Call to Action: Project showcase
AESOP Young Academics
by Luis H. Lozano-Paredes
2y ago
In addition to our blog re-focus towards articles showcasing what is going to happen to planning and urban studies pedagogy to invite you to share your urban planning and design-based specific projects, showcasing them for the broad audience of AESOP YA. Specifically, we are looking to showcase individual projects that are exciting case studies of urban development, urban design, and in particular, those who are resilient and sustainable, as embedded in a world of political, environmental and health uncertainty. For these project showcases, we are changing the format of publication and are loo more
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Literature reviews: start (and end) with ‘why?’
AESOP Young Academics
by Ian Babelon
2y ago
12 min. read Starting our series of posts around urban studies research and pedagogical alternatives post-2020, we have our very own Ian Babelon again with us. This first article is focused on his observations and insights around literature reviews that start and end with ‘why’. We are confident this series of literature reviews will give you much material for debate and application into pedagogy, particularly for PhD students. Introduction Literature reviews are part and parcel of every research project. They are tremendously helpful because they allow you to map out the state-of-the-art in a more
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AESOP YA Blog statement – Summer 2022
AESOP Young Academics
by aesopyaadmin
2y ago
There is a change that is happening within the planning discipline. Issues of public and private health, natural disasters, international conflicts, the rise of populism and illiberalism but also personal well-being, autonomy, and critique towards positions of power are evolving around the built environment. The fundamentally social and environmental nature of the planning discipline is challenged every day, and planning pedagogy and education are, we argue, still struggling to adapt. In 2019, no one had thought that planning as a discipline could be taught online, yet our education processes more
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Civil society initiative for user-generated urban development processes: equal partners in post-industrial cities?
AESOP Young Academics
by aesopyaadmin
2y ago
20 min. read Introduction Cities in diverse contexts experience increasing civil society engagement through neighbourhood-scale, informal and citizen-based interventions. Local expertise provides civil society initiatives with a notable advantage over professional planners and offers the possibility to become place-makers – and ultimately urban planners – themselves (Healey 2015; Willinger 2014). In post-industrial urban settings with large-scale brownfield sites, urban development processes can succeed in the triangle of civil society, public administration and private property owners and dev more
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VOTING STARTED: AESOP YA Coordination Team 2022-24
AESOP Young Academics
by aesopyaadmin
2y ago
1 min. read The voting platform for the following AESOP Young Academics Network Coordination Team members is now open. We are looking for three new members who will join the AESOP Young Academics Coordination Team (CT) from June 2022 for two years. This is an excellent opportunity for everyone who wants to support the many activities of AESOP, develop new activities, and gain insights across various planning topics and practical skills. You can submit your candidature from 1 to 15 May 2022 on the AESOP YA website if you are interested. The voting will take place in the following weeks, and if more
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5th World Planning Schools Conference – Opportunities for Planning Students
AESOP Young Academics
by aesopyaadmin
3y ago
2 min. read The 5th World Planning Schools Conference and the 16th Asian Planning Schools Association Congress WPSC-APSA 2022 are being held in Bali, Indonesia from 29 August to 2 September 2022. In conjunction with WPSC-APSA, two opportunities for planning students (both PhD and professional) will be held on this conference: The International Students Competition and the International PhD Colloquium. The invitation for the International Students Competition is directed toward planning students to present their studio projects dealing with global transformation and encoura more
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Shrinking Villages jeopardizing Himalayan future
AESOP Young Academics
by aesopyaadmin
3y ago
6 min. read The recently released IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2022 (AR6) echoes the growing concern of risks from climate change as a precursor to numerous hazards. The sixth assessment report’s firm conclusion of “Climate Change is happening” is not a misnomer to the global leaders or millions of people living close to climate-induced hazards. The report stresses that highly vulnerable people and ecosystems residing in high altitude areas are at increased risk due to changing climatic conditions. The sixth assessment report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation & Vuln more
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Operationalizing the ‘Just City’ – Annual conference of the AESOP Thematic Group of Ethics, Values and Planning.
AESOP Young Academics
by aesopyaadmin
3y ago
1 min. Read. Hello AESOP Young Academics. Happy new year! We start this year 2022 by reporting on the annual conference of the AESOP Thematic Group on Ethics, Values and Planning which will take place on February 24 and 25 (entirely online). The conference will focus on the operationalization of the ‘Just City‘ concept. Please join us and actively participate in the conference by attending any presentation and session you wish as they are open to the academic community and everyone interested. The conference will have ample space and time for comments, discussions, questions and debates, so p more
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(Abstract Deadline EXTENDED) PlaNext Special issue – Cities in the face of crises: Planning & designing future living environments
AESOP Young Academics
by aesopyaadmin
3y ago
3 min read. We are pleased to inform that there is still time until the 31st of December to take part in the Special Issue of PlaNext: Cities in the face of crises- Planning and designing future living environments. More details here: The Covid-19 pandemic hit cities all around the world as an acute shock. Both in the emergency and recovery periods, we have seen the significance of local action in search of urgent responses to the challenges created by the pandemic in cities. One way or another, planning authorities have developed temporary solutions trying to cope with the health problems in more
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Call for Proposals to host the 17th Annual Conference of the YA Network – AESOP
AESOP Young Academics
by aesopyaadmin
3y ago
The call for proposals to host the 17th Annual Conference of the Young Academics Network from the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) in 2023 is now published. As a part of its remit, each year, the Association of European Schools of Planning Young Academics (AESOP YA) network invites AESOP member schools to host the annual YA conference. We are now opening the Call for Proposals for hosting the 17th YA conference, which will take place in March/April 2023. As the Coordination Team, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the funds made available by AESOP, supporting more
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