We Found a Black Mole On Our Dog – What We Did
by Danielle Mühlenberg
1M ago
Spotting a mole on your dog that seemingly appeared out of nowhere can be really scary. And believe me, when I found one on my six-year-old female Rottweiler, I was ..read more
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Should You Leave a Puppy Alone for 8 Hours?
by Danielle Mühlenberg
1y ago
Bringing a new puppy into your life is an exhilarating experience filled with joy, cuddles, and of course, a whole lot of responsibility. As any loving dog owner knows, puppies ..read more
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Newborn Puppy: What Are The First 24 Hours Like?
by Danielle Mühlenberg
1y ago
As you soak in the joy of (future) puppy cuddles, remember the challenges that lie ahead. Vet visits, tracking food intake and weights, socializing, and eventually finding forever homes for ..read more
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How to Groom a Double-Coated Dog at Home Step by Step
by Danielle Mühlenberg
1y ago
Owning a double-coated dog comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to grooming. The undercoat, responsible for providing insulation, sheds throughout the year, with an increased ..read more
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Is It Cruel to Crate a Dog While at Work? Controversy Ahead!
by Danielle Mühlenberg
1y ago
Crate training has been a widely debated topic among dog owners, with concerns about the ethicality and impact on a dog’s well-being. While PETA argues that crates will not help ..read more
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10 Traveling Tips for Dogs with Motion Sickness
by Danielle Mühlenberg
1y ago
Setting out on a road trip with your canine companion promises adventure, bonding, and a trunk full of memories. However, as the wheels start turning, some dogs find themselves grappling ..read more
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Why It’s Good You’re Feeling Guilty Over Returning a Dog
by Danielle Mühlenberg
1y ago
Most people dislike making difficult decisions, especially when they’re based on arguably foolish decisions from our past selves. But sometimes it’s necessary to overcome that emotional burden and that’s certainly ..read more
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Is My Dog Affected By My Period?
by Danielle Mühlenberg
1y ago
Among a dog’s most powerful tools is the nose which makes identifying changes in their humans a piece of cake. They can track bodies, identify illegal substances, and sniff out ..read more
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Can a Dog Bond With Two Owners?
by Danielle
1y ago
If you have ever had the pleasure of sharing your life with a dog, you have likely marveled at the remarkable bond that can develop between humans and their four-legged ..read more
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Do Dogs Know When to Stop Eating?
by Danielle
1y ago
Whenever your dog devours his kibble with enthusiasm and a speed that would put competitive eaters to shame, it’s natural to wonder whether your dog would ever stop eating. What ..read more
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