How Do I Know If I Am Lifting Heavy Enough for Running?
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
5d ago
Strength training plays a crucial role in any running program, but many runners question whether they should lift heavy, and if so are they lifting heavy enough to reap benefits? While experienced lifters may focus on heavier weights for select exercises, there are plenty of advantages to using just bodyweight exercises. The key is understanding... The post How Do I Know If I Am Lifting Heavy Enough for Running? appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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Running After C Section: What to Know
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
1w ago
A C-section, or Caesarean, is a major abdominal surgery that delivers a baby through a surgical incision. The process of being pregnant places a lot of demand and changes on our bodies as does being a mother to an infant. Compound that with a major surgery, and time and grace are needed for our bodies... The post Running After C Section: What to Know appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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How Far to Run Before a Marathon?
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
1w ago
If you are training for a marathon (26.2 miles!), then you need to run far in your training. So how long should your longest long run be before a marathon? You would think that is a simple answer—but it’s not! Because running and training for an endurance event such as a marathon can be complicated... The post How Far to Run Before a Marathon? appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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What You Need to Know About Masters Running
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
3w ago
Masters running is a race category for runners over the age of 40. Master runners are in a different category as research shows that we tend to get slower past the 40-year mark. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Training smarter not harder can help us get faster as aging runners. Indeed, I... The post What You Need to Know About Masters Running appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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Best Winter Running Gear for Running in the Cold
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
1M ago
Running in cold temperatures can lead to improved performance because your body is having to work less to keep you cool. But to reap the benefits of cold weather running, you need proper gear. The best cold weather running gear is made of moisture-wicking fabrics like wool and feature reflective details. Below is the best... The post Best Winter Running Gear for Running in the Cold appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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5 Key Ways to Overcome Race Anxiety
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
1M ago
I haven’t been able to race much in the past five years due to running injuries. Because I am out of practice, I have major race anxiety. Race anxiety or sports performance anxiety or pre race anxiety is when before an athletic competition you feel overly nervous or worried. Negative thoughts begin to spiral. You... The post 5 Key Ways to Overcome Race Anxiety appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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How to Predict Your Marathon Time
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
1M ago
Ahh, don’t we all wish we could have a crystal ball that was a marathon time predictor. But then, what fun would that be?  Part of not knowing how we will perform in our marathon is part of what draws us. Yet, in the heart of my marathon training cycle, I find myself starting to ... Read more The post How to Predict Your Marathon Time appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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Can You Go Running with a Cold?
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
1M ago
You can go running with a cold if you feel up to running and your symptoms are above the neck. However, if you have a hacking cough, headache, fever, or sore throat, it is best to rest. Otherwise, you risk prolonging your illness. Below I detail how to decide when to take time off running ... Read more The post Can You Go Running with a Cold? appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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Running and Menopause: Your Training Guide
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
1M ago
Menopause and running don’t go together well. I know this because I was just told by my doctor that I am going through perimenopause and that’s why running has felt so hard lately.  Menopause is a point in time 12 months after a woman’s last period. It usually happens between the ages of 45 and ... Read more The post Running and Menopause: Your Training Guide appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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How to Maintain Fitness During the Holidays
The Mother Runners
by Whitney Heins
1M ago
It’s a crazy time of year! And so many runners stress about how to maintain fitness during the holidays–me included! But a maintenance running plan can help you maintain fitness without stressing you out with another thing on your list to get done or find time for! This time of year is so busy and ... Read more The post How to Maintain Fitness During the Holidays appeared first on The Mother Runners more
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