I Love Coding.....You?
A blog all about the salesforce coding and administration stuff
I Love Coding.....You?
1y ago
QuickText : As name suggest it's used to configure the commonly used sentences or streamline the agents responses in chat, email and phone call to speed up the closure of the case etc. These are similar to email templates only but can be used across the multiple channels.
Ideally while creating these Quicktext we will be selecting the folder where this should go and save so that we can provide the access to these QuickText for an user using the folder only.
We have identified one issue where even after the desired folder selected while creating the new Quicktext but these Quicktext not show ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
1y ago
The use case here is I want to check whether case email is available given in the list of email ids or not? If it's present in the list it will return true else it will return false.
FIND(Your Email Filed,'test@gmail.com,man.6233@gmail.com,hello@haptik.co,
sales@kks.com,l.dyj@licindia.com') > 0,TRUE,FALSE
sales@kks.com,l ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
1y ago
Want to broadcast some important information like downtime etc to all your Salesforce users through notifications on Salesforce Screen ?
Looking for something where you want to update all your users with latest release updates in a single screen or with multiple screens?
Want to understand how many of users are really acknowledged the latest features updates?
If you want to track all these metrics how much of customizations or coding i have to do ?? What if your a Salesforce Administrator want to do this
Don't worry either your a Salesforce Developer or Administrator we can do all these things ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
1y ago
In our previous post we have learn how to convert the array/list of string objects into map and now with help of this map we can convert the array of objects in string format single object string.
Source Code:
package main
import (
type GenericHeader struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value string `json:"value"`
func main() {
escapeJsonString := "[{\"value\":\"123456\",\"key\":\"hash-key\"},
{\"value\":\"token-based-authorization-policy\",\"key ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
1y ago
If you're planning to use the set as the one of the parameter of your apex function and the same need to passed from lwc js look at these limitations below.
By default @AuraEnabled methods will not accept /allow to use the set of Records as the parameter.
In detail, it's not only support set of Records even if you try to pass of set of Ids, set of strings and set of Records it will not work because it's doesn't support set data type it self.
The work around for this is
The @AuraEnabled method again will support the list as a parameter so you either convert parameter from set ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
1y ago
Most of the use cases in any technology the functions will be returning the some response either in string ,bool,float,int or some custom struct format. This is the basis use case in our regular programming.
Similarly in Go language if your writing any simple functions will return the same data types mentioned above or sometimes as pointer reference also will be returned.
In case if function returning the pointer reference how to converted the same pointer reference to it's underlying data type will be discussed in this post. If we are not converting we will be receiving the error as "ca ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
2y ago
We might have heard about the Push topics, If not these are mainly used for generating the events basis on some criteria defined on the SOQL and all these events will be consumed by the all the subscribers of the topic.
Let's assume if you have created some functionality using the Push topics either on VisualForce or in #lightningwebcomponents. It's Working as expected whenever there is change in specified object record etc..
We have refreshed the sandbox from the production and the same functionality is not working in sandbox ?. Interesting what is missing here ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
2y ago
As we know the easiest way to deploy the components from sandbox to sandbox/production by using the Change Sets. Some times we might end up use cases where change sets might not be supported and we are trying to deploying using the ANT, Workbench or Visual Code. In all these cases we might need the package.xml file is required either to retrieve the package or to deploy the package.
Preparing the package.xml file by adding the each component manually is little bit of hard .So, I want to try adding the all the list of components using the change set name because it's easy to add from the ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
2y ago
We have couple of outbound messages linked under the workflow rules and all these outbound message will send some of custom objects data and standard objects data to external systems everytime any kind of DML operation happens on these objects.
Everything got set up and working as expected. But recently we have come across a situation where all the outbound messages are pushing data from sandboxes to same external systems assuming that we forgot to disable these workflow rules in sandbox before we activate it and somehow we missed to change the outbound messages end point from production ..read more
I Love Coding.....You?
2y ago
Salesforce Einstein Products
As we know Salesforce has it's own artificial intelligence, natural language processing and deep learning technologies embedded product named it as "Einstein".
Some of this product features are already part of Salesforce clouds like sales cloud, service cloud and marketing cloud etc..
As a developer if you want to use these feature to build out of box features use it as well.
Some of the key products of einstein are listed below.
1. Einstein Bot
2. Einstein Next Best Action
3. Einstein Ca ..read more