Acts Verse by Verse
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
2d ago
Thanks for joining our innovative Bible study on the book of Acts to assist you in learning scripture. We will provide videos for each verse detailing key points.​ If at any point you desire to participate in a free, personal Bible study by phone/VOIP, apply at To accompany this lesson, we suggest you use the […] The post Acts Verse by Verse appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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Using our words for good!
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
1w ago
Welcome back! Thanks for visiting my blog! We are exploring together what the Bible says about wellbeing. Likewise, how can you live a more satisfied, fulfilling life. Today we begin the exciting journey of using our good wellbeing to help other people. Ultimately, to know and to serve God we must turn our thoughts away […] The post Using our words for good! appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations!
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
1M ago
Thanks for visiting my blog! We are discovering what the Bible says about wellbeing. Otherwise, how can you live a more satisfied, fulfilling life? We have been discussing the 5 scriptural tools to maturity (Acts 2:42,47) as a means to build a powerful biblically-based wellbeing! Today, we discuss the 5th and final tool: outreach to […] The post Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations! appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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Fellowship: A community of believers
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
1M ago
Welcome back! Thanks for visiting my blog! We are discovering together what the Bible says about wellbeing. Otherwise, how can you live a more satisfied, fulfilling life? Recently we have been discussing the 5 scriptural tools to maturity (Acts 2:42, 47) as a means to build powerful biblically based wellbeing into our lives! The first […] The post Fellowship: A community of believers appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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Praise you like I should
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
2M ago
Reasons why we should praise God: Praising God helps us focus on reality and build a closer relationship with Him. God loves praise and seeks worshipers. Praise is the primary, eternal occupation of heaven. It helps us remember who we are and who God is. Praise enlists God’s protection. It expresses gratitude, thankfulness, and love […] The post Praise you like I should appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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The effect of religion upon wellbeing
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
4M ago
Welcome back to my blog! In recent posts we have been exploring the exciting topic of how Biblical truth enhances personal wellbeing. We’ve discussed research performed by Teleios through a series of surveys in healthy individuals and ophthalmology patients, as well as a review article regarding religion in the medically ill. Christianity can have a […] The post The effect of religion upon wellbeing appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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Serving others may benefit your wellbeing!
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
5M ago
Today let’s examine ways in which the Bible helps us with our daily life and wellbeing. Last week we explored how adherence to basic Christian principles of daily living such as prayer, praise, fellowship, receiving Biblical teaching and outreach (Acts 2:42,47) can be a tool we use to enhance personal wellbeing. Now let’s focus on […] The post Serving others may benefit your wellbeing! appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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Do you have peace?
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
5M ago
Do you have personal peace – peace with God, peace with family and friends, peace of mind? Peace is one of the great quests of mankind! For those who know God through faith, personal peace is mentioned as one of the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22) that he desires us to have. Is it […] The post Do you have peace? appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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Why do you feel guilty?
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
6M ago
Welcome back to my blog. I’m glad you’re here. Today we discuss an important issue among Christians: guilt. Christians often feel guilt for many reasons: Many Christians focus on their sins and moral shortcomings. This heightened awareness can lead to feelings of guilt when they perceive they have done something wrong. Christians strive to live […] The post Why do you feel guilty? appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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Matthew Verse by Verse
Teleios, Inc.
by admin
6M ago
Thanks for joining our innovative Bible study on the book of Matthew to assist you in learning scripture. We will provide videos for each verse detailing key points.​ If at any point you desire to participate in a free, personal Bible study by phone/VOIP, apply at To accompany this lesson, we suggest you use the […] The post Matthew Verse by Verse appeared first on Teleios, Inc more
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