolerances were met. You’ll also want to test thermocouples at regular calibration intervals and if you suspect them of failing to meet performance specifications.
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Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
To establish pressures using a deadweight tester (DWT) or piston gauge, you need to account for the acceleration of gravity where the instrument is operated. Gravity varies around the world. With a range of approximately 0.5 %, the local gravity correction is typically the largest environmental influence acting on the deadweight tester.
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Fluke Calibration Blog
4y ago
From a high level view, all pressure calibration systems perform these actions:
Generate and control a pressure.
Measure the pressure.
Observe and record the output of the device under test (DUT).
In a traditional pressure calibration system, one device performs more than one of these functions. In a modular system, each function is performed by a separate module.
Why might you prefer a modular solution?
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