Good vibes from compliments are yours for the taking
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
1y ago
How good are you at taking a compliment? Did you know that batting back a compliment is like batting away positive energy, good vibes, whatever your similar choice of words. This is good energy directed your way! Take it! Good vibes from compliments are yours for the taking. Most of us were great at taking a compliment as a kid. But then life happens and that often changes. Most people I know as adults aren’t great at taking compliments. You look great today might be batted back with no I don’t, my hair’s a mess and I haven’t got any make-up on. Why not just say thanks and feel good about it more
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Get more done and feel happier with flow living
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
1y ago
What have you wanted to do in life that’s just stalled? You know you want something or want to experience something but yet you can’t do it. There’s a block. An emotional or motivational block. So many types of block haha. I’ve been having a real issue with this recently – and not for the first time. But this time I asked for some help from my team – and the answers came! It’s a bit of weird title. I could write all day about productivity, leadership, people management, personal development, self-appreciation, yadda, yadda, yadda. I could also write all day about my spirtitual life. So what a more
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Focus on you and life will become awesome
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
1y ago
My team threw me some hilariously timed advice. Again. It makes me chuckle but also feel so well supported.  I took their advice regarding some other stuff recently so have paired down my next steps in life. Given myself a clearer focus. A shorter list. Broken things down. This goes against my natural bigger picture way of working. But how do we know if a different way is better unless we give it a go right? And if the tip comes from your divine team then there’s naturally a level of trust there. I have a lot of plates spinning in life – from the outside and often from inside too it can more
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Take the step, don’t just sit on it
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
2y ago
Take the step, don’t just sit on it That was the advice I received from my divine team. I was meditating and had been wondering why my big picture plan wasn’t coming together. The advice is sound and makes a lot of sense. We need to take steps to reach a bigger picture goal. If the steps come then take them and don’t just sit on the step wondering what’s coming next. I have a lot of success with manifestation. I always have done. But there are some things that haven’t come. I was wondering what was different. The answer that came is that some goals need more steps that others. And sometimes I more
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Energetic stretch
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
2y ago
I love a good realisation and moment of clarity. Recently I’ve been feeling a bit cramped. Cramped is the only description that feels right. I was trying to put my finger on what was happening and I now feel so silly that the answer was so blooming obvious! I needed an energetic stretch. I have a high need for being alone and having my energy stretch out without any other people around. This is what I call an energetic stretch. It’s like being sat on a busy, hot, stuffy bus full of people for hours on end with no legroom and feeling cramped. That’s how life makes my energy field feel. Every n more
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Are Tarot readings actually accurate and useful?
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
2y ago
Is a Tarot reading for real? What’s the point? Well – there is a point but maybe not the one many people have come to associate with it. Does a Tarot reading tell you your predetermined destiny? No. However, a Tarot reading does hold a huge power and potential for you to improve your life. Is a Tarot reading accurate? Personally, I love working with Tarot and other forms of cards – oracle cards, angel cards, crystal cards, animal cards. I have a stack of decks that I use regularly. I believe that each and every moment of our lives we are creating the next moments in our lives. I don’t believe more
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Quotes to help you feel good on a bad day
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
2y ago
Positive quotes can help lift us up when we’re feeling low. They’re a great way to remind ourselves of what we already know and give us new information and understanding. It’s easy to forget how to feel good when things become overwhelming. If you’re not already then join the Facebook group. I don’t promote the blog on there – it’s just a space to share positive quotes/vibes and for the community to reach out and support each other (although the last part of that is taking a while to take hold – who knew so many of you were that shy?!). Anyway, there have been some fab quotes shared on t more
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If you don’t ask then you don’t get
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
2y ago
Why isn’t the universe hearing me and bringing what I need into my life? Simple. I know what I want and how I need help, but I haven’t asked for those things! The universe, guides, angels and all are here waiting to help us, but they also have massive respect for our free will. I haven’t posted in quite some time (I was pregnant, had a baby then had some life-threatening health issues to deal with). In this time, I was getting sad and lost in my own way. Things just didn’t feel like they were slotting into place the way I hoped. Then one day I was meditating and asked the question, ‘why aren more
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Guides advice regarding work and work – do you know the difference?
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
2y ago
I know I can bring money into my life, but I’m at a crossroads in terms of how I do that. I wasn’t expecting a serious answer when I asked my guides what I should do for work, but the answer I got blew my mind so I thought I’d share it. Question – What should I do for work? The response I got, loud and clear, was – ‘Define work’. I paused. That’s not what I was expecting. I thought for a while. The question I was really seeking an answer to was, ‘how should I bring money into my life?’.  We’ve evolved to use the word ‘work’ to mean the activity we do to earn money – an exchange. Work isn more
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Life mantra examples
Lightworker Living
by laura-lightworker
2y ago
As you learn, grow and develop you will find it helpful to adjust your mantras – we need to remind ourselves of different things at different times. I’ve just updated my life mantra poster which I look at every morning and several times during the day. I’ve spoken to a few people about mind setting recently and I see mantras as a part of that….so thought I’d share mine. What are your most useful mantras? Join the Facebook group and let me know! Do not worry Savour each moment – live in the present and avoid past and future thinking unless consciously accessing those thoughts for a good reaso more
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