Would I Change It?
Amy Samuel Ministries
1M ago
It's been 4 years and 11 months since my now ex-husband walked out on our 20 year marriage. If you have followed this blog since before that then you know how unexpected it was. If you started following this blog during my Dating Chronicles Series you may be thinking, girl - get over it, it was almost 5 years ago. Here is the thing... I have moved on and at the same time the ripples in the pond are still rippling. I am engaged, I am writing new chapters to my story and I am finding my way back to the straight and narrow path I abandoned when my world fell apart 5 years ago. I have been on quit ..read more
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Dating Chronicles: What Do You Bring to the Table?
Amy Samuel Ministries
6M ago
After being married for 20 years, getting divorced, entering in and out of the dating world for the last 4 years and meeting so many different people along this journey... I have to confess - My curiosity has gotten the better of me. I've heard this question over and over again and I just need to know! Is - "What do you bring to the table?"  currently a first date, second date or third date conversation? Like do you really interview your potential match with this question?  I was young when I got married and we both brought the same thing to the table. Nothing. Unless you count simil ..read more
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Lessons Learned: Do What You Love - Just Don't Do This
Amy Samuel Ministries
9M ago
I love writing. I love sharing my thoughts and my beliefs with others. I love the idea that my pain isn't being wasted... that all of the things I've gone through can some how be used for the glory of God. That my experiences will help encourage someone else along their journey. I love public speaking. It is exhilarating for me to stand before a crowd and verbally share all of the messes God has gotten me out of throughout my walk with Him - And to equally share the blessings that have come simply from giving my life to Him.  He's saved me from death, He's saved me from other's attempts a ..read more
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Lessons Learned: You Can't Change Anyone Except Yourself
Amy Samuel Ministries
10M ago
Are you an eternal optimist? I am. So much so... I've been told that it's annoying... I can't help it though - I'm a hopeless romantic, glass always full, you can do it, don't give up kind of woman.  This blessed personality is a curse as much as it is a gift. The blessing is obvious. I see the good in people. I see the diamond in the rough. I see what can be instead of what is. I wear rose colored glasses and rarely take them off. God loves us and all things work together for our good according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) This is my motto and how I do life. The curse. You can't change ..read more
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Coming Out of the Dark
Amy Samuel Ministries
1y ago
Inhale... exhale.... inhale.... exhale - This is the current theme of my life. I'm taking it day by day and breath by breath. It's been long enough since my divorce, that I probably shouldn't reference it anymore... however there is not a set time on trauma recovery. I have healed (mostly), my ex and I are in a good place, my kids are doing amazing and I'm moving forward with my life. The most difficult thing that I face now - is myself. When I look in the mirror, I see the demons that I've allowed to speak to me for the last almost 4 years, and they are ugly. They say ugly things, try to get ..read more
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How Loud Can I Scream
Amy Samuel Ministries
1y ago
Have you ever felt so frustrated with life that you just want to scream as loud as you can to the top of your lungs and then punch something as hard as you can - Yes, you have - because you are human. If you are currently there, then let's make a club. You know one of those funny named clubs we used to make in middle school that only a few people knew about. My 8th grade friends group made one and named it Family. We labeled everyone in the group as mom, dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle and so on. It was ridiculous... but really we just wanted to make our crush the "dad" and us the "mom". If ..read more
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My Bleeding Heart
Amy Samuel Ministries
1y ago
Don't you hate it when someone posts something on social media that only gives you half of the story? They share a poem or a meme that you know is meant for someone to see and hopefully get the point they are trying to make without having to say it to them directly... only to leave the rest of us completely clueless as to what the heck is going on in their life. I apologize in advance... this blog is like those posts. Greetings my precious readers. Forgive my hiatus. I know I haven’t blogged in a while… and truth be known - I have a lot to blog about. Unfortunately, I’m torn between the rock a ..read more
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Dating Chronicles: Mr. Taylor Swift
Amy Samuel Ministries
1y ago
If you've heard a Taylor Swift song, are a single woman and are honest with yourself... then you can most definitely relate to Taylor's tell it like it is lyrics. I am one of those honest women... I remember when I first separated... I didn't tell anyone outside of my immediate family and my bestie. I was feeling embarrassed, ashamed, hurt and not ready to talk about the split. Lots of processes to go through after a tragedy... and one lie we tell ourselves - we have to keep up appearances. We don't - but we feel like we do... Anyway, I digress -  One Thursday night my unknowing work crew ..read more
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Dating Chronicles: What Women Need
Amy Samuel Ministries
2y ago
Ladies do you ever find yourself having a bad day and no matter what you try it just won't turn around? And I'm not talking about a bad hair day... I'm talking about from the time you wake up til the time you go to bed, if it could go wrong, it went wrong, bad day.  Bad days are part of life. We have good days and bad days and meh days and extraordinary days and everything in between days. We seem to handle the good days well and most of the bad days pretty well but then there are those days that just knock the wind out of you.  I won't bore you with my overly dramatic details of bad ..read more
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Day by Day - Rest in the Lord
Amy Samuel Ministries
2y ago
Day by day... minute by minute... one breath at a time. This has been my New Year's resolution to myself. With the way my life is going, I couldn't imagine committing myself to anything as crazy as losing 20lbs, buying a house, paying off all my debt or even checking off a fun thing on my bucket list. Don't get me wrong - I'm inspired by all of my friends getting up at 5am and hitting the gym, those committed to getting that promotion this year, planning that dream vacation - but for me - waking up, taking a shower and remembering to brush my teeth means I'm living my best life... LOL. Okay ..read more
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