Geneticists discover a diversity lifeline for the endangered shortfin mako, the fastest shark in the sea
Save Our Seas Foundation » Ocean News
by Jade Schultz
2w ago
Overfishing is driving sharks to the edge of existence. Recent scientific assessments have shown that more than one-third of sharks, rays and chimaeras are threatened with extinction from a host of threats, including habitat loss and degradation, deep-sea mining and pollution. But by far the greatest concern lies with the unsustainable global demand for the meat, fins and other products from sharks: two-thirds of all these threatened species are at risk from overfishing alone. The post Geneticists discover a diversity lifeline for the endangered shortfin mako, the fastest shark in the sea appe more
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The IUCN’s report on the global status of sharks, rays and chimaeras: a crisis, but there are solutions
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by Jade Schultz
2M ago
Sharks, rays and chimaeras are overfished and heading for extinction. More than 300 scientists have published 20 years of data in a landmark global report that details the biology, fisheries, trade, conservation efforts and policy reforms for these marine animals across 158 countries and jurisdictions. It’s a global wake-up call: we need to address overfishing and bycatch – and urgently. But there is also hope. We have the information to hand, and the dedication of so many has brought us to a historic moment when we can steer towards sustainability. The post The IUCN’s report on the global sta more
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Seychellois researcher makes waves in the fight to save threatened turtles and tortoises
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by SOSF D'Arros Research Centre
3M ago
By developing and adapting a microscopy-based method from avian science, Seychelles-born PhD student Alessia Lavigne is furthering our understanding of reproductive failure in the nation’s turtle and tortoise populations.   Extinction threatens more than half of the world’s turtles and tortoises. Understanding why some eggs fail to hatch is a crucial step in the race […] The post Seychellois researcher makes waves in the fight to save threatened turtles and tortoises appeared first on Save Our Seas Foundation more
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The waning power of taboo
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by Caitlin Allison
5M ago
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Working together for scalloped bonnetheads
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by Caitlin Allison
6M ago
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Sharks and rays threatened by climate change in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
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by Caitlin Allison
6M ago
The nature of the Eastern Tropical Pacific, with its upwelling and complex oceanography, means that it is a region likely to experience significant changes as our climate continues to change. Sharks and rays, a quarter of which are threatened with extinction largely as a result of overfishing, may be particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The post Sharks and rays threatened by climate change in the Eastern Tropical Pacific appeared first on Save Our Seas Foundation more
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Wedge-tailed shearwaters are beating the rat race on D’Arros Island
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by SOSF D'Arros Research Centre
7M ago
ʻI have been very fortunate to work on several islands on many different seabird species,’ begins researcher Danielle Keys, the lead author of a hopeful new paper that shows a 10-fold increase in wedge-tailed shearwater birds on D’Arros Island from 2009 to 2021. Danielle, who hails from Nelson Mandela University in South Africa, joined the research team […] The post Wedge-tailed shearwaters are beating the rat race on D’Arros Island appeared first on Save Our Seas Foundation more
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MPAs benefit biodiversity, but do they work for people?
Save Our Seas Foundation » Ocean News
by Jade Schultz
7M ago
A recently published paper concludes that MPAs are a useful fisheries management tool. These protected areas help to bolster the numbers and body sizes of various important catch species and improve not only the catches, but also catch-per-unit-effort, which is an indirect measure of fish abundance. MPAs also provide ‘spillover’ of healthy numbers of a population to improve the fish stocks outside their borders The post MPAs benefit biodiversity, but do they work for people? appeared first on Save Our Seas Foundation more
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Cool summer seas are a climate-linked killer
Save Our Seas Foundation » Ocean News
by Jade Schultz
7M ago
Scientists scramble to document the life washing ashore as a cold upwelling spell sends ocean temperatures on a downward spiral of more than 7˚C in less than 48 hours. Their list grows to include blacktip sharks and bigeye trevally fish, lobsters, octopus and grouper fish. The death toll is shocking. In the end, no fewer than 260 marine animals from 81 different species wash up on beaches between Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth) and East London. The post Cool summer seas are a climate-linked killer appeared first on Save Our Seas Foundation more
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Collision captured: The impact of boat strikes on basking sharks
Save Our Seas Foundation » Ocean News
by Jade Schultz
7M ago
After serenely feeding at the surface for hours, a seven-metre (23-foot) basking shark suddenly swerves and tumbles dramatically through the water. Seconds later, a boat’s keel is seen, having struck the shark's back as it sped across Ireland’s newly established National Marine Park (NMP). For what’s thought to be the first time, researchers were witnessing the immediate impact of a boat strike on a basking shark – captured on camera using cutting-edge technology that had been deployed just six hours previously. The post Collision captured: The impact of boat strikes on basking sharks appeared more
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