Writing from the Twelfth House
Anne Whitaker's blog exploring astrology's many highways and byways...come and join me!
Writing from the Twelfth House
4d ago
Humans have been debating this question since the beginning of Time and no doubt will continue to do so! No-one has as yet come up with a definitive answer, leaving each of us to make up our own minds regarding what the balance may be. My own view, (hardly original!) based both on life experience in general and the study, teaching and practice of astrology in particular, is that life is a blend of both.  ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
1w ago
I’ve taught astrology to an amazing variety of people, from bus drivers to consultant psychiatrists. I’ve probably read thousands of horoscopes at every level, from well-known folk to young people just beginning to make their way in life. I’ve gradually learned more about myself from my own birth chart; astrology has also helped me to understand my loved ones better.  ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
2w ago
Along with Mercury Retrograde, the Saturn Return is probably the other most notable piece of astrological terminology to have floated away from the shallows of popular astrology, with its one-dimensional focus purely on Sun or Star signs, into somewhat deeper, more complex waters. So – what is this thing called the Saturn Return? And why is it useful in managing our lives' turning points to know about it ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
1M ago
Essentially, a birth chart or horoscope is a one-dimensional ‘slice’ cut through the prevailing energy patterns created by planetary motion on any given place, day and precise time. To move beyond the limited focus of popular sun sign astrology – e.g “You were born on the 17th January therefore you are a Capricorn” – in creating a symbolic picture of your complexity, the astrologer needs these precise details.  ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
1M ago
New Year greetings, everyone! I thought I'd start my blogging year this year by briefly – and hopefully clearly! – answering some of the most common questions I get asked when doing Astrology: Questions and Answers sessions. I really enjoy those events, having done them both on zoom and in person for various groups over the last couple of years ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
3M ago
I absolutely love the irony in all this – scientific reductionism is getting a beating, thanks to a major scientific development i.e. the James Webb Telescope. It looks as though the mystics and symbolists (especially astrologers) have had a more accurate grasp of how things are, all along i.e. for several thousand years at least. This puts the depressing events on planet Earth last week thoroughly in perspective – a vastly larger perspective than we even thought we knew ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
3M ago
The old Earth Era is dying, it’s had its time. A New Air Era beckons, so let’s embrace it as best we can. Let’s make from its strongly Aquarian opening energy an opportunity to come together constructively as a human community. We don’t have to be beholden to war, enmity, hatred and division. Let’s summon up ‘…the better angels of our nature…’ as we face the future ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
4M ago
We are truly living right now through astonishing, turbulent, disruptive times. Those periods when one big cycle comes to an end, and a new one arises, have always been especially turbulent for our world ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
5M ago
It has been instructive and useful to stand back from the massive flurry of detailed, fascinating mundane and personal astrology centred on the upcoming USA election, to look instead at what the epoch-defining cycles are telling us about this historic event. Its outcome will profoundly affect the whole world and all our lives, directly or indirectly.  ..read more
Writing from the Twelfth House
6M ago
I'm excited about Stellar, a new astrology publication... picking up on the energies of the emerging New Order. As Editor Victor Olliver says: '...Stellar online is a multi-media publication – with text, images, podcasts and other regularly updated video content – and aimed at the vast global audience interested in astrology. Stellar is accessible, digestible and engaged ..read more