SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
Hello all! This is Vinay Vernekar, a young Entrepreneur and a Technology blogger, working as a Salesforce developer. Right from the campus selection process, I got selected for Salesforce as my career. Since then, I have 5.5 years of experience (+ Counting). Willing to learn and dig down further to find awesomeness of Salesforce and yes I love Salesforce!
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
2y ago
As businesses strive to be more efficient and improve the customer experience, they are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) solutions like ChatGPT to automate and engage the customer. In this blog post, we’ll explore how ChatGPT can be used with Salesforce to streamline business processes and improve customer experience.
What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a language developed by OpenAI for understanding and generating human-like responses. It is powered by GPT-3 technology, which allows it to analyze and answer complex questions in discussion.
ChatGPT can be used for many purposes, including chat ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
2y ago
Salesforce’s Lightning Web Components (LWC) is a popular framework for developing web applications on the Salesforce platform. LWC offers several decorators, including track, wire, and api, that developers use to extend the functionality of their components. In this post, we’ll dive into the differences between these three decorators.
Track Decorator
The track decorator is used to track changes to a property’s value within a component. Whenever the value of a tracked property changes, the component rerenders, reflecting the updated value.
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
export ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
4y ago
Salesforce, the CRM stalwart that as of late outperformed $20 billion in yearly income, reported today it is swimming further into big business social by securing Slack in a $27.7 billion megadeal. Bits of gossip about a forthcoming arrangement surfaced a week ago, causing Slack’s stock cost to spike.
Salesforce prime supporter and CEO Marc Benioff didn’t dance around the issues on his most recent buy. “This is a match made in paradise. Together, Salesforce and Slack will shape the fate of big business programming and change the manner in which everybody works in the all-advanced, work-from-an ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
4y ago
Considering customer needs, Microsoft partners with Salesforce to achieve goal of making collaboration and meetings between teams easier.
For sales teams, the integration will help bring sales teams together more easily and help make up for some of the hallway discussions that are now missing from many salespeople’s daily routine in light of the current work-from-home environment. For service teams, the integration will enable better coordination and faster response times to open cases, allowing for more team collaboration both within the service department and outside.
With a Salesforce messa ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
4y ago
Recently while working with email template, I struggled lot to show just a number field having 6 decimal places on email template. The requirement was to show 6 decimal places leading zeros.
For example, if the decimal field value is 45.7891 then it should show 45.789100. The number field was set to 6 decimal places, however it was showing 45.789 on email template.
Two things I noticed, those are:
More than 3 decimal digits are automatically rounded to 3 decimal digits.
If there are leading zeros, they simply gets ignored, like if the number is, 4.100, it will show as 4.1 on mail template.
T ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
5y ago
One of my favorite IDE is Visual Studio Code, its simply awesome. Hopefully its favorite of yours too. What if someone told you the Visual Studio Code is now available online and that too for Salesforce, it will be like butter on bread right! That’s correct, Salesforce announced Code Builder, a web-based development environment fully optimized for Salesforce development and powered by Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code spaces.
According to recent announcement by Salesforce,
Code Builder is a full-featured version of Visual Studio Code running completely in the browser and backed by a power ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
5y ago
Its always a good practice to show valid response to user whenever the action is performed by end user, whether its an error or success. Visualforce allows very easy way to show messages on page on performing respective action. Here I am sharing the codebase to show the each type of notification based on button click. You can utilize it in implementation.
Notification types in Visualforce Page (Classic)
As shown above, to show the alert message to end user from apex, apex:pageMessages tag in visualforce and message needs to be passed from Apex using following syntax:
ApexPages.addmessage(new ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
5y ago
Suppose Salesforce org record level access is set to Public Read Only and now business want to restrict few records visible to only those users who have token or key to view that record. As sharing setting is set to Public Read Only, so user can see all the records right?
I have come up with the solution of password protecting account records. I built a visualforce page with standard controller as Account and an apex extension. Its pretty simple to implement but with powerful output. Checkout the video explaining functional and technical flow.
Password Protect Records in SalesforeComponents V ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
5y ago
Before moving to how you should know what Copado is. If you have ever involved into the projects for big organisations, which is having multiple teams to build series of features, you might have gone through the situation. These teams work independently and don’t even know sometimes what technical changes another team is doing.
Suppose there are multiple teams working on a project, each team has access to separate sandbox for their developement. Now the day comes where all the changes needs to be deployed to one sandbox which is called “UAT”. Each team will try to deploy their code into UAT. i ..read more
SFDC Developers | Salesforce Tips & Tricks
5y ago
Applications never be static, they needs to have dynamic functionality. Getting the input from end user, retrieving the data from database, processing on it and then showing the result on user scree. This is what expected from an application. In Salesforce, SOQL language is used to retrieve the data from database. You may face a scenario to retrieve the object records if a particular field value is having ‘XYZ‘ as text. This is where the LIKE keyword is used in SOQL. In this topic, we will try to cover almost all possible scenarios with LIKE keyword.
Scenarios with SOQL LIKE operator Find the ..read more