Tasty Remotes
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
3y ago
My big college brother came home. Well, he didn’t know that he was supposed to hide the remotes. I just couldn’t help it. Then, my momma came home. The post Tasty Remotes appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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A Special Birthday Howl!
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
A wonderful reader named Ella let me in on a secret that it was her mom’s birthday today and that Velcro and Spider would like to wish her a happy birthday! They promise to be good*. *limited time offer. The post A Special Birthday Howl! appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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Mom’s Personal Assistant
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
What! I like to get into Mom’s packages! -Hazel The post Mom’s Personal Assistant appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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Doggy Daycare Dropout
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
I have officially been kicked out of doggy daycare, twice! The post Doggy Daycare Dropout appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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Stuffed Crust Pupperoni Pizza
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
I pulled a pizza off the table & horked down 6 slices of stuffed crust and pepperoni. The post Stuffed Crust Pupperoni Pizza appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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Bad Olive
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
She was a funny one! The post Bad Olive appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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But I
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
I dropped the pill pocket containing three heart medications for my Cocker Spaniel and my 7lb Morkie snatched it up at gobbled it down. The post But I <3 you!! appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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Jealous cats
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
I got jealous that all the dogs had their pictures on the calendar and decided to rip it apart. Have you picked up your 2021 calendars yet? You can do so through many online retailers or brick and mortar stores. Here’s the link to them on amazon! The post Jealous cats appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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Pandemic Fail!
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
She loves toilet paper and doesn’t care if it is in short supply. The post Pandemic Fail! appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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I Love Lamp
Dog Shaming
by dogkeeper
4y ago
We have a tall lamp in the den. She does not like it, apparently. The post I Love Lamp appeared first on Dogshaming ..read more
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