Swift Blog
Swift is focused on health and wellness as an entire lifestyle. Good health doesn't just mean fitness and nutrition! It encompasses sleep, body positivity, self-confidence, and mental health. Swift hopes to inspire you to break down your own personal barriers, become the best possible "You".
Swift Blog
3w ago
In following the de-influencing trend, creators discourage consumers from purchasing products being promoted by explaining the reasons they don’t need them ..read more
Swift Blog
2M ago
While this list might not help you find everything that you need for those *extra* difficult gifts, there’s sure to be an idea to spark your gift-giving fire ..read more
Swift Blog
2M ago
Looking for a new Amazon must-have? These are our favorite items we’ve bought recently on Amazon ..read more
Swift Blog
3M ago
Want a refresh to your Thanksgiving table decor? We have affordable finds for you ..read more
Swift Blog
4M ago
October is Filipino American History Month and, over the years, it has become increasingly spoken about, whether it be through movies, up-and-coming artists, pop culture, TV series, fashion brands, cuisine, or local cultural events ..read more
Swift Blog
5M ago
With the hustle and bustle of daily life consuming most of your time and effort, finding time for yourself can be challenging. Stress and burnout can leave you feeling worn out, both physically and mentally, leaving little room to care for yourself.  ..read more
Swift Blog
7M ago
This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate, we may earn a small commission for any purchases made through these links. Click here for the disclosure statement.
Are you someone who loves or hates the first day of school? No matter which side you fall on, for many, it’s right around the corner! So, it’s time to ask the proverbial question: What are you going to wear on the first day of school? The answer is likely quite different based on where in the country you go to school, what school you’re attending, and ultimately, your personal style!
Whether you are starting yo ..read more
Swift Blog
8M ago
This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate, we may earn a small commission for any purchases made through these links. Click here for the disclosure statement.
Are you a lover of hot weather? Or are you a lover of air conditioning? It seems that as the temperature rises, it gets harder and harder to find the perfect outfit. After all, no one wants sweat stains ruining their OOTD. And, for many of us, the summer is a time to relax and unwind, whether that is spending time with the kids while they are out of school or taking a much needed vacation. With jam-packed, long ..read more
Swift Blog
8M ago
This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate, we may earn a small commission for any purchases made through these links. Click here for the disclosure statement.
Let us set the scene. You received the invitation in the mail months ago. Having just flipped the page to new month on your calendar, you realize that the wedding date is quickly approaching (even though you’ve had that same Save The Date pinned to your fridge since it arrived). After a hurried dash to your closet, you realize that you don’t have an outfit to fit the occasion. Sound familiar?
Well, you’re not a ..read more
Swift Blog
8M ago
This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate, we may earn a small commission for any purchases made through these links. Click here for the disclosure statement.
The Fourth of July holiday is almost upon us. As the United States’ Independence Day, July 4th is about celebrating freedom and patriotism, with American flags and red, white, and blue in abundance. But, oft-considered the halfway point of summertime, it’s also a time for families to celebrate the holiday together with parades, cookouts, and of course, fireworks.
No matter what way you choose to celebrate the Ju ..read more