Charing Cross Collectors Market
Blog on Charing Cross Collectors Market...
Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
Or should that be ‘male’? Along with the change to notes and coins, work is underway to mark the accession of King Charles III across our postal system. Stamps with the Queen’s head can be used until the end of January 2023, but we’ll soon see his profile replace hers on new stamps. The question of what happens to the Royal Cipher on the 115,000 or so existing post boxes up and down the country is...
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
A grim reminder of the horrors that war bring is this notice from 1940s London encouraging any pet owners being evacuated or mobilised for war work to euthanise their cats and dogs so they don’t starve in their absence. It will seem horrific by modern standards but was no doubt regarded as a kindness almost a century ago. The cemetery at the address has an extensive plot for animals with some...
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
Of course, we’re open again this Saturday and with the recent passing of Her Late Majesty, the throne falls to the former Prince of Wales, Charles III. And so the second Elizabethan age becomes the second Carolean era (following that of Charles II – that of Charles I is often known as the Caroline Age). The date is yet to be announced for Charles’ coronation but plans were laid for the ceremony...
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
A reminder that we will be closed as a mark of respect this coming Saturday 17th September. We’ll reopen the following weekend.
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
Like so many around the UK and the wider world, we were saddened by the news that Her Majesty The Queen has passed away. As our longest reigning monarch she led with grace and selfless devotion. Our thoughts and prayers are with The Royal Family at this difficult time. Although the Market will be open tomorrow as usual (September 10th), we will be closed the following Saturday as a mark of respect.
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
Becoming a world authority on anything is no mean feat. Yet it’s surprisingly easy. A general collector may have a smattering of knowledge about their pastime but once you start to specialise, it’s very easy to be the expert in your field. Take stamps. If you wanted to collect German ones you’d be hard pressed to rival any of the existing authorities on the subject. Yet once you decide you’re...
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
The introduction of new coins or banknotes usually excites a lot of public and media interest but have you ever wondered about the first coin produced? While we know that various early people were bartering for things they prized at least 40,000 years ago, currency as a representation of inherent value is more difficult to pin down. We do know that some natural objects were used in this way...
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
Not that you could ever have doubted it, but we will of course be OPEN as usual this Saturday. Those stamps, coins, military items, autographs, postcards, African ethnography, beer mats, football programs, memorabilia, antique toys, and all manner of everything else just will not collect themselves!
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
The urge to collect is one of our basic human instincts. Our brain is hardwired to recognise patterns, amassing a huge store of data against which we compare any novelty to see where, or if, it fits in. Whether it’s coins, stamps, military patches, autographs, football programmes, African ethnography or any one of countless other collectibles, for whatever reason a certain subset of precious...
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Charing Cross Collectors Market
2y ago
Putin obviously believed he’d conquer the whole of Ukraine in a matter of a few weeks. It turns out that the Ukrainians, like their stamps, take some licking. The inspiring stories of their resistance to Russian aggression has been celebrated in two fine stamps seen here. The first celebrated the cheeky response of the tiny garrison on Snake Island when asked to surrender by two Russian warships.
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