Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
This blog is the creation of Jeff Stueber and named after his recent book The Vast Wastelands of Unbelief published by Tate Publishing. It covers the same type of material as the book: a critique of secular arguments whether from atheists, humanists, evolutionists or liberals.
Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
4y ago
I tried to get this published to the American Thinker web site but they had too many and so rejected it. I leave it here.
The god Prometheus is credited with giving humans fire “lighting the way to reason, and independence.” So says a publisher whose authors believe true freedom excludes thoughts about God. Secular humanists and atheists have consistently reveled in this spiritual liberation while Democrats, though, have romanced the religious while staying aloof of Promethean rebellion.
In America, conservative religious folk have always suspecte ..read more
Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
4y ago
Do all lives Matter, Liberals Say No, Christians Yes
It’s been a few months since I posted an article about the pro-abortion philosophy of feminist Sophie Lewis and have since decided to follow up on new developments in this movement. The Daily Caller news service interviewed several pro-choice protestors in front of the Supreme Court building, and it was stunning how they avoided the question of why more black babies are aborted than white ones. Numerous people interviewed responded by primarily avoiding the question; one ..read more
Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
5y ago
I’ve been tediously trying to read through Michael Behe’s latest book Darwin Devolves. Its main premise is that Darwinian mechanisms do not build genetic information. Instead, biological processes break apart DNA thus possibly creating animals that are more adaptable in the short run but yet, in the long term, less genetically fit and limited in the amount of variation they can produce. I was reading into the book when I discovered even deeper design in living things than I was already aware of.
Near the beginning of chapter two, Behe discusses a group of insects called planthoppers ..read more
Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
5y ago
I’ve got some material on socialism and am always looking for additional material to add to my opinionated gold. I’m also a Joe Rogan fan. I was therefore delighted to find investor Naval Ravikat on the Joe Rogan show answering many pro-socialism arguments and arguments people who favor that political system. Here’s a synopsis of a few points he makes (video is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGMJ61Phs2s)
1. On the idea of basic income, say, maybe $15,000 a year just to provide basic needs, that amount would never be enough. Socialists like Bernie Sanders would deman ..read more
Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
5y ago
Randomly browsing the net one day, undoubtedly because I had little to do, I came across an article from Matt Walsh, speaking on the Daily Wire Youtube site, which, I think, best summarizes the pro-abortion pro-choice argument. Walsh claims that most pro-abortion arguments are smoke screens for the real arguments, and I believe he’s correct. Sophie Lewis, feminist and author of Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family (a quite revealing title) is his subject to prove that point. In an interview Walsh features, Lewis honestly says abortion is a form of killing that we need to defend. That ..read more
Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
5y ago
Among Christians, the moral argument is one of the most popular philosophical arguments for God’s existence. The arguments goes something like this:
Real moral obligation is a fact. We are really, truly, objectively obligated to do good and avoid evil.
Either the atheistic view of reality is correct or the “religious” one.
But the atheistic one is incompatible with there being moral obligation.
Therefore the “religious” view of reality is correct.[1]
The atheist’s answer to using moral precepts to argue for God’s existence is to argue that God can’t possibly exist. All you have to do ..read more
Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
5y ago
I have been doing some avid watching of IDist (intelligent design theorist) Stephen Meyer lately and came across someone else, James Tour, who is even more explicit and blunt in his assessment that the problem of the origin of life has never been solved. He’s a synthetic organic chemist so he has credibility. The first video I came upon is very short but succinct at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4sP1E1Jd_Y&t=1s
However, thereafter, I came across yet another longer speech by him which would be rare because he says he doesn’t normally do speeches. He concentrates more on journal artic ..read more
Wastelands of Unbelief Blog
5y ago
Greetings. This blog continues the work I have begun as the author of the book The Vast Wastelands of Unbelief which I have henceforth edited and republished as the Wastelands of Unbelief via Wordpress.at https://wastelandsofunbelief.wordpress.com/ I also started a Wordpress site devoted to subsequent essays critical of secular left thought - whether it be secular humanism, atheism, liberalism, or evolutionism at https://thesecularleftcritique.wordpress.com/table-of-contents/ This blog is for shorter entries and updates on material I find on a daily basis that have an impact on the type of m ..read more