SMS Marketing is a favorite among marketers because of highly receptive audiences. Follow us to get the latest news on TXTImpact Text marketing and business texting software, stay tuned to industry news with TXTImpact Blog.
5y ago
When you unlock your phone, you can see several unread notifications. Also, how many red bubbles of notifications can you see on the corners of different apps? This is how many businesses, apps, and organizations are trying to grab your attention. With reduced attention spans, there is a huge challenge for these apps and businesses to grab the attention of the users. Organizations are now realizing that the perfect way to engage customers is through their mobile phones, whether through SMS text messages or push notifications. Let’s understand what these two are and how can you choose between ..read more
5y ago
Organizations across the world, whether they are from the government, business organizations, or non-governmental, use SMS for communication. SMS or Short message service makes use of a message of around 140 characters that can be sent through the mobile phone. It is a popular mode of communication as it can be sent even in areas that have no internet connectivity. Text messages sent through mass text messaging are read by more than 97% of people who receive them. This ensures these messages would be read and communication is successful.
SMS alerts and announcements through group texti ..read more
5y ago
As a restaurant owner, attracting customers can be the most challenging task. Even the best food venues with the lowest prices find difficulty in filling all the tables on a cold and wet evening. If you are looking for ideas to attract more customers to your restaurant, here are some affordable marketing tips that all types of restaurants can implement in their marketing strategy.
Packages for Local Businesses
Many Local businesses organize events and for that, they may require catering. If you are a restaurant owner, you may have the expertise to provide great food on these events. Corpor ..read more
5y ago
Everyone in the world has access to the internet today through his or her smartphone. A good SMS messaging platform helps you automate your messaging. It helps you build a sales campaign and network with anyone from a student to elderly people.
Step #1 Choose a Campaign
Depending on who your target market is, you can choose a campaign. This will help you make the email subscriber list.
a) Promote a competition on your website giving away awesome prizes so that lots of people visit it. Get the visitors to sign up for your email by promising them more prizes when they sign up. You can use b ..read more
5y ago
SMS marketing or text marketing is one of the simplest and most effective marketing strategies that a company can use. It involves the use of text messaging in the process of marketing. Virtually everyone has a mobile phone. This makes it easy to send messages. The recipient would receive them even if there were no internet connectivity. Studies have shown that nearly 95% of people read messages that they receive on their mobile phones. This makes SMS marketing an effective way of reaching out to customers since they are more likely to view their messages.
SMS Marketing is a marketing strat ..read more
5y ago
An emergency is an unforeseen situation that calls for immediate action. Floods, earthquakes, and other such situations are emergencies that call for urgent measures. Today the entire world is in an emergency situation with the Coronavirus spreading fast and wide.COVID-19 is the name of the flu that originated from Wuhan and has spread across the world. Countries like Italy are facing a major crisis with thousands of cases and hundreds of death each day. Even in the US, cases are increasing day by day as administrators struggle to bring things under control.
People across the world are in p ..read more
5y ago
Coronavirus or Covid-19 is a major concern world over today. The virus that was initially seen in Wuhan in China has now spread across the world and has already been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The fast spread of the virus has given rise to concerns about overloaded hospitals and the health of people, especially the elderly. In this situation, it is not just governments that are dealing with this crisis but even private organizations. Business leaders who run companies are taking action in this regard.
What can a business leader do in such a situation?
There are m ..read more
5y ago
What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?
We live in a world where there are risks everywhere, including the online world. Security risks exist even on the software we use. Software makers are bringing in stronger features to reduce these risks. One such feature is two-factor authentication (2FA). The password is the most common security feature in all software. If you want to open your email, you need to use your password to do so. Is this security feature strong enough? The answer is no!
Hackers use various tools to crack passwords. Most people use passwords that are easy to remember and he ..read more
5y ago
Conventional recruitment strategies are no longer enough to attract top talent. Many great performers who are actively looking for a new job will not be on the market for long. If you need to attract the best talent, you need to build the right recruitment marketing strategy. Choosing the right SMS marketing strategy not just helps you in attracting potential candidates, but also attracts people with cultural fit. In this digital world, you need to think more like a marketer to choose recruitment marketing strategies.
What is recruitment marketing?
Recruitment marketing refers to using digita ..read more
5y ago
Mobile commerce or mobile sales has become an important element of sales in most organizations. It refers to sales that are done over the mobile phone. It can include sales generated as a result of marketing campaigns carried out over a customer’s mobile phone. Many years back, making telephonic calls on the mobile phone as a preferred marketing activity. Most customers regard such calls as an intrusion on their privacy and may even block the call. Text marketing is the most preferred marketing activity done on a mobile phone.
Why use text marketing for mobile sales?
Using business text mess ..read more